关注: 40 贴子: 246


  • 目录:
  • 综合体育
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    2015年,Mathews公司推出了全新滑轮系统“No Cam”,开创了又一个偏心轮技术的先河,这种上下两个相同圆轮的轮组系统在同步性、一致性、平衡性、稳定性、精确性等方面有着显著的提高。“No Cam”系统虽然牺牲了部分箭速,但换来的却是轻松发力并且拉感非常顺滑,从开弓到峰值到停止点一气呵成,储能段前后过度十分流畅。另外基于这种滑轮系统高对称的设计,Mathews公司在弓把上能让握把的位置降到最低,这使得真正意义上的中心发射成为现实。
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    一张图解释为什么很多弓友射不准的原因,很多弓友纳闷为什么训练了很久,训练量也很大,也很用心,但是就是射不准,找到一张图片解释一下, 第一看弓弦,在撒放瞬间弓弦是扭动着向前推箭的,也就是说箭最终的目标地是脱离箭巢的一瞬间决定的,所以必须在撒放时候保持前手稳定。 第二看后手,撒放以后后手千万不能有前倾的动作,必须后劲向后才能最大程度的保证箭不受撒放手的影响。 第三身体在撒放瞬间也同时保持稳定, 第四双臂在
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    申请人:@豆妮爱射箭♂😈 申请感言:建立一个良好学习氛围的射箭知识贴吧,让更多的爱好者能学习射箭知识提高射箭技术!让更多的爱好者可以更喜欢射箭!
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    经核实吧主x10箭靶 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 x10箭靶吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
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    申请人:@豆妮爱射箭♂😈 申请感言:建立一个良好学习氛围的射箭知识贴吧,让更多的爱好者能学习射箭知识提高射箭技术!让更多的爱好者可以更喜欢射箭!
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    非常实用的野外射箭技术的讲解,喜欢野外射箭弓友可以共同学习!🙏 野外射箭在几个方面不同于场地射准。主要区别是: Les archers de tir en campagne tirent des distances connues et inconnues de 5-60 m. dépendant de leur catégorie. 不同弓种的野外射手是在5-60米的未知和已知距离射箭。 L'archer de tir en campagne doit s'entraîner sur beaucoup plus de distances différentes, ainsique pour l'évaluation des distances. 野外射手需要在许多不同的距离进行训练,并对距离进行估测。 Les archers de tir sur cibl
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    经核实吧主x10箭靶 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 x10箭靶吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
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    经核实吧主x10箭靶 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 x10箭靶吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
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    石——骨——铜——铁——钢 箭头比较早期的是石头做的,在中国山西朔县峙峪文化遗址出土有距今大约28000年的箭镞。后来有了骨质箭头。再后来有了青铜箭头。再再后来有了铁制箭头。 现在奥运会射箭赛场上大多是钨钢箭头。一个字:相当贵。
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    申请人:@豆妮爱射箭♂😈 申请感言:建立一个良好学习氛围的射箭知识贴吧,让更多的爱好者能学习射箭知识提高射箭技术!
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    在不断追求更远的射程以及更大的侵彻力时,单一材料显然已经无法满足人类的需求,两种材料以上的组合加强弓也就应运而生。不知道从什么时候开始,人类掌握了材料组合的制弓方式,但可以肯定的是这种组合式的工艺不仅只用在弓梢的制作上,比如非常有名的不丹竹弓,就是用两片竹片在握把处叠加的制作方式。 组合加强弓是由单体弓发展而来的,不同的材料具有不同的特性,当人类了解到不同材料的特性之后,根据不断试验的经验将它们组
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    我买来大概用了十个月 平均每周打一两次 每次一小时左右 正面已经打烂了 挂不住箭了(会弹出来或下坠 为此已经费了一组箭了)600多买的质量最好的哪个品牌(不说啥牌子的了) 宣传的10万箭是不行的 一万箭大概都没有 。我想问下我这种情况正常吗 还望大佬们不吝赐教。如果这种耐操程度的话 按价格来说是和普通箭靶差不多的 普通箭靶这价格能买五个 也能够打很久了 没准还比x10的划算。我目前把里面的絮都拿出来了(但只装回去一半 实在塞
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    箭扣和箭尾 All types of nocking points are allowed – Some commercially available nock locators have the advantage of consistent thickness, but they can tend to break and are not suitable to fit thicker strings. When using the nocking points/arrow nocks combination, the angle between the string and the arrow doesn’t play a role, but the arrow nocks of this arrangement are easily damaged by hits of other arrow on the target. Take care to have an adequate spare supply; special nocks may not be readily available at all archery outlets. 允许使用各种箭尾 —— 一些市售箭尾的
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    箭侧垫(箭震吸收器) Any kind of adjustable pressure button is allowed as long as the pressure point is not place any further back than 2cm (inside) from the throat of the handle (pressure point). The pressure button is set up exactly the same as for a “freestyle recurve bow”. 允许使用任何一种箭侧垫,只要其与箭杆的接触点从握柄凹口(最低点)后置不超过2厘米(含)。箭侧垫的安装设置与“竞技反曲弓”的完全一致。
