浮云路过吧 关注:20贴子:403
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来自手机贴吧1楼2015-01-12 12:02回复

    from left to right, Timmy Burch, Red, Butters, Bradley (front), Tweek (back), Clyde, Cartman, Kevin (front), Token (back), Annie, Kyle, Bebe (front), Pip (back), Kenny, Stan, Francis (front), Craig (back) and Wendy. Not pictured: Jimmy and Nichole.

    3楼2015-01-12 12:15
      SP各人生日(日期顺序):craig 01.25
      timmy 2.24
      kenny 3.22
      pip 5.13
      kyle 05.26
      damien 06.06
      token 06.10
      cartman 07.01
      bebe 08.13
      tweek 08.17
      butters 09.11
      stan 10.19
      shelley 11.24
      jimmy 12.08
      ike 12.17
      wendy 12.18

      4楼2015-01-12 12:17

        Coons And Friends:
        The Human Kite (Kyle Broflovski)
        Mysterion (Kenny McCormick)
        Toolshed (Stan Marsh)
        The Coon (Eric Cartman)
        Tupperware (Token Black)
        Mosquito (Clyde Donovan)
        Iron Maiden (Timmy Burch)
        Mint Berry Crunch (Bradley Biggle)
        Professor Chaos (Butters Stotch)

        5楼2015-01-12 12:27
          South Park Super Heroes:

          6楼2015-01-12 12:30
            WIZARD (Cartman)Noble and mighty, the Wizard King commands all humans of Zaron! He has harnessed the power of farts and will lay waste to any enemy who crosses him. Such is the power of a Wizard and King...
            PRINCESS (Kenny)The fairest maiden in all of the kingdom. This breathtaking and lovely Princess is the pride of the human faction, with her unmatched ability to charm men. Don't ask why Kenny wanted to be a chick, it's just how he seems to be rolling right now...
            PALADIN (Butters)As Court Paladin, it's his job to deliver the Wizard Kings' justice... and his mail. A noble and fair member of the Human faction, this Paladin also has the power to heal.
            WARRIOR (Stan)A brave and strong warrior of the Elven army. Along with his companion Sparky, this warrior serves as the right-hand man to the Elf King, and holds great power in his magical sword summons.
            JEW ELF (Kyle)For a thousand years, the Jew Elf has battled bravely against the Wizard King's human army. This leader of the Drow Elves has many strengths, but perhaps most menacing is his ability to kick the baby.
            BARD (Jimmy)Lord of Song, King of Comedy, and Knower of the Forbidden Note! The Bard is an essential member of the elven army, using the power of music to enchant and destroy his enemies.

            7楼2015-01-12 12:39
              【Fighter】As a Fighter you will be the ultimate warrior, able to carry heavy bad ass weapons and the strongest armors in Kuppa Keep. You will start your journey by destroying enemies' balls with "Roshambo", which also allows you to stun your opponents!【Mage】Ever dreamed of controlling the dark forces of sorcery? By becoming the mage you'll master powerful spells like the "Dragon's Breath", allowing you to destroy huge amounts of enemies by showering them with a firecracker's fiery sparks.【Thief】You move in the shadows and are able to throw deadly and unpredictable attacks. People may call you a weakling, until they receive one of your "Backstabs", after which they'll be most certainly dead...!
              【Jew】You are not afraid to cast the first stone with your secret martial arts. You perform circumcisions with precision and won't shy from summoning a mix of pestilence, fiery hail, flying insects, or a rain of frogs to send your opponent back to their maker.

              8楼2015-01-12 12:42
                真理之杖new kid原名:Dovahkiin(Dragonborn)


                9楼2015-01-12 12:46