回复:9.26激光去痣 每天记录~期待变化
洗完澡 非常红
贴吧:激光去痣作者:永夜初晗? 2015-11-19 23:39
Preparation of the Christmas cake was an English tradition which started centuries ago. On Christmas Eve, plum porridge was served to people. As years passed, various other things like dry fruits, honey and spices were used. Soon this porridgegot replaced with the Christmas cake is an integral part of a Christmas menu.

贴吧:一起说吧17t作者:网络英语教师颖 2015-12-03 14:35
锟截革拷锟斤拷【分享】16-03-02A大NIZ Plum 84静电容到了
贴吧:机械键盘作者:希望是好的? 2016-03-08 18:03
English Vocabulary
1. zest n. 强烈的兴趣,热情,热心
2. plum porridge 梅花粥
3. confection n. 糖果,蜜饯
4. integral adj. 完整的,整体的,必需的
5. exchange vt. 交换
6. tinsel n. 金属箔
7. indispensable adj. 不可或缺的,绝对必要的
8. conduct vt. 引导,管理,传导
9. enchant vt. 施魔法,使迷惑
10. hymn n. 赞美诗,圣歌
11.crib n. 马槽,栅栏
12. grudge n. 怨恨,恶意,妒忌
13. exuberance n. 茂盛,丰富
贴吧:一起说吧17t作者:网络英语教师颖 2015-12-03 14:58


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