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    箭台 Use a strong arrow rest. An arrow rest needs to be reliable and sturdy for barebow archery. Most standard flip rests are robust enough to withstand the pressure the arrow puts on the rest at short distances when string walking. At longer distances (like 50 metres ) there is little influence of the arrow rest on the arrow flight. The draw point is close to the arrow; the arrow leaves the string close to a straight line and will have sufficient ‘ clearance’ while passing the arrow rest. 光弓射箭一定要使用坚固、可靠的箭台。近射程用指幅发射时,多数侧臂式
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    箭扣和箭尾 All types of nocking points are allowed – Some commercially available nock locators have the advantage of consistent thickness, but they can tend to break and are not suitable to fit thicker strings. When using the nocking points/arrow nocks combination, the angle between the string and the arrow doesn’t play a role, but the arrow nocks of this arrangement are easily damaged by hits of other arrow on the target. Take care to have an adequate spare supply; special nocks may not be readily available at all archery outlets. 允许使用各种箭尾 —— 一些市售箭尾的
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    Arrow Rest 箭台 Use a strong arrow rest. An arrow rest needs to be reliable and sturdy for barebow archery. Most standard flip rests are robust enough to withstand the pressure the arrow puts on the rest at short distances when string walking. At longer distances (like 50 metres ) there is little influence of the arrow rest on the arrow flight. The draw point is close to the arrow; the arrow leaves the string close to a straight line and will have sufficient ‘ clearance’ while passing the arrow rest. 光弓射箭一定要使用坚固、可靠的箭台。近射程用指幅发射时,多
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    申请人:豆妮爱射箭♂😈 申请感言:为射箭事业发展自己力量!
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    弓弦 All kinds of string material and colours are allowed. The centre serving should not have markings for aiming. The heavier the string (the more strands) or the heavier the centre serving (double serving), the slower the string. The top of the centre serving may not exceed eye height; otherwise it could be construed as being used as a measuring aid. 允许使用各种材质和颜色的弦料,但中心护线不应有可用作瞄准的标记。弓弦越重(更多股数)或中心护线越重(双层护线),弓弦的回弹速度就越慢。中心护线的上端不能高于射手的
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    2.3 弓片 It is not allowed to have marks that could be of use in aiming, on the front side (inside) of the limbs. Barebow limbs should be ‘stiff’, to maximize side stability, so that the bow will not dance around on release. The following figure gives you an idea of the differences in limbs. 在上弓片的前边(内面)不允许有任何可以用于瞄准的标记。光弓弓片应该是“变形率低”的,以达到最大程度的侧向稳定,这样在放箭时,弓就不会左摇右摆。下表能够使您对不同材质弓片的差异有所了解。 Material 材料 Speed of
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    2.2握柄 Take care that the bow grip has no contact beyond the life-line of the archers’ hand (no contact at the side of the little finger). There is generally no sliding of the grip to either side; the hand pushes towards the pressure point, the bow should leave the palm of the hand straight forward. Leave it up the archer’s feeling of comfort whether they choose a high, a low or a medium grip. You can resize the grip or even make a new (wooden) one. 要注意弓的握柄不应接触射手推弓手生命线以外的部分(小指一侧的手掌)。推弓的施力点如果正确,弓
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    Barebow Module 光弓章节 1. Introduction: 1、 前言: Barebow archery and recurve archery are much alike, therefore in this barebow module we concentrate on those elements of archery that are typical for barebow and refer for the common elements to the recurve module. 光弓射箭与反曲弓射箭非常相似,因此,在光弓章节中,我们着重讲解光弓射箭的特殊要素,并涉及反曲弓教学章节中的一些普遍原理。 The barebow is defined for competition by FITA rules. (FITA Constitution and Rules, book 4, Chapter 9.3). It can be described as a bow that is s
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