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【贺新春福利】Rockstad 2011现场版(附详细介绍)




1楼2014-01-30 17:12回复
    第一首就是本人最喜爱的Ghost Division
    出自The Art of War专辑(著名的Panzerkampf所在专辑)。讲的是法国战役中一战成名的德军王牌魔鬼之师——第7装甲师
    不过这些都是现场版的,编曲类似Battle of Baltic Sea专辑(Sabaton乐队现场版歌曲合集专辑)。个人还是喜欢录音室版
    Fast as the wind, the invasion has begun
    Shaking the ground with the force of thousand guns
    First into line of fire, first in to hostile land
    Tanks leading the way, leading the way
    Charge into lines with the force of a furious storm
    Fast as the lightning, phantom swarm
    200 miles at nightfall, taken within a day
    Thus earning their name, earning the fame
    They are the panzer elite, born to compete, never retreat (ghost division)
    Leaving our dead, always ahead, fed by your dread
    Always ahead, as the blitzkrieg rages on
    Breaking morale the with the sound of blazing guns
    First into line of fire, first in to hostile land
    Tanks leading the way, leading the way
    Leaving a trail of destruction to a foreign land
    Massive assault made to serve the Nazi plan
    Communication's broken, phantom's are far away
    Thus earning their name, earning the fame
    They are the panzer elite, born to compete, never retreat (ghost division)
    Leaving our dead, always ahead, fed by your dread
    Pushing the frontline forth with a tremendous force
    Making the way for panzer course
    First into line of fire, first in to hostile land
    Tanks leading the way, claiming the fame
    They are the panzer elite, born to compete, never retreat (ghost division)
    Leaving our dead, always ahead, fed by your dread
    Panzer elite, born to compete, never retreat (ghost division)
    Leaving our dead, always ahead, fed by your dread

    2楼2014-01-30 17:14
      第2首:The Art of War,同名专辑主打歌
      Music: Brodén Lyrics: Brodén
      I stand alone and gaze upon the battlefield
      Wasteland is all that’s left after the fight
      And now I’m searching a new way to defeat my enemy
      Bloodshed I’ve seen enough of death and pain
      I will run, they will hunt me in vain
      I will hide, they’ll be searching
      I’ll regroup, feign retreat they’ll pursue
      Coup de grâce I will win but never fight
      That’s the Art of War!
      Breaking the will to fight among the enemy
      Force them to hunt me they will play my game
      And play by my rules I will be close but still untouchable
      No more will I see suffering and pain
      They will find me no more I’ll be gone
      I will have them surrounded
      They will yield whitout fight overrun
      Coup de grâce I will win but never fight
      Broken and lost
      Tired of war
      They’ll surrender to me
      Caught in my trap
      There’s no way out
      Fail never again never again

      3楼2014-01-30 17:15
        第3首Into the Fire出自Primo Victoria专辑,讲的是越南战争,歌词中多次提到美军在越南常用的凝固汽油弹。歌词如下:
        Sent from home overseas
        and into the unknown
        barely landed in the jungle
        sent on first patrolSundown darkness falls
        dig in for the night
        ambushed in the dawn they came
        the jungle’s aliveI feel my fire starts to burn
        the heat controlling my mind
        berserk a savage running wild
        within me the beast starts to roarNow i’m ready to strike
        a creature of the night
        Into the fire
        a flame of napalm strikeSarge’s down i’m in charge
        vc’s everywhere
        overrun yet order airstrike
        condemned us all to burn,Napalm from above
        burning friend and foe
        chaos on the battlefield
        the jungle’s on fireThis place it’s driving me insane
        napalm it’s burning us all
        this fight no man will live to tell
        within me my blood starts to boilFrom above the airstrike came
        and it burned the world below
        napalm falling from the sky
        and it leaves no man aliveI feel my fire starts to burn
        the heat controlling my mind
        napalm it’s burning us alive
        within me the beasts final roar

        4楼2014-01-30 17:16
          第4首Nuclear Attack出自Attero Duminatus专辑,以核击日本为背景
          Music: Brodén
          Lyrics: Brodén
          Dropped from Enola, a city erased, threat of the future displayed
          A power unheard of a power unseen
          Flash out of nowhere, the sky is burning
          At 8:16 AM Tokyo control realized something was wrong
          Reports of explosions, destruction and pain
          Air raid from hell city gone in a blaze
          August in black, B-29′s coming back
          Prepare for nuclear attack
          Warned but did not heed
          Prepare for nuclear attack
          Strike back
          Chose not to believe
          Another nuclear attack
          From the southeast came the second attack, threat of tomorrow unveiled
          11:02 on the 9th of August
          Over the valley, like ball lightning
          The bomb detonates and the land turns to waste, barren for decades to come
          The factories burning, the steelworks destoyed
          Surrender your war else you’ll perish in flames
          Second attack, B-29′s turning back.

