安德烈罗伯森吧 关注:224贴子:3,782




来自iPhone客户端1楼2014-11-23 13:05回复

    IP属地:四川来自iPhone客户端2楼2014-11-23 13:06

      IP属地:四川来自iPhone客户端3楼2014-11-23 13:09
        不要水经验了, 下面我来教你怎么开挖掘机,只要知道操作杆作用就会了。 首先要知道挖掘机可操作的布局, 前面有两个杆,是用来行车的,两个杆同时向前推,车就前行,同时向后拉,车就倒退,杆推的副度大车速就快,副度小车速就慢,一个副度小一个副度大就会是在行走中的转弯)。 然后就是左右各一个小巧的操作杆,给两只手操作的,就是挖土用的了。。。主要的来了。。。 手右边操作杆:向前推,整条机臂下压(机臂有三个运动节点,分别在挖斗,中间,机身上,这个就是控制机身上的节点,使整条臂下压),向后拉就是整条臂上升,向左拉就是挖斗往里收(就是挖土),向右拉就是挖斗向外张开(就是将土倒出来)。 左手边操作杆:向前推,机身向右旋转,向后拉机身向左旋转,向左推中臂张开(一般和右边的张开挖斗配合来倒土),向右推中臂收回来(和右边收斗配合挖土)。

        IP属地:四川来自iPhone客户端5楼2014-11-23 13:13
          来吧!喊出那句口号!来吧!竖起那杆旗帜!来吧!燃起熊熊烈焰!最后!诸君!这是战争!我们现在要大声的喊出来!“ FFF团万岁!火刑架万岁!情侣什么的都去死吧!性别不同怎么谈恋爱!天下有情人终成兄妹! ”让我们烧死他们!圣战将至!吾辈与荣耀、鲜血共存!二月十四日,战火将划破黎明,怒火将燃烧天地,号角宣告着战争的开始,刀剑宣告着末日的丧钟,那时,欢乐已不复存在,悲伤将取而代之,鲜花将散落尘土,大地将落尽朱红,人们啊,颤抖吧!人们啊,恐惧吧!人们啊,哭泣吧!只有汝等的绝望,才能成就吾辈的荣誉!那时,吾将登立于高塔的顶峰,宣告情侣的恶业,审判现实充的罪孽!啊!那时,吾辈将欢舞!我们fff谁烧不死?,我大FFF团专属团员有卡卡罗特,行星吞噬者,就是整个宇宙也烧给你看!

          IP属地:福建6楼2014-11-23 18:49
            来吧!喊出那句口号!来吧!竖起那杆旗帜!来吧!燃起熊熊烈焰!最后!诸君!这是战争!我们现在要大声的喊出来!“ FFF团万岁!火刑架万岁!情侣什么的都去死吧!性别不同怎么谈恋爱!天下有情人终成兄妹! ”让我们烧死他们!圣战将至!吾辈与荣耀、鲜血共存!二月十四日,战火将划破黎明,怒火将燃烧天地,号角宣告着战争的开始,刀剑宣告着末日的丧钟,那时,欢乐已不复存在,悲伤将取而代之,鲜花将散落尘土,大地将落尽朱红,人们啊,颤抖吧!人们啊,恐惧吧!人们啊,哭泣吧!只有汝等的绝望,才能成就吾辈的荣誉!那时,吾将登立于高塔的顶峰,宣告情侣的恶业,审判现实充的罪孽!啊!那时,吾辈将欢舞!我们fff谁烧不死?,我大FFF团专属团员有卡卡罗特,行星吞噬者,就是整个宇宙也烧给你看!

            IP属地:福建7楼2014-11-23 18:49
              来吧!喊出那句口号!来吧!竖起那杆旗帜!来吧!燃起熊熊烈焰!最后!诸君!这是战争!我们现在要大声的喊出来!“ FFF团万岁!火刑架万岁!情侣什么的都去死吧!性别不同怎么谈恋爱!天下有情人终成兄妹! ”让我们烧死他们!圣战将至!吾辈与荣耀、鲜血共存!二月十四日,战火将划破黎明,怒火将燃烧天地,号角宣告着战争的开始,刀剑宣告着末日的丧钟,那时,欢乐已不复存在,悲伤将取而代之,鲜花将散落尘土,大地将落尽朱红,人们啊,颤抖吧!人们啊,恐惧吧!人们啊,哭泣吧!只有汝等的绝望,才能成就吾辈的荣誉!那时,吾将登立于高塔的顶峰,宣告情侣的恶业,审判现实充的罪孽!啊!那时,吾辈将欢舞!我们fff谁烧不死?,我大FFF团专属团员有卡卡罗特,行星吞噬者,就是整个宇宙也烧给你看!

