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Name="v0J3 On Attack"
Tip="Dark Ritual"
Ubertip="When this tower attacks, it awakens the powerful dark magic in Recreation and Corruption Fields, dealing |cffFFFF803000|r spelldamage to all creeps unfortunate enough to be standing in those areas. If a non-boss enemy in Corruption Field is affected by Dark Ritual for the first time, it will be immediately transported to Recreation Field.|n|n|cffFF8000Level Bonus:|r|n |cffFFFF80+100|r spelldamage|n|n|cffFFFF80Cooldown:|r |cffFFFF001 sec|r"
Name="v0EM Periodic"
Tip="Army of the Damned"
Ubertip="Every |cffFFFF803|r seconds, if there is a corpse within |cffFFFF801150|r range this tower will extract its soul, increasing its attackspeed and damage by |cffFFFF805%|r and the the plague's rate of spread by |cffFFFF8010%|r. This effect lasts |cffFFFF8020|r seconds and stacks, but new stacks will not refresh the duration of old ones.|n|n|cffFF8000Level Bonus:|r|n|cffFFFF80+0.4|r seconds duration"
Name="v0EM Header"
Ubertip="When a creep is damaged by this tower it will become infected with a plague. This plague deals |cffFFFF80750|r damage per second and lasts |cffFFFF805|r seconds. Every |cffFFFF801.5|r seconds the plague can spread to a creep in |cffFFFF80250|r range around the infected creep. If an infected creep is infected again by the plague the duration will refresh and the damage is increased by |cffFFFF80375|r.|n|n|cffFF8000Level Bonus:|r|n|cffFFFF80+30|r damage|n|cffFFFF80+0.2|r seconds duration|n|cffFFFF80+15|r damage per rebuff"
Name="v0J9 On Level Up"
Tip="Special Training"
Ubertip="On higher levels the copters specialize.|n|nOn level |cffFFFF807|r: Copter |cffFFFF801|r has its damage type changed to |cffFFA020Elemental|r, each rocket's AoE is increased by |cffFFFF8025%|r and the attacks gain a napalm modifier. Napalm causes a |cffFFFF8020%|r slow and |cffFFFF8050%|r of tower's attack damage as |cffFFA020Elemental|r damage per second for |cffFFFF806|r seconds.|n|nOn level |cffFFFF8015|r: Copter |cffFFFF802|r will change its machine-gun-missiles to a long ranged tesla coil, changing the damage type to |cff00FFFFEnergy|r and increasing attack range to |cffFFFF802140|r. Furthermore its armor reduction base effect is increased to |cffFFFF8050%|r, but the slow is decreased to |cffFFFF8020%|r.|n|nOn level |cffFFFF8025|r: Copter |cffFFFF803|r will become a legendary Ghost Warrior. Ghost Warriors have an on-board teleportation device, allowing them to teleport behind targets every |cffFFFF805|r seconds. Shooting delays the charging of the teleportation device."
Name="v0J9 Header"
Tip="Helicopter Zone"
Ubertip="|cffFFFF803|r helicopters circle around the tower trying to stay within |cffFFFF801000|r range of it. If there are targets in front of a helicopter, it will attack them dealing the tower's attack damage as |cffC0C0C0Physical|r damage.|nHelicopters attack every |cffEFEF800.25|r seconds with a barrage of |cffEFEF803|r missiles spaced |cffEFEF80250|r range apart and exploding in |cffEFEF80140|r AoE. Damaged targets are slowed by |cffFFFF8070%|r and their armor is reduced by |cffFFFF8030%|r for |cffFFFF800.8|r seconds.|r|n|cffEE0000Is not affected by attack speed.|r|n|n|cffFF8000Level Bonus:|r|n|cffFFFF80+0.4%|r armor reduction"