          5楼2014-01-30 17:17
            第5首Rise of Evil出自Attero Duminatus专辑,讲的是纳粹党得势和第三帝国的崛起的那一段历史,歌词如下:
            A nation in despair, weakened by war, defeated
            Lost their pride in Versailles
            A former prisoner, with a vision or a grand delusion
            Rise to power in the reichRebuilding an army
            Make the nation proud
            Disregarding the treaty
            Secret plans for “lebensraum”
            Start the holocaustThe reich will rise
            Propaganda, the reich will rise
            To last a thousand yearsBurning books to spread, anti-semite propaganda
            Who will stop the madmans reign?
            Night of broken glass, send the jews to Dachau death camp
            On a path to certain deathThe “anschluss” completed
            On the brink of war
            Act brutal with no pity
            Be harsh, show no remorse
            Start the warmachineIn the last days of peace
            Europe holding it’s breath
            An invasion is coming but when will it start?
            Who will be first to fall? who will be last to stand?
            Who will stop all this madness that has consequences no man understand?
            No man, no land!

            6楼2014-01-30 17:25
              第6首40:1出自The Art of War专辑,讲的是二战欧洲战场第一战——波兰战役,一场40比1的赌局
              Baptised in fire.
              Forty to one
              So silent before the storm
              Awaiting command
              A few has been chosen to stand
              As one outnumbered by far
              The orders from high command
              Fight back, hold your ground!
              In early September it came
              A war unknown to the world
              No warning they entered that land
              That is protected by polish hand
              Unless you are forty to one
              Your force will soon be undone
              Baptised in fire
              Forty to one
              Spirit of spartans
              Death and glory
              Soldiers of Poland
              Second to none
              Wrath of the Wehrmacht brought to a halt
              The 8th of September it starts
              The rage of the Reich
              A barrage of mortars and guns
              Stand past, the bunkers will hold
              The captain has pledged his life
              I'll face my fate here!
              The sound of artillery strike
              So fierce
              The thunder of guns
              So come, bring on all that you've got
              Come hell, come high water, never stop
              Unless you are forty to one
              Your lives will soon be undone
              Baptised in fire
              40 to 1
              Spirit of spartans
              Death and glory
              Soldiers of poland
              Second to none
              Wrath of the Wehrmacht brought to a halt
              Always remember, a fallen soldier
              Always remember, fathers and sons at war
              Always remember, a fallen soldier
              Always remember, fathers and sons at war
              Always remember, a fallen soldier
              Always remember, buried in history
              No vermin may enter that land
              That is protected by polish hand
              Unless you are forty to one
              Your force will soon be undone
              Baptised in fire
              Forty to one
              Spirit of spartans
              Death and glory!
              Soldiers of Poland
              Second to none
              Wrath of the Wehrmacth brought to a halt
              No, no, no

              7楼2014-01-30 18:07
                第7首Wolfpack出自Primo Victoria专辑,讲的是U艇
                Music: Brodén
                Lyrics: Brodén
                Solo: Montelius
                To their own shore came the world war
                Gleaves and the Ingham
                leading the Bury west
                Took the short way in
                the long route back convoy 92
                Bury Gleaves and Ingham leading
                tankers to the west
                and upon the north atlantic
                lies the silence of the seas
                on a quiet night in the darkest hour
                the kriegsmarine appear
                Above the surface it seems quiet and calm
                Deep down below the wolfpack lurks
                To their own shore came the world war
                Gleaves and the Ingham
                leading the Bury west
                in their own track came the wolfpack
                Gleaves led the convoy
                into the hornets nest
                At the crack of dawn the second day
                Bury stands in flames
                half the convoy sunk or disabled
                heading back to shore
                but below the north atlantic
                on the bottom of the sea
                on the second night in the darkest hour
                the kriegsmarine return
                The wolfpack surface for a second time
                to make the convoy face it’s fate
                To their own shore came the world war
                Gleaves and the Ingham
                leading the Bury west
                in their own track came the wolfpack
                Gleaves led the convoy
                into the hornets nest
                Under fire under water
                may 42 when
                Bury did fail the test
                to their own shore came the world war
                Gleaves and the Ingham
                leading them into death
                569 makes the contact and lead them
                U-94 scores a kill in the dark
                124 sinking 4 in 2 approaches
                406 suffers failure on launch

