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学霸吧友 求英语作文


假如你是李华,你伦敦的朋友David 最近写信告诉你放弃申请2012伦敦奥 运会志愿者的想法 请你根据以下要点,给他写一封信, 劝他不要放弃,继续参加这项活动。
一、David善于交际熟悉伦敦情况, 适合做志愿者,
二、做志愿者是锻炼 自己的一次难得的机会,
三、要抓住 机会,争做一名优秀的奥运志愿者I

来自Android客户端1楼2013-11-03 22:11回复
    Dear David,
    I'm glad that you could write to me to talk about your worry and ask me for some advice.As your best friend,what I want to say is that I hope you can give it your best shot.Don't lose your confidence,and just do it.
    Well,first of all,as you are not only familiar with London but also good at communication, being a volunteer must be a good choice for you and you can do it well.Then,being a volunteer of the 2012 London Olympic is a great opportunity for you to practice your communicative ability.Therefore, I advice you to grasp this unique chance.Last but not the least,if you desire to do something well,you should give it your best shot and keep going without giving up.Become a great volunteer of the 2012 London Olympic,I'm sure you can do it.
    Great works are performed not by strength,but by perseverance.Since you've chosen to become a volunteer,you should keep it going.You can do it!
    Best wishes!
    Li Hua

    IP属地:中国香港2楼2013-11-03 22:39

      IP属地:湖南来自Android客户端3楼2013-11-03 22:47