rainiefly0731吧 关注:7贴子:116
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来自Android客户端1楼2013-08-10 11:56回复

    来自Android客户端2楼2013-08-10 11:56

      来自Android客户端3楼2013-08-10 12:25

        来自Android客户端4楼2013-08-10 12:26
          (counter claim)If we stopped vaccinations, there will be more rates of getting diseases. The one of the function of vaccine is prevent the diseases. The first quote is that “Each year, the vaus caused an estimated 4 million cases of chickenpox , 11,000 hospitalization, and 100-1500 deaths.""(varicella)”. This quote shows the virus caused too many cases. The virus is so dangerous for people. The data of hospitalization and deaths is appreciable. It can tell the people that vaccination cannot be stooped. “Before parents immunizations more available rearly all children developed whooping cough. In the U.S.porer to parent is immunization between 150,000 and 260,000 cases of parent is were reported each year with up to 9,000 parent is related deaths.” The data of reporting is a big number. People often remember the scared things, so they will care about theirselves. The data of the cases always make a big impact to people and the society. No one dare to forget pain diseases, and no one can give up to keep healthy.
          (math) Vaccine can sometimes cause injury and death. There are a quote can show the injuries and deaths. “The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Compensation Program hat paid out over $1.5 billion dollars in damages to families for injuries and death following a vaccine reaction.”(Klicka p1)” for good vaccine quote .... Vaccines help us develop par immune system.

          来自iPhone客户端5楼2014-03-31 18:34
            (counter claim)If we stopped vaccinations, there will be more rates of getting diseases. The one of the function of vaccine is prevent the diseases. The first quote is that “Each year, the vaus caused an estimated 4 million cases of chickenpox , 11,000 hospitalization, and 100-1500 deaths.""(varicella)”. This quote shows the virus caused too many cases. The virus is so dangerous for people. The data of hospitalization and deaths is appreciable. It can tell the people that vaccination cannot be stooped. “Before parents immunizations more available rearly all children developed whooping cough. In the U.S.porer to parent is immunization between 150,000 and 260,000 cases of parent is were reported each year with up to 9,000 parent is related deaths.” The data of reporting is a big number. People often remember the scared things, so they will care about theirselves. The data of the cases always make a big impact to people and the society. No one dare to forget pain diseases, and no one can give up to keep healthy.
            (math) Vaccine can sometimes cause injury and death. There are a quote can show the injuries and deaths. “The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Compensation Program hat paid out over $1.5 billion dollars in damages to families for injuries and death following a vaccine reaction.”(Klicka p1)” for good vaccine quote .... Vaccines help us develop par immune system.

            来自iPhone客户端6楼2014-03-31 18:34

              来自Android客户端8楼2014-03-31 19:51
                [1,the last]that shows vaccination is effective about preventing diseases. Vaccination is a brilliant
                [2,the last] vaccination can help human's bodies to remember how to kill the diseases, and that always can improve the human's immunization. Vaccination will be the one of the most brilliant inventions in the world.

                来自Android客户端9楼2014-03-31 21:28
                  “vaccines are of ten unnecessary in many cases where the threat of death from disease is small.(should any vaccines be required for children)” lalala But only a few people died if people don’t got shouts they will be sick. “the CDC estimates that rotavirus caused approximately 453,000 infant deaths globally, main in developing countries, and 20 to 60 deaths of children under 5 years old per year in the united states before the vaccine was introduced.(should any vaccines be required for children)”

                  来自iPhone客户端10楼2014-04-29 18:35