                8楼2014-01-30 18:19
                  第8首Panzer Battalion出自Primo Victoria专辑,讲的是海湾战争,歌词如下:
                  Under this sun no shadows will fall
                  Piercing our eyes as we charge
                  An armoured battalion on course to the east
                  Closing the end of it's march
                  This time we're here to finish a job
                  Started a decade ago
                  Driving the animals out of their holes
                  To bury them 6 feet below
                  Armoured tanks of mass destruction
                  Killers in the east
                  Rats who dares to stand before us
                  Feel our guns go live
                  Death in the shape of a panzer battalion
                  Insect of terror don't run face your fate like a
                  Man cannot outrun our panzer battalion
                  Thousands of tons of armour and guns
                  Making it's way through the sand
                  Our panzer battalion is back for revenge
                  Artillery sweeping the land
                  First strike is ours no mercy is shown
                  There's rivers of blood in our track
                  Breaking their waves of defence with our tanks
                  Infantry watching our back
                  Blow their SAM sites clear for air strike
                  Ready for the storm
                  Minefields swept there's no surrender
                  Feel our napalm burn
                  [Chorus x2]
                  Under this sun no shadows will fall
                  Piercing our eyes as we charge
                  An armoured battalion on course to the east
                  Has reached the end of it's march
                  Armoured tanks of mass destruction
                  Killers in the east
                  Rats who dares to stand before us
                  Feel our guns go live
                  Panzer battalion
                  Insect of terror don't run face your fate like a man
                  Panzer battalion

                  9楼2014-01-30 18:25
                    第9首the Price of a mile出自The Art of War专辑,介绍的是一战中损失惨重的帕斯尚尔战役
                    Music: Brodén Lyrics: Brodén/Sundström
                    Hear the sound of a machinegun
                    Hear it echo in the night
                    Mortars firing rains the scene
                    Scars the fields that once were green
                    It’s a stalemate at the frontline
                    Where the soldiers rest in mud
                    Roads and houses all is gone
                    There’s no glory to be won
                    Know that many men will suffer
                    Know that many will die
                    Half a million lives at stake
                    At the fields of Passchendaele
                    And as the the night falls the general calls
                    And the battle carries on and on
                    What is the purpose of it all?
                    What’s the price of a mile?
                    Thousands of feet march to the beat
                    It’s an army on the march
                    Long way from home
                    Paying the price in young mens lives
                    Thousands of feet march to the beat
                    It’s an army in despair
                    Knee deep in mud
                    Stuck in a trench with no way out
                    Thousand of machineguns
                    Kept on firing through the night
                    Mortars blazed and wrecked the scene
                    Gone is the fields that once were green
                    Still a deadlock at the frontline
                    Where the soldiers die in mud
                    Roads and houses since long gone
                    Still no glory has been won
                    Know that many has suffered
                    Know that many has died
                    6 miles of ground has been won
                    Half a million men are gone
                    And as the men crawled the general called
                    And the killing carried on and on
                    What was the purpose of it all?
                    What’s the price of a mile?
                    There’s no price for a mile

                    10楼2014-01-30 18:32
                      第10首In the name of God出自Attero Duminatus专辑
                      Music: Brodén
                      Lyrics: Brodén
                      Hide from the public eye, choose to appear when it suits youClaim you’re just, killing women and children
                      Fight, when you choose to fight, hide in a cave when you’re hunted
                      Like a beast spawned from hell, utilizing fear
                      Chosen by god or a coward insane?
                      Stand up and show me your face!
                      Suicidal, in a trance
                      A religious army
                      Fight without a uniform and hide in the crowd
                      Call it holy, call it just
                      Authorized by heaven
                      Leave your wounded as they die, and call it gods will
                      Run when its time to pay, fear consequence of your action
                      Reappear, when you’re almost forgotten
                      Dream of a world in peace, yet you cause pain and destruction
                      Kill your own, a response of your actions
                      Captured in all you lies, fear is in your eyes
                      Creature who’s gone insane, your war is in vain
                      Trapped in a cage of stone, we’ll destroy your home
                      Consequence of your action

                      11楼2014-01-30 18:40
                        第11首Union出自The Art of War专辑,讲的是卡西诺山战役
                        Music: Brodén Lyrics: Brodén/Sundström
                        As the turn of the tide it is our turn to rise
                        The force of a union at war
                        March over mountains on our way to the north
                        On the road that will lead us to Rome
                        Our way will not be easy, it will take us through hardship and pain
                        Hill after hill breaking their lines of defence
                        Head on north
                        Mile after mile our march carries on
                        No army may stop our approach
                        Fight side by side many nations unite
                        In the shadow of Monte Cassino
                        We fight and die together as we head for the valley of death
                        Destiny calls we’ll not surrender or fail
                        To arms under one banner
                        As a unit we stand and united we fall
                        As one fighting together
                        Bringing an end to the slaughter
                        Winds are changing head on north

