揭锅拿锅话说其实...吧 关注:33贴子:1,582
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IP属地:广东1楼2013-10-11 23:00回复

    Writing: Write about the
    following topic:
    people say that the only way to guarantee getting a good job is to complete a
    course of university education. Others claim that college education is useless
    and it is better to start work after school and gain experience in the world of
    far do you agree or disagree with the above views?
    Give reasons for your
    answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
    Write at least 150 words.(.)I

    IP属地:广东2楼2013-10-11 23:01

      For a
      small but increasing number of young women in modern-day China, true love is all about the
      numbers. A potential suitor may have a good sense of humor and reasonable good
      looks, but what they say really matters is if he owns an apartment and how many
      square feet it is. A sizable bank account is also a must, and, some say, so is
      a luxury car.I

      IP属地:广东3楼2013-10-11 23:01
        In response to the public outcry over Ma's infamous
        quote — as well as comments from other money-obsessed contestants on If You
        Are the One and shows like it — the State Administration of Radio, Film and
        Television (SARFT) issued a harsh set of new rules in early June for
        matchmaking programs." Incorrect social and love values such as money
        worship should not be presented in the shows," the notice read.I

        IP属地:广东4楼2013-10-11 23:01
          As part of its effort to ease the traffic jams in the capital, Beijing, the municipal government is to start a customized bus service.
          Now,What's your opinion about starting a customized bus service in Beijing?

          IP属地:广东5楼2013-10-24 09:51