盛夏的微凉吧 关注:20贴子:1,400

【微凉】 喜欢上了快节奏歌曲


最近听得都是 轻快 节奏鲜明的歌, 生活一下好有动力
  --single boy single boy
   single all the way,
   online game,masturbate,
   we go all the way,hey!
   single boy single boy,
   why not be a gay,
   no more wait,no more hate,
    let us all be gay!

来自Android客户端1楼2014-12-30 00:01回复
      --single boy single boy
       single all the way,
       online game,masturbate,
       we go all the way,hey!
       single boy single boy,
       why not be a gay,
       no more wait,no more hate,
        let us all be gay!

    来自Android客户端2楼2014-12-30 00:02
        --single boy single boy
         single all the way,
         online game,masturbate,
         we go all the way,hey!
         single boy single boy,
         why not be a gay,
         no more wait,no more hate,
          let us all be gay!

      来自Android客户端3楼2014-12-30 00:02
        喜欢上了小提琴, 感觉不断重复一段小提琴曲很好听。 只是不知道是什么音乐形式
          --single boy single boy
           single all the way,
           online game,masturbate,
           we go all the way,hey!
           single boy single boy,
           why not be a gay,
           no more wait,no more hate,
            let us all be gay!

        来自Android客户端4楼2014-12-30 00:03
          生活需要快节奏,需要激情,需要好心情, 需要温暖
            --single boy single boy
             single all the way,
             online game,masturbate,
             we go all the way,hey!
             single boy single boy,
             why not be a gay,
             no more wait,no more hate,
              let us all be gay!

          来自Android客户端5楼2014-12-30 00:06
              --single boy single boy
               single all the way,
               online game,masturbate,
               we go all the way,hey!
               single boy single boy,
               why not be a gay,
               no more wait,no more hate,
                let us all be gay!

            来自Android客户端6楼2014-12-30 00:08
              发觉很多人不知不觉就疏远了, 可能是不在身边, 环境不同了, 渐渐的都不是一个世界的人了。 强行维持,可能适得其反吧。
                --single boy single boy
                 single all the way,
                 online game,masturbate,
                 we go all the way,hey!
                 single boy single boy,
                 why not be a gay,
                 no more wait,no more hate,
                  let us all be gay!

              来自Android客户端7楼2014-12-30 00:09
                  --single boy single boy
                   single all the way,
                   online game,masturbate,
                   we go all the way,hey!
                   single boy single boy,
                   why not be a gay,
                   no more wait,no more hate,
                    let us all be gay!

                来自Android客户端8楼2014-12-30 00:09
                    --single boy single boy
                     single all the way,
                     online game,masturbate,
                     we go all the way,hey!
                     single boy single boy,
                     why not be a gay,
                     no more wait,no more hate,
                      let us all be gay!

                  来自Android客户端9楼2014-12-30 00:09
                      --single boy single boy
                       single all the way,
                       online game,masturbate,
                       we go all the way,hey!
                       single boy single boy,
                       why not be a gay,
                       no more wait,no more hate,
                        let us all be gay!

                    来自Android客户端10楼2014-12-30 00:10
                      今天给爸爸妈妈都打了电话, 家的感觉真的很 温暖。
                        --single boy single boy
                         single all the way,
                         online game,masturbate,
                         we go all the way,hey!
                         single boy single boy,
                         why not be a gay,
                         no more wait,no more hate,
                          let us all be gay!

                      来自Android客户端11楼2014-12-30 00:10
                          --single boy single boy
                           single all the way,
                           online game,masturbate,
                           we go all the way,hey!
                           single boy single boy,
                           why not be a gay,
                           no more wait,no more hate,
                            let us all be gay!

                        来自Android客户端12楼2014-12-30 00:37
                            --single boy single boy
                             single all the way,
                             online game,masturbate,
                             we go all the way,hey!
                             single boy single boy,
                             why not be a gay,
                             no more wait,no more hate,
                              let us all be gay!

                          来自Android客户端13楼2014-12-30 00:37
                              --single boy single boy
                               single all the way,
                               online game,masturbate,
                               we go all the way,hey!
                               single boy single boy,
                               why not be a gay,
                               no more wait,no more hate,
                                let us all be gay!

                            来自Android客户端14楼2014-12-30 00:38
                                --single boy single boy
                                 single all the way,
                                 online game,masturbate,
                                 we go all the way,hey!
                                 single boy single boy,
                                 why not be a gay,
                                 no more wait,no more hate,
                                  let us all be gay!

                              来自Android客户端15楼2014-12-30 00:38