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IP属地:北京1楼2014-10-09 18:00回复
    Vocabulary from Teens Junior 2 Edition (Issue 474)
    P. 1 Loveof a mother
    1. raise v. 养育
    Mrs Mak had to raiseMcDull as a single mother.
    2. previous adj. 先前的
    Mrs Mak doesn’t’appear very often in the previous McDull movies.
    P. 2 Costsof big city life
    3. resident n. 居民
    There are 28cities with over 10 million residents.
    4. industry n. 工业,产业
    Beijing has moreopportunities to develop a career in the media industry.
    5. limited adj. 有限的
    However, thereare also problems: heavy traffic, limited resources, environmental andair pollution.
    6. need n. 需求
    For example, thewater in Beijing only meets one-third of the city’s needs.
    7. take measures 采取措施
    To deal withthese problems, the government is taking many measures.
    8. cut down 削减
    Beijing is now cuttingdown the number of cars on the road.
    9. feature n. 特点
    A city shouldhave its own features and is livable.
    10. livable v. 可居住的
    A city shouldhave its own features and is livable.
    P. 2 Priceof studying abroad
    11. abroad adv. 在国外
    Nowadays, moreand more students choose to study abroad, for better education or toexperience a different culture.
    12. tuition fee 学费
    They found thatan international student in Australia would spend more than $42000 every yearon tuition fees and cost of living.
    13. on average 平均来说
    Students paid$39000 on average each year in Singapore.
    14. list v. 列出,列入
    However, onlyone-fourth of the parents list Australia in the top three nations foreducation.
    P. 3 Toomuch help online?
    15. smartphone n. 智能手机
    Lu Lifei likessolves his problems with a smartphone.
    16. social network 社交网络
    They searchinformation online, use apps or discuss on social networks like QQ orWeChat.
    17. pick out 选出
    She usuallysearches online, picks out certain stories and makes PowerPointpresentations.
    18. be skilled at 在某方面很熟练
    I’ve becomeskilled at finding information online and using Microsoft Office.
    19. bring up 提出(问题)
    However, thisalso brings up problems.
    20. key n. 重点
    The keyis to have self-control.
    P. 3 Growingfresh healthy behaviors
    21. artificial adj. 人工的
    The greens growunder artificial lights.
    22. organic adj. 有机的
    This organicproject is not only for teaching science.
    P. 4 Citiescelebrate star animals
    23. touching adj. 感人的
    The storiesbehind them are also touching.
    24. abandon v.遗弃
    His mother abandonedhim and soon his twin brother died.
    P. 4 Railrules of the London underground
    25. underground system 地铁系统
    It is the undergroundsystem that carries people around the city.
    26. squeezed adj. 拥挤的
    They don’t likefeeling squeezed as they ride the subway.
    27. drown v. 淹没,淹死
    However, thereare always times when it feels like you’re drowning in people on thesubway.
    P. 5 Whatan angry face looks like
    28. universal adj. 普遍的
    In fact, human’sanger face is universal.
    29. characteristic n. 特征,特点
    Later,scientists showed them more photos of other characteristics of an angryface.
    P. 6 It’snot always black or white
    30. obviously adj. 显然地
    I couldn’tbelieve he said the ball was white, when it was obviously black!
    Vocabulary from Teens Junior 2 Edition (Issue 474)
    Word list
    词性 中文释义
    1. raise v. 养育
    2. industry n. 工业,产业
    3. limited adj. 有限的
    4. take measures 采取措施
    5. feature n. 特点
    6. abroad adv. 在国外
    7. on average 平均来说
    8. be skilled at 在某方面很熟练
    9. bring up 提出(问题)
    10. key n. 重点
    11. artificial adj. 人工的
    12. abandon v. 遗弃
    13. cut down 削减
    14. universal adj. 普遍的
    15. obviously adj. 显然地
    词性 中文释义
    1. previous adj. 先前的
    2. resident n. 居民
    3. need n. 需求
    4. underground system 地铁系统
    5. livable v. 可居住的
    6. tuition fee 学费
    7. list v. 列出,列入
    8. smartphone n. 智能手机
    9. social network 社交网络
    10. pick out 选出
    11. organic adj. 有机的
    12. touching adj. 感人的
    13. squeezed adj. 拥挤的
    14. drown v. 淹没,淹死
    15. characteristic n. 特征,特点
    Vocabulary from Teens Junior 2 Edition (Issue 474)
    Self check
    词性 中文释义
    1. v. 养育
    2. n. 工业,产业
    3. adj. 有限的
    4. 采取措施
    5. n. 特点
    6. adv. 在国外
    7. 平均来说
    8. 在某方面很熟练
    9. 提出(问题)
    10. n. 重点
    11. adj. 人工的
    12. v. 遗弃
    13. 削减
    14. adj. 普遍的
    15. adj. 显然地
    词性 中文释义
    16. previous
    17. resident
    18. need
    19. underground system
    20. livable
    21. tuition fee
    22. list
    23. smartphone
    24. social network
    25. pick out
    26. organic
    27. touching
    28. squeezed
    29. drown
    30. characteristic

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