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  • 目录:
  • 艺术鉴赏
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    4月27日到7月27日,整整三个月,我们从来没等过这么长时间。 中间很多时候我们都以为3PS倒闭了,自从上次那个毫无新意的鲨鱼屏保推出后,仅仅有一个Sharks Great White的改编,如同白开水一样毫无味道,只能姑且填填公司三个月的空白。 但是这次3PS真的是下了血本了... 一楼照例签名档
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    whu_qinyu 9-24
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    某天突发感想,于是就把可以用户自定义图片加入场景的几款屏保拿出来做了段视频(因为我系忍者神龟迷所以图片选的都是忍者神龟的^__^),movie maker初水平制作,不过做到要收尾时才发现输出画质要被压缩的惨不忍睹,早知道就用点好的软件现学现卖也行啊T T,所以高清什么的还原不了好可惜。。。 另:这里新人一枚,请多关照~
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    We proudly present our new live wallpaper and screensaver: 威尼斯
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    我今天上网站,打开“Nature”我突然间惊讶了。 Grand Canyon 3D
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    屏保名称:Sunny Patio:阳光庭院 上市日期:2011年8月 官方介绍:Is there anything better than a summer travel to the sea? A travel that takes you back in time to the old and narrow streets leading you to the patio right by the seashore from where you will enjoy the fascinating sea view in front of your eyes. 试着翻译: 还有什么事情比在夏天去海边旅行更加惬意的吗?这次旅行将带你回到从前的时光,古老狭窄的街道,迷人的海滨庭院风景,伴随着阳光照进来。享受这迷人的海景吧……就在你的眼前! 【】
    whu_qinyu 8-30
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    屏保名称:Dolphins 中文译名:海豚 官方介绍: Dive into the deep ocean with no aqualung and swim with the dolphins, without leaving your computer! With Dolphins 3D Screensaver, your desktop will be transformed into a porthole to spy on the underwater world. You’ve never experienced this before. 试着翻译: 不必潜水,便能随时遇见海豚在深海中游泳——只要不离开你的电脑屏幕。下载海豚的三维屏幕保护程序,您的桌面将被改造成一个舷窗,随心所欲地遨游海底世界。这,想必你以前从未经历。 文件大小
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    官方网站介绍: Get to the deck of one the most famous battleships in naval history which served from World War II through Desert Storm! Take a closer look at the Mighty Mo and enjoy stunningly-detailed animation of the ship sailing and crew at their stations. 翻译: 来看一个海军历史上最有名的战斗——是从第二次大战期间,看看万能的密苏里战舰!再仔细看看,看呀,令人震惊啊——还有详细的船舶航行仪器及船长船员的动画! 补充: 他的意思是说你有可能在某一个视角看到船上的人。这个屏保的好处
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    官方网站介绍: Travel back to the Jurassic to discover the infinite variety of prehistoric life! Watch Tyrannosaurus Rex in all its glory roaming around the beautifully animated ancient world, and enjoy the Jurassic period happening on your desktop. 翻译: 让我们回到侏罗纪,去探索多彩的的史前生命!看霸王龙——它所有的荣耀!精美的时光动画回到了远古的世界,就在你的桌面——享受侏罗纪时期! 截图: 大小:56.2MB(PS:嗯,3Planesoft史上容量最大的屏保) 第 10 款屏保 下载地址:http://www.3planesoft.com/
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    官方网站介绍: Winter scene nature animated 3D screensaver: Enjoy the look and sound of the winter holidays with this realistic 3D motion-and-sound screensaver movie. Relax with tastefully picked original music or customize the sound with your own collection. 翻译: 冬天的场景动画的三维屏保,享受与欣赏和冬季的声音与具有真实感且声情并茂的屏幕保护程序。品味一下,轻松一下,把原创音乐或定制声音收藏起来。 截图: 大小:22.0MB 第 9 款屏保 下载地址:http://www.3planesoft.com/files/winterwonderland.exe 推荐
    5945gx 9-17