                        12楼2014-01-30 18:50
                          第12首Light in the Black出自Attero Duminatus专辑,歌词如下:
                          A cry for help, a distant whisper
                          A foreign nation calling our name
                          Sent to hell, to reach for heaven
                          To serve in dark, as light in the black
                          Sent into battle to aid strangers in need
                          Gain independence, our forces will lead
                          Final solution when all others have failed
                          Liberation is coming our path has been laid
                          We remember the fields, where our tanks held the line
                          We remember our brothers in arms
                          When the war, has been won
                          And our march home begins
                          What awaits has not yet been revealed
                          What was won? what was lost?
                          Will our deeds be remembered?
                          Are they written on stone or in sand?
                          Marching ashore, our target awaits
                          Facing resistance, forces driven by hate
                          Protecting civilians, while fired upon
                          Rules of engagement, our restrictions are gone
                          We remember the sea, where our ships broke the waves
                          We remember our brothers in arms
                          Leaving home, set to sea
                          Was this really meant to be?
                          See the shore of our home fade away
                          Facing blood, facing pain
                          Have our brothers died in vain?
                          Many lives has been lost on the way

                          13楼2014-01-30 18:53
                            第13首Primo Victoria是同名专辑主打歌,讲盟军在D日登陆诺曼底,歌词如下:
                            Through the gates of hell
                            As we make our way to heaven
                            Through the Nazi lines
                            Primo victoria
                            We've been training for years
                            Now we're ready to strike
                            As the great operation begins
                            We're the first wave on the shore
                            We're the first ones to fall
                            Yet soldiers have fallen before
                            In the dawn they will pay
                            With their lives as the price
                            History's written today
                            In this burning inferno
                            Know that nothing remains
                            As our forces advance on the beach
                            Aiming for heaven though serving in hell
                            Victory is ours their forces will fall
                            Through the gates of hell
                            As we make our way to heaven
                            Through the Nazi lines
                            Primo victoria
                            On the 6th of June
                            On the shores of western Europe 1944
                            D-day upon us
                            We've been here before
                            Used to this kind of war
                            Crossfire grind through the sand
                            Our orders were easy
                            It's kill or be killed
                            Blood on both sides will be spilled
                            In the dawn they will pay
                            With their lives as the price
                            History's written today
                            Now that we are at war
                            With the axis again
                            This time we know what will come
                            6th of June 1944
                            Allies are turning the war
                            Normandy state of anarchy

                            14楼2014-01-30 19:03
                              第14首Cliffs of Galipoli出自The Art of War专辑(著名的Panzerkampf)所在专辑,讲的是第1次世界大战中英法联军实施的代价高昂,损失惨重但最终无功而返德加里波第登陆战役,大体上可以认为是奥特曼火鸡帝国唯一一次胜利~~
                              Hear them whisper,
                              voices from the other side
                              Hear them calling
                              former foes now friends are resting side by side
                              They will never leave our hearts or fade away
                              live forever
                              they were far to young to die in such a way
                              how many wasted lives
                              how many dreams did fade away
                              broken promises
                              they won't be coming home
                              Oh mothers wipe your tears
                              your sons will rest a million years
                              found their peace at last
                              as foe turned to friend
                              and forgive
                              And they knew they'd die
                              Left their letters in the sand
                              Such waste of life
                              Dreams of freedom turned to dust
                              Hell is waiting where the ocean meets the sand
                              Cliffs of burden
                              where the soldiers rushed into a certain death
                              At the shoreline
                              Blood of heroes stains the land
                              light a candle
                              One for each of them who fought and died in vain
                              There is no enemy
                              There is no victory
                              Only boys who lost their lives in the sand
                              Young men were sacrificed
                              Their names are carved in stone and kept alive
                              and forever we will honor the memory of them
                              And they knew they would die
                              Left their letters in the sand
                              Such waste of life
                              Dreams of freedom turned to dust
                              how many wasted lives
                              how many dreams did fade away
                              broken promises
                              they won't be coming home
                              Oh mothers wipe your tears
                              your sons will rest a million years
                              found their peace at last
                              as foe turned to friend
                              and forgive
                              And they knew they would die
                              Left their letters in the sand
                              Such waste of life
                              Dreams of freedom turned to dust

                              15楼2014-01-30 19:16