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1楼2012-10-17 21:51回复

    IP属地:广东2楼2012-10-17 22:50

      IP属地:湖南来自手机贴吧5楼2012-10-18 18:55
        Generation gaps have always existed. The generation who grew up with the first automobiles shocked their parents by having wild parties accompanied by jazz music in the 1920's. But one of the greatest generation gaps in history was the one between Boomers, those born in the years following WWII, and their parents and grandparents.
        My father was born in 1919. He spent his teenaged years in the Great Depression. Pleasures and pastimes were few for him, as he pulled through harsh economic times on a Minnesota farm. Poor dental care cost him his teeth by the age of thirty. So entertainment and having fun were rather low on his list of priorities. In addition, he disliked loud rock and roll music, and saw little reason in the student protests of the 60's.
        He was a great father, but you can see how his thinking and the thinking of his offspring would be so different.
        The parents who worked so hard to provide great lives for the post WWII-born children would one day find themselves disagreeing with their children over the cultural, musical, and political preferences. For instance, refusal to go to war in 1942 would have been regarded as cowardly. However, many Boomers were bold enough to question the very morality of the war in Vietnam, and to thereby burn draft cards and loudly protest and refuse to go, fleeing to Canada or going to jail, if necessary.
        Our parents just couldn't relate or understand.
        But not all of us protested the war or used drugs, though it's hard to imagine a Boomer not being into Rock and Roll. But even if we lived more straight-laced lives than the hippies on the nightly news, there's no doubt that our thinking was a whole lot different from that of our parents. And that constituted a massive generation gap that has not been repeated since.

        6楼2013-04-09 19:05