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    官方网站介绍: Forget the boredom of short breaks amidst busy workdays - dive right into the blue skies of Europe to take a ride along some of the most legendary planes of the early 20th century! Download Vintage Aircraft 3D Screensaver and enjoy the show! 翻译: 忘记在繁忙工作日中无聊的小憩,翱翔在欧洲美丽的天空,乘坐20世纪初期最传奇的飞机吧!下载老飞机的三维屏幕保护程序,并享受飞行的乐趣! 补充: 屏保开始后,可以按回车键切换模式,一种是飞行模式,即显示飞机飞行的画面,一种是环
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    官方网站介绍: Enjoy retro tube clocks, the latest LED timepieces and everything in between with this screensaver and animated desktop wallpaper. Choose the style you like most or leave it to chance, savoring the ultrarealistic 3D graphics! Great for all ages! 翻译: 享受复古管式时钟,新型的LED钟和在这个屏保里面的一切。选择你最喜欢的那个风格或顺其自然吧,观赏极品的3D图像!老少皆宜! 补充: 这款屏保展示的是由一个复杂的机械系统组成的数字式时钟。下载后可以在“Settings”中选择。 截图:
    whu_qinyu 10-4
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    官方网站介绍: A beautiful, calm and peaceful screensaver in a nature-themed 3D environment of bright flowers, gently swaying blades of grass and with the occasional bumblebee or ladybird buzzing past, giving a light, breezy and peaceful ambiance to your pc screen. 翻译: 一个美丽、平静的屏幕保护程序在三维环境,自然主题上呈现。鲜艳的花朵,轻轻摇来摇去的芳草,偶尔大黄蜂或瓢虫嗡嗡地飞过去,使焕然一新,轻松与和平的氛围到达您的电脑屏幕上。 大小:37.1MB 第 6 款屏保 推荐星级:8.5 下载地址:http://ww
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    官方网站介绍: A beautiful, alien planet-themed 3D screensaver showing calm waters, exotic vegetation and a stunning alien sky, giving an unusually beautiful yet peaceful ambiance to your pc screen. Colors are themed in greens, blues and purples, with light and shadow tailored to enhance the atmosphere. 翻译: 一个美丽、遥远星球主题的三维屏幕保护程序,有着平静的水面、具有异国情调的植被和一个惊人的外星天空,展现出了异乎寻常的美丽但和平氛围到您的电脑屏幕上。这里主要是绿色、蓝色和紫色的东西,光与阴
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    官方网站介绍: A bright and dynamic screensaver devoted to a popular track racing championship. Wild speeds, tons of drive, red-hot emotions and the untamed spirit of competition -everything here is just as unpredictable as in real-life racing! 翻译: 这个动态屏保致力于一个的受欢迎的汽车场地冠军赛,让你眼前一亮。野生的速度,重量驱动器,炽热的情感,骜竞争之魂——正如在变幻莫测的现实生活中赛跑! 截图: 大小:49.9MB 第 4 款屏保 下载地址:http://www.3planesoft.com/files/stockcarracing.exe 推荐星级
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    官方网站介绍: Quiet autumn evening in the country near a centuries-old forest. Enjoy a sunset in the fall, hear clicks and crackles coming out the thicket, water splashes in the nearby creek. Feel the freshness of the air saturated with the aroma of fallen leaves. 翻译:历史悠久的森林里有着安静的乡下秋夜。在秋天欣赏一下落日风景,点击和放电似的噼啪响声听出来,附近的小溪中的水溅出在灌木丛中,可以感觉到空气的清新的落叶的芬芳。 大小:30.9MB 第 2 款屏保 下载地址:http://www.3planesoft.com/files/autumnwo
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    官方网站介绍: Medieval Castle is an ultimate 3D screensaver for all romantic people with a passion for the Middle Ages. Excellent graphics and the authentic atmosphere of a centuries-old castle where life never stops even for a split second! 翻译: 中世纪的城堡是一种终极的三维屏幕保护程序,为所有的浪漫的人与热情,对中世纪。优秀的图形和真实的大气的历史悠久的城堡——生活不停止,甚至一瞬间! 截图: 大小:41.7MB 第 3 款屏保 下载地址:http://www.3planesoft.com/files/medievalcastle.exe 推荐星级:9.2

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目录: 艺术鉴赏
