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1. The more successful Congressmen develop techniques for getting maximum benefit from the minimum investment of time.
The more successful Congressmen know better about how to make full use of time. They can achieve fairly high productivity and efficiency at work, that means, they can get more things done within limited time.
2. The amount of time spent on a project is not what counts: it!s the amount of uninterrupted time.
The amount of time one person spends on a project is not so important. The amount of time he/she spends on that project without being interrupted is more important because during the period all his/her attention is concentrated on the task.
3. There is a difference between striving for excellence and striving for perfection. The first is attainable, gratifying, and healthy. The second is often unattainable, frustrating, and neurotic.
Trying one’s best to achieve excellence and perfection are different because to be excellent is quite possible, pleasant and good for health, while to be perfect is impossible, discouraging and harmful for health.
4. In most cases, however, clutter hinders concentration and can create tension and frustration" a feeling of being #snowed under.
But usually with so many useless and unwanted things around at work, people will feel hard to concentrate on what they are doing, then they will feel nervous, depressed, exhausted.
5. Parents who don’t delegate household chores are doing a disservice to themselves and their children.
The parents who do every household chore themselves without assigning them to others are doing something harmful not only to themselves but also even to their children because they will get frustrated and exhausted by the chores, which is also bad for satisfactory relationship between parents and children.
6. Yesterday is a canceled check. Tomorrow is a promissory note. Today is ready cash. Use it!
Yesterday passes by and will be gone for ever, that means, we can’t use the past time any longer. We can’t use the future time either because tomorrow is far away from us, which may be changeable and undependable consequently. Only today is what we have at hand now. We should treasure the present time we have and make full use of it.
Because of their failure in preventing the songs about sex and drug use from being broadcasted on radio, some parents! groups have been trying to press recording companies to rate and label the recordings they produce just as film companies do to the movies they produce at present so that children might be kept away from such recordings with sex and drug use content.
Everyone who listened to popular music in the 1980s would think that drugs played a very important role in many people’s lives.
Such messages carried by the background music go into our mind, become one important part of our beliefs without being noticed and play an important role in our communication with others in the same way that today’s music functions for people’s communication nowadays.
This music is important partly because it is not to the liking of older people, and partly because showing one’s love to such music will prove that you are connected to and belong to
your own younger generation.
Before boys become mature, girls would usually admire young teenage singers instead of actual boys, but when boys are the same mature as girls, girls would like to admire actual boys and develop their relationship as boyfriend or girlfriend.
L3 Paraphrase:
I guess the reason why I hold bias against private schools is partly because I’ve never been to such schools and attending public school is quite natural for me; Another reason for it is that because I was once kicked by a young ceramist in the shins when he was on his way to the kiln, then I developed the habit of defending myself involuntarily by thinking that all
private school students are selected rich people and not good.
My wife was unfamiliar with public schools. When she was young, she had never been to any public places more than the washroom in Miss Windsor’s, which she paid a visit there.
The large, bright-colored, and expensive bus was always on time. When seeing us waiting on the curb, the bus would make a sudden stop from the quick, forceful running, open its door, let the boy in, and jump suddenly forward to the school with a low sound of anger.
In the afternoons after school, if the weather is nice, the boy walks back home or takes a free ride from the driving-by cars; In bad weather, he would be driven back in the car.
The boy was asked the same question about the difference between a country school and a city school many times. He said the main difference between the two is that the time in the country school seems to go much faster, as the lightning does.
1. The young waiter told the old man that it was the time to close the caf!, using incomplete
sentences as foolish people do when they are talking to people who are drunk or from for
eign countries.
The waiter who was eager to go back home put on the metal shutters and stood up, saying “No, I am confident. I’m full of confidence." to the other waiter.
Every night I am unwilling to close the caf!, thinking that there may be some people who want to come to the cafe
4. Despite everything, he told himself that maybe it is just sleeplessness. Many people must have this illness.
5. Also, you can’t have dignity in a bar even though that is all what you have at such late hours.
L5 paraphrase
1. Framton Nuttel tried to find the correct words which were supposed to please Vera but not to ignore her coming aunt.
2. When you get there, you!ll isolate yourself entirely from others, which will only make your nervous condition worse.
3. Here Vera lost her calm, confidence and well-controlled voice which now became weak and uncertain but appeared more true.
4. Framton wrongly believed that they, whether total strangers or chance acquaintances, all want to know the least detail of his illness condition, which was held fairly among many people.
5. Framton grabbed wildly at his stick and hat and rushed for the hall-door, the gravel path, and the front gate which was dimly seen.
6. She is particularly good at creating a feeling of excitement and adventure without giving much warning. (She is good at creating excitement and adventure whenever possible.
L6 Paraphrase:
1. They rarely challenge the offenders directly"as this would involve breaking other,
well-established English rules and inhibitions about talking to stranger, making a scene or drawing attention to oneself.
