billboard吧 关注:585,023贴子:56,661,200

【Billboard】求科普摇滚大妈Liz Phair


偶然间听到了Extraodinary,之后就去搜了那张同名专辑(据说是0分神专),貌似前期是Indie rock后来转的流摇。。。求科普乐坛地位,专辑销量什么的。。。同名专封镇楼。。PS.这脏标也很霸气。。

来自Android客户端1楼2014-04-07 21:42回复

    来自Android客户端2楼2014-04-07 21:44

      3楼2014-04-07 21:44

        IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端5楼2014-04-07 21:48
          @你雷我嘎嘎 @PJ哈维

          来自Android客户端6楼2014-04-07 21:49

            来自WindowsPhone客户端7楼2014-04-07 21:53

              来自Android客户端8楼2014-04-07 21:53

                来自WindowsPhone客户端9楼2014-04-07 21:54

                  IP属地:德国10楼2014-04-07 21:54

                    来自WindowsPhone客户端11楼2014-04-07 21:55
                      我觉得同名那张倒没什么可听的,精华都在Exile in Guyville.

                      来自WindowsPhone客户端12楼2014-04-07 21:57
                        Best of All-time Lists, Best of Decade Lists, etc.
                        Alternative Press (USA) - The 90 Greatest Albums of the 90s (1998) 11
                        Alternative Press (USA) - Top 99 Albums of '85 to '95 (1995) 83
                        Associated Press - The 10 Best Albums of the 1990s (1999) No Order
                        Blender (USA) - 500 CDs You Must Own Before You Die (2003) No Order
                        CDNOW (USA) - The 10 (+5) Essential Records of the 90s (2002) No Order
                        Chris Smith (USA) - 101 Albums That Changed Popular Music (2009) No Order
                        Chuck Eddy (USA) - The Accidental Evolution of Rock'n'Roll (1997) No Order
                        Entertainment Weekly (USA) - The 100 Best Albums from 1983 to 2008 (2008) 47
                        Ink Blot (USA) - Albums of the 90s (2000) 10
                        Jim DeRogatis (USA) - The Great Albums No Order
                        Kitsap Sun (USA) - Top 200 Albums of the Last 40 Years (2005) 194
                        LostAtSea (USA) - 90 Albums of the 90s (2000) 9
                        Nude as the News (USA) - The 100 Most Compelling Albums of the 90s (1999) 6
                        Out (USA) - The 100 Greatest, Gayest Albums (2008) 58
                        Pause & Play (USA) - Albums Inducted into a Time Capsule, One Album per Week No Order
                        Pitchfork (USA) - Top 100 Favorite Records of the 1990s (1999) 5
                        Pitchfork (USA) - Top 100 Favorite Records of the 1990s (2003) 30
                        Robert Dimery - 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die (Updated 2012) No Order
                        Rolling Stone (USA) - 50 Essential Female Albums (2002) 24
                        Rolling Stone (USA) - The 100 Greatest Albums of the 90s (2010) 20
                        Rolling Stone (USA) - The 500 Greatest Albums of All Time (Updated 2012) 327
                        Rolling Stone (USA) - The Essential 200 Rock Records (1997) No Order
                        Rolling Stone (USA) - The Essential Recordings of the 90s (1999) No Order
                        Spin (USA) - 100 Alternative Albums (1995) 57
                        Spin (USA) - The 125 Best Albums of the Past 25 Years (2010) 37
                        Spin (USA) - Top 100 (+5) Albums of the Last 20 Years (2005) 15
                        Spin (USA) - Top 90 Albums of the 90s (1999) 13
                        The Review, University of Delaware (USA) - 100 Greatest Albums of All Time (2001) 98
                        Tom Moon (USA) - 1000 Recordings to Hear Before You Die (2008) Main entry
                        Treble (USA) - Top 100 Albums of the 90s (10 per Year) (2008) 5
                        VH1 (USA) - The 100 Greatest Albums of R 'N' R (2001) 96
                        Continuum Books - 33 1/3: A Series of Books about Critically Acclaimed Albums No Order
                        RoRoRo Rock-Lexicon (Germany) - Most Recommended Albums (2003) No Order
                        Rolling Stone (Germany) - The Best Albums of 5 Decades (1997) 101
                        Les Inrockuptibles (France) - The 100 Best Albums 1986-1996 (1996) 94
                        Rock & Folk (France) - The Best Albums from 1963 to 1999 (1999) No Order
                        Rock de Lux (Spain) - The 150 Best Albums from the 90s (2000) 130
                        Juice (Australia) - The 100 (+34) Greatest Albums of the 90s (1999) 18

                        来自WindowsPhone客户端13楼2014-04-07 22:00
                          Alanis没实力和她比吧,我觉得Alanis和什么Shery Crown之类的比比就行了。

                          来自WindowsPhone客户端14楼2014-04-07 22:01
                            Liz Phair PJ Harvey Bjork Shery Manson Countney Love Sinead O Conner Lucinda Williams 这几位吧。再加上暴女运动那几位。

                            来自WindowsPhone客户端15楼2014-04-07 22:04
                              90年代女子indie rock(lo fi rock)领军人物
                              转型pop rock也是白巧克力买的不够好 新公司要求换路线
                              但是somebody卖不出去也无片可发了 funstyle是自己弄着玩的 还把自己当初地下时期的demo打包出来捆绑销售 现在就是退休状态吧

                              16楼2014-04-07 22:06