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Audiomachine - Platinum Series III: Eterna [Lossless│FLAC]


IP属地:重庆1楼2012-11-14 19:23回复
    Artist: Audiomachine
    Quality: Lossless│FLAC
    Total Size: 848 MB
    Total Time: 02:17:48

    IP属地:重庆2楼2012-11-14 19:38
      01 Eterna
      02 Hymn of the rising
      03 Path to freedom
      04 Road to glory
      05 Age of innocence
      06 Prelude of dreams
      07 Breath and life
      08 Atonement
      09 The new world
      10 The prophecy
      11 Hero's journey
      12 Redemption
      13 Inductive reasoning
      14 Absolution
      15 Worlds collide
      16 Army of kings
      17 Quest for peace
      18 Beyond good and evil
      19 Lost generation
      20 Guardians at the gate
      21 Illuminati
      22 Hell's battalion
      23 Lost raiders
      24 Legions of doom
      25 Mercenary revolution
      26 Siege towers
      27 Lady in the water
      28 Visions of Utopia
      29 Ring of secrets
      30 Sinner's prayer
      31 Souls in waiting
      32 Miserere nobis
      33 Yearning
      34 Lost Raiders Drums
      35 Legions of Doom Drums
      36 Army of Kings Drums
      37 Siege Towers Drums
      38 Worlds Collide Drums
      39 Eterna [No Choir]
      40 Eterna [No Drums]
      41 Hymn of the Rising [No Choir]
      42 Hymn of the Rising [No Drums]
      43 Path to Freedom [No Choir]
      44 Path to Freedom [No Drums]
      45 Road to Glory [No Choir]
      46 Road to Glory [No Drums]
      47 Age of Innocence [No Choir]
      48 Prelude of Dreams [No Choir]
      49 Prelude of Dreams [No Drums]
      50 Breath and Life [No Choir]
      51 Atonement [No Choir]
      52 The New World [No Choir]
      53 The New World [No Drums]
      54 The Prophecy [No Choir]
      55 The Prophecy [No Drums]
      56 Hero's Journey [No Choir]
      57 Hero's Journey [No Drums]
      58 Redemption [No Choir]
      59 Inductive Reasoning [No Choir]
      60 Absolution [No Choir]
      61 Worlds Collide [No Choir]
      62 Army of Kings [No Choir]
      63 Quest for Peace [No Choir]
      64 Beyond Good and Evil [No Choir]
      65 Lost Generation [No Choir]
      66 Guardians at the Gate [No Choir]
      67 Illuminati [No Choir].
      68 Hell's Battalion [No Choir]
      69 Lost Raiders [No Choir].flac
      70 Legions of Doom [No Choir]
      71 Mercenary Revolution [No Choir]
      72 Siege Towers [No Choir]

      IP属地:重庆3楼2012-11-14 19:39

        IP属地:广东4楼2012-12-07 11:39