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Zero Dark Thirty is one of the most offensive propaganda film crafted for critics and American jingoists I've seen in a long time. There is nothing worth while in this film. It's dull, repetitious, badly acted mess without a clear goal or any intentions of exploring it's subject matter, politics surrounding it and moral and ethical questions.
Zero Dark Thirty is amateurishly directed, badly written and poorly acted trash. It has no style, no cinematic visuals or any indications that this was made any kind of passion. Katheryn Bigelow was banking on the fact, that the premise alone will carry the film. So visually and technically it's bland, flat and badly shot without any spark of creativity. The script is very mechanical and dry. The dialog is bad and has some cringe worthy lines. The script focuses on dry facts and forgets any humanity or conflict. Also the characters are one note caricatures without any depth. Plus it's not helped by the terrible acting. Jessica Chastain just kill this film with her blank, Kristen Stewart like expressions mixed with painful attempts at being tough and bad***. Other actors just seem bored or just ham it up. How dare you use Mark Strong and not let him be awesome? Zero Dark Thirty has no redeeming qualities and it should be buried in the shallow grave after being shot in the head.
If enjoy watching scenes of people being tortured, audio queues from 9/11, integrating fictional characters into real life terrorist attacks and other kind of pandering to lowest common denominator, you might like this garbage. If not then avoid it, because it's a terrible film that will only make you mad. If you are curios then find a way to see it for free. Just don't give your money to those hacks that made this fecal matter.

1楼2013-01-20 08:53回复
    Jessica Chastain just kill this film with her blank, Kristen Stewart like expressions mixed with painful attempts at being tough and bad***.

    2楼2013-01-20 08:56

      IP属地:广东4楼2013-01-20 10:10

        IP属地:广东5楼2013-01-20 19:36

          IP属地:云南来自Android客户端6楼2013-01-20 20:34