              IP属地:福建8楼2014-11-23 18:50

                IP属地:四川来自iPhone客户端9楼2014-11-24 00:46
                  There was once a broken man
                  Who walked a lonely road
                  And Gave up all his dreams
                  I was once this broken man
                  Stared into the sun
                  and Just refuse to see
                  I was
                  lost amongst the clouds that would'nt fade
                  I was looking for an answer
                  I was searching but I didn t take the time
                  I was down
                  out and
                  feeling so afraid
                  I love you
                  the Way that you turn me round
                  And chase away my blues
                  I love you
                  the way that you change my world
                  when I m with you
                  Love may come and love may go
                  but now its here to stay
                  Forever and a day
                  And when I See you smile
                  I fall into your eyes
                  to Never fade way
                  I need you hear to make the dark clouds dift away
                  And to make the mornings bright again
                  I m right here for you theres nothing more to say
                  I m just happy that your mine and here to stay
                  I love you
                  the Way that you turn me round
                  And chase away my blues
                  I love you
                  the way that ypu change my world
                  when I m with you
                  It doesn t matter where we're from and where we are going
                  as long as your with me all the way
                  And the nights a

                  IP属地:福建来自Android客户端10楼2014-11-24 05:20
                    There was once a broken man
                    Who walked a lonely road
                    And Gave up all his dreams
                    I was once this broken man
                    Stared into the sun
                    and Just refuse to see
                    I was
                    lost amongst the clouds that would'nt fade
                    I was looking for an answer
                    I was searching but I didn t take the time
                    I was down
                    out and
                    feeling so afraid
                    I love you
                    the Way that you turn me round
                    And chase away my blues
                    I love you
                    the way that you change my world
                    when I m with you
                    Love may come and love may go
                    but now its here to stay
                    Forever and a day
                    And when I See you smile
                    I fall into your eyes
                    to Never fade way
                    I need you hear to make the dark clouds dift away
                    And to make the mornings bright again
                    I m right here for you theres nothing more to say
                    I m just happy that your mine and here to stay
                    I love you
                    the Way that you turn me round
                    And chase away my blues
                    I love you
                    the way that ypu change my world
                    when I m with you
                    It doesn t matter where we're from and where we are going
                    as long as your with me all the way
                    And the nights a

                    IP属地:福建来自Android客户端11楼2014-11-24 05:20
                      There was once a broken man
                      Who walked a lonely road
                      And Gave up all his dreams
                      I was once this broken man
                      Stared into the sun
                      and Just refuse to see
                      I was
                      lost amongst the clouds that would'nt fade
                      I was looking for an answer
                      I was searching but I didn t take the time
                      I was down
                      out and
                      feeling so afraid
                      I love you
                      the Way that you turn me round
                      And chase away my blues
                      I love you
                      the way that you change my world
                      when I m with you
                      Love may come and love may go
                      but now its here to stay
                      Forever and a day
                      And when I See you smile
                      I fall into your eyes
                      to Never fade way
                      I need you hear to make the dark clouds dift away
                      And to make the mornings bright again
                      I m right here for you theres nothing more to say
                      I m just happy that your mine and here to stay
                      I love you
                      the Way that you turn me round
                      And chase away my blues
                      I love you
                      the way that ypu change my world
                      when I m with you
                      It doesn t matter where we're from and where we are going
                      as long as your with me all the way
                      And the nights a

                      IP属地:福建来自Android客户端12楼2014-11-24 05:20

                        IP属地:福建来自Android客户端19楼2014-11-24 20:44

                          IP属地:福建来自Android客户端30楼2014-11-28 16:29

                            IP属地:福建来自Android客户端35楼2014-11-30 05:08

                              IP属地:福建来自Android客户端36楼2014-11-30 05:08