They seldom ask the offenders to stop their talking loudly on their phones directly, because this might break other English set rules and inhibitions, such as not talking to strangers, not making a fuss or not drawing attention to oneself.
2. There are some early signs of emerging rules regarding mobile-phone use in public places.
It seems some traces of rules regarding mobile-phone use in public places are appearing.
3. But there are other aspects of !emerging mobile-phone etiquette that are even more
blurred and controversial.
But it is other aspects concerning emerging mobile-use etiquette that makes the matter even more blurred and controversial.
4. But in such a self-important !I!m so busy and indispensable! manner that their apology is really a disguised boast.
They apology for taking and making calls during the business lunch, which is actually a sort of boasting of their self-importance.
5. They are a kind of !social lifeline! in a fragmented and isolating world.
They are a kind of lifeline which connects each other and frees them from loneliness.
1. I think of crossed wires, of receptors and neurotransmitter, deficits and surpluses, progress and relapse, and I wonder, once again, what has happened to my brother.
I think of those medical equipments placed on him, awkward economic situations and his unstable illness. I keep asking what is wrong with my brother.
2. His speeches, were salted with paranoid delusions: our house was bugged by the F.B.I.; my father was Josef Mengele; my mother was selling government secrets to the Russians.
He talked under the delusion that our house was monitored by the F.B.I.; my father was Josef Mengele; my mother was selling government secrets to the Russians. Such delusory remarks made his speech funny.
3. My father!s insurance coverage had ran out on my brother, so this time he was taken to a locked ward at the state hospital where heavily sedated patients wandered aimlessly in stockinged feet up and down long hallways.
My father!s insurance coverage had been used up on my brother, so this time he was taken to the state hospital where patients who were given huge doses of drugs moved slowly and aimlessly down long hallways wearing their stockings but no shoes on their feet.
4. His boss will be understanding, he tells me, cutting him a little slack when he has his "bad days#, letting his have a day off here or there when things aren!t going well.
He tells me his future boss will understand his case. When he has a relapse his boss will not make things difficult for him. Instead he will be given a day off.
5. My brother!s eyes lit up at the news, and then a darkness fell over them.
Hearing the news my brother!s eyes brighten up but soon they are covered with darkness.
1. For the friendships I have and the friendships I see are conducted at many levels of intensity, serve many different functions, meet different needs and range from those as all-the-way as the friendship of the soul sisters mentioned above to that of the most nonchalant and casual playmates.
Base on my personal experience and what I observed, there are many levels of intensity in terms of friendships. They respectively serve different functions, meet different needs and range from the friendships of soul sisters to that of casual playmates.
2. These are the women with whom if our paths weren!t crossing all the time, we!d have no particular reason to be friends.
These are the women with whom we encountered without expecting. If not meeting, we would not have any chance to be friends.
3. Which means I might say that we!re pinched this month but never that I!m worried sick over money.
Which means I might say that we are short of money this month but never say that I am annoyed with money.
4. And who, by her presence, puts us in touch with an earlier part of ourselves, a part of ourselves it!s important never to lose.
It is her presence that links us with earlier parts of our lives, which is important and never to lose.
5. Whatever the reason, a lack of time or" and this is more likely "a lack of chemistry, our friendship remains in the context of a group.
No matter what kind of reason it is, either it is a lack of time or more likely it is a lack of liking for each other, our friendship is always in connection with a group.
6. To give and take without ever keeping score.
To tolerate and forgive each other without fussing about gain and loss.
1. Language, also, far more dubiously, is meant to define the other"and, in this case, the other is refusing to be defined by a language that has never been able to recognize him.
It is also far more doubtful that Language is intended to define the other"in this case Black English refuses to accept definition because Language has never been able to treat it fairly.
2. What joins all languages, and all men, is the necessity to confront life, in order, not inconceivably, to outwit death: The price for this is the acceptance, and achievement, of one’s temporal identity.
It is necessary for all languages and all men to face the reality in order to defeat death, which is understandable. The price they pay for it is they have to accept and accomplish their temporal identities.
3. Now, no one can eat his cake, and have it, too, and it is late in the day to attempt to penalize black people for having created a language that permits the nation its only glimpse of reality, a language without which the nation would be even more than it is.
Now it is unfair that Black English is denied while being used. Now it is late to attempt to punish black people for having created their language through which we can only get a glimpse of this nation’s reality and without this language the nation would get more punishment.
4. This understanding would reveal to him too much about himself, and smash that mirror before which he has been frozen for so long.
To understand what the Blacks speak, the Whites have to face what they have done to them and break the dividing line between the whites and blacks.
5. A child cannot be taught by anyone whose demand, essentially, is that the child repudiate his experience, and all that gives him sustenance, and enter a limbo in which he will no longer be black, and in which he knows that he can never become white.
A child cannot be taught by anyone who demands the child to reject his experience and all that gives him strength and hope. If so, the child will be in an uncertain situation in which he will no longer be black and at the same he knows that he can never be white.

1楼2014-01-16 18:13回复