IP属地:湖南1楼2014-01-17 13:22回复
    Name="v0J3 On Attack"
    Ubertip="当此塔攻击时,它会唤醒休养区域和腐败区域的黑暗魔法之力,对处于这两个区域内的敌人造成 |cffFFFF803000|r 法术伤害。如果一个非首领单位第一次在腐败区域受到该技能影响,会被立刻传送至休养区域。|n|n|cffFF8000等级加成:|r|n |cffFFFF80+100|r 法术伤害|n|n|cffFFFF80冷却时间:|r |cffFFFF001 秒|r"
    Name="v0EM Periodic"
    Ubertip="每隔 |cffFFFF803|r 秒,如果有尸体在|cffFFFF801150|r范围内,它的灵魂会被抽取出来以提升此塔|cffFFFF805%|r 的攻击速度和伤害和|cffFFFF8010%|r 的瘟疫扩散速度。该效果会持续|cffFFFF8020|r 秒并会叠加,但叠加并不刷新持续时间,仍会沿用最初的。|n|n|cffFF8000等级加成:|r|n|cffFFFF80+0.4|r 秒 持续时间"
    Name="v0EM Header"
    Ubertip="受到此塔伤害的单位会被传播瘟疫。瘟疫持续|cffFFFF805|r 秒,每秒造成|cffFFFF80750|r 伤害。每隔|cffFFFF801.5|r 秒,瘟疫会感染|cffFFFF80250|r 范围内的一个单位。如果一个受感染单位再次被瘟疫传播,持续时间会刷新,并且伤害会增加|cffFFFF80375|r 。|n|n|cffFF8000等级加成:|r|n|cffFFFF80+30|r 伤害|n|cffFFFF80+0.2|r 秒 持续时间|n|cffFFFF80+15|r 伤害 重复感染"
    像on attack、level up这些是说触发条件,应该是不用翻译的吧。

    IP属地:广东2楼2014-01-17 17:08
      Name="v0J9 On Level Up"
      Ubertip="随着等级的升高,直升机会获得特殊能力。|n|n等级|cffFFFF807|r: 直升机|cffFFFF801|r 将它的攻击类型更换为|cffFFA020元素|r,每枚导弹的伤害范围增加|cffFFFF8025%|r并且攻击会附加燃油效果。燃油会造成每秒|cffFFFF8050%|r 此塔攻击力数值的|cffFFA020元素|r伤害并有|cffFFFF8020%|r 减速,持续|cffFFFF806|r 秒。|n|n等级 |cffFFFF8015|r: 直升机 |cffFFFF802|r 将它的机关枪更换为长程线圈,攻击类型变为|cff00FFFF能量|r 并将射程提升至|cffFFFF802140|r。 它的基础减甲效果将提升至|cffFFFF8050%|r,但减速效果只有|cffFFFF8020%|r。|n|n等级 |cffFFFF8025|r: 直升机 |cffFFFF803|r 会变为传说中的鬼魂战士。鬼魂战士拥有机载传送装置,每隔|cffFFFF805|r 秒会将直升机们传送至目标身后,但攻击会延缓传送装置的充能。"
      Name="v0J9 Header"
      Ubertip="|cffFFFF803|r 架直升机围绕着这座塔并试图停留在|cffFFFF801000|r 范围内。当直升机的前方有敌人时,它会攻击目标并造成此塔攻击力数值的|cffC0C0C0物理|r伤害。|n直升机们每隔|cffEFEF800.25|r 秒攻击一次,|cffEFEF803|r 枚导弹形成的弹幕会攻击|cffEFEF80250|r 范围内的敌人并有|cffEFEF80140|r 的范围效果。受到伤害的单位会被减速|cffFFFF8070%|r ,护甲降低|cffFFFF8030%|r 持续|cffFFFF800.8|r 秒。|r|n|cffEE0000不会受攻击速度的影响。|r|n|n|cffFF8000等级加成:|r|n|cffFFFF80+0.4%|r 护甲削减"

      IP属地:广东3楼2014-01-17 20:34