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1楼2014-08-07 16:10回复
    删贴名称:【Nightwind】A new novel Claw and Sword
    帖子内容: =====================One=========================
    Dear Prunus:
    Yesterday you told me you*ve grown, and it may be true. Last night I was awake in bed( I sleep fast even when I worry a lot, but you, my daughter, are what I care most)thinking, and finally decided to write to you.
    I don*t know if you*ve grown, the only thing I hold to about it is how I grew. Shouting a-hall as you did yesterday, I think young girls today are another kind of living things besi-des us.When I was a young girl-
    I was born in a poor family on the highlands. All seven people in my family lived in a st-ick-house there. Among them, my three grandparents(my one grandfather died before) were all with illness of more serious or milder and had to stay in bed for the most time, so it*s sure that my parents work very hard but couldn*t support the family.My sister had to work since she was ten (three years before she stopped school and helpt doing housew-ork at the hungry home)-she was really hard-working and kind!
    Her name was Maeve. At her age, she was a slim pretty girl with russet hair; but she wasn*t well-built. She loved me very much and gave me more than a sister do. When ev-eryone stoped supporting me to school and tried to drop me out halfway, it was she who helpt me: she nearly gave away all she earned!
    (I wrote so long while I myself didn*t notice and seemed to digress from the subject. I didn*t meant to introduce your early-died aunt; I was trying to educate you how to be a young girl. However I don*t know how. Maybe your father will be more help; but since it*s I writing to you, let*s finish the story! I think it may be some help.)
    (By the way, I didn*t mean more than I wrote. Don*t tell the letter out.)
    ( It*s hard to recall things that time. Better to begin scene by scene.)

    2楼2014-08-07 16:45