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social anxiety


IP属地:山东1楼2013-11-09 18:40回复
    hi my name is Jesse and this is the story of how I got over my social anxiety

    IP属地:山东2楼2013-11-09 18:40
      when I was younger there are two things that I could not get enough
      chocolate cake and world Warcraft
      out only stop playing T eat and jack off

      IP属地:山东4楼2013-11-09 18:42
        now this is what I look like at around 17 years old
        can you see the sadness in my eyes I hated life
        and I try to escape it through video games and a lot

        IP属地:山东6楼2013-11-09 18:43
          I almost never smiled hear my mom is trying to push my mouth
          some sort of Graham but it's not happening I would walk around life with

          IP属地:山东7楼2013-11-09 18:43
            hi my name is Jesse and this is the story of how I got over my social
            anxiety when I was younger there are two things that I could not get enough
            chocolate cake and world Warcraft
            out only stop playing T eat and jack off now this is what I look like at around 17 years old
            can you see the sadness in my eyes I hated life
            and I try to escape it through video games and a lot
            food I almost never smiled hear my mom is trying to push my mouth
            some sort of Graham but it's not happening I would walk around life with
            overwhelming feeling of constant anxiety
            kinda like that feeling you get right before roller coasters about to drop
            accept that never actually drops but there's this weird pit in your stomach
            and you're just waiting for something really really bad to happen
            going to the grocery store was a huge ordeal for me because
            I we getting society from doing the simplest things like just
            talking to the cashier when someone would ask me what time it was I would
            freeze up
            in my mind go blank even though someone was just simply asking me the damn time
            a lot of people experienced this and if you don't then consider yourself
            very lucky and i'm talking about. social
            anxiety I suffered from it for most of my life
            I was constantly in this mental prison and I always wondered how
            other people could so freely do things like make friends and talk to strangers
            it baffled me everything in my life is going well
            except for the fact that I couldn't even enjoy it because of the horrible mess
            I'm social anxiety life sucked for absolutely no
            logical reason when I was 17 my doctor officially diagnosed me with having
            social anxiety disorder
            the first thing he did was put me on medication I was on packs a land
            at a van I thought I was on my way to being cured when something really weird
            happened I took the medication for about a week
            and then start to feel numb and weirdly
            empty no longer like a person I didn't feel anxious or com
            or sad or happy I I just felt no and I knew this wasn't how a person should be
            feeling so I got off the medication immediately and realized I needed to
            find another solution
            now what about to say is just my personal experience and I'm no doctor
            but I cured my social anxiety completely
            how did I do this well
            you know that feeling you get when every single fiber in your body is telling you
            not to do something
            even though you know you should your hands are sweating your heart starts
            beating faster and faster louder and louder
            until you can even hear yourself things and the only former believe would be to
            leave the situation
            immediately so instead of leaving like I always did I used my anxiety attack
            to push myself out of my comfort zone for example
            I was at a grocery store remains it. what I've done I would make it a point
            to start a conversation with someone that work there
            right away eventually I would force myself to strike up conversations with
            random strangers
            and what happened after I would push myself to do this was simply amazing
            I would lead the conversation or interaction feeling completely
            you the feeling and euphoria I realized that if I just
            forced myself to do what I didn't want to do
            I ended up feeling amazing regardless if they like me or not night
            built on top world might not even make sense at first or seem relevant on the
            surface but
            it provided me with the mindset that its old K
            to talk to people and that my fears a social situations where
            complete and other bullshit so here's what happens
            at first your feelings I that's completely normal but after a while that
            you in a few 40 and I talked about will be more powerful than any feelings of
            for me forcing myself and pushing myself to talk to anybody
            and get out of my comfort zone was my answer my social anxiety was crippling
            and when I figured out this little trick my life completely changed the problem
            for most people
            is that the feelings I T is just want one so instead they don't push
            out of their comfort zones this is you inside your comfort zone %uh
            you need to get out have your comfort zone order to grow as a person %uh
            but initially it won't be easy in this going to just plain suck
            not gonna light but once you get past this campaign period it gets so much
            things that one skein Ewing's it. will instead make you feel really good
            I really believe that getting out there and just talking to people has
            strained my life when I look back at how are used to act feel
            I'm amazed it seems utterly ridiculous that I felt anxious about the things
            that I have since congress and one other thing that I would always do with just
            avoid people let's say I was walking to class and I knew that on the way to
            class I would run into someone I knew
            I would then purposely take the long way around just to avoid that
            interactions it was to that a wasn't helping the Emir
            I've grown so much as a person since I've started actively challenging
            some now might not even have social anxiety but
            everyone has things that are challenging for them
            same principles apply set goals for yourself
            push yourself Adam you're comfortable stagnating in comfort is one of the
            worst things a person can do
            I know you had excuses as to why you can
            I've been there I've had more excuses than you can possibly imagine
            but at some point life just sucks way too much
            there's nothing left to do except doing something you don't have to be the best
            don't have to a party
            just do something
            even if it's as simple as saying hi to the person next to you for holding I
            contact for a little longer
            just get into the habit of leaving a cumbersome

            IP属地:山东9楼2013-11-09 18:50
              the one and only therapy is social hatred

              10楼2013-11-09 18:56
                Good writting. You show no anxiety. I think it's a joke.

                IP属地:北京11楼2013-11-09 19:28

                  IP属地:北京12楼2013-11-09 20:27

                    IP属地:广东来自Android客户端13楼2013-11-09 20:33
                      @淑落 看这个,很特别

                      来自Android客户端14楼2013-11-09 20:54

                        IP属地:辽宁来自Android客户端15楼2013-11-09 21:03
                          Words flow out!
                          Words flow out his mouth.
                          Words overflow out his anxious brains.
                          He seems a talented and gifted genius.

                          IP属地:北京16楼2013-11-09 21:04
                            WORLD OF WARCRAFT DOTH NO HARM,METHINKS.

                            18楼2013-11-09 23:37