the_solution吧 关注:59贴子:2,107
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To my greatest horror.


Starting to believe many variables were determined and able to foresee as an embryo in the uterus.
This is when my beliefs of having the opportunity to choose the man I shall become shattered and collapsed.
This is what makes us all fatal.

来自iPhone客户端1楼2013-04-26 06:04回复
    迟早有一天。或许还等不及出生。作为五六个月的胚胎,人类就会被分为几等人。Based on scientific evidence.
    Fair discrimination.
    There will be completely no Human Rights for the lower type. The gulf between the two species will immensely enlarge but we will let it happen for it is entitled as natural selection.
    We shall be selected before birth.

    来自iPhone客户端2楼2013-04-26 06:23