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A Music In My Soul 音乐我灵魂


[ 00:05.28 ] [ AR:黑暗沼泽]
[00:09.27][ti: A Music In My Soul]
[ 00:09.27 ] [钛:我的灵魂]音乐
[00:15.28][al: Ancestral Romance]
[ 00:15.28 ] [基地]:祖先的浪漫
[00:25.28]by: yvonne WANT
[ 00:25.28 ]:伊冯想
[00:31.28]I break down just thinking on dark swallows,
[ 00:31.28 ]我想打破黑暗的燕子,
[00:37.13]I've not strenght enough to fly away,
[ 00:37.13 ]我没有实力足以飞走,
[00:42.99]so I could look like a kid who follows,
[ 00:42.99 ]所以我能像谁遵循一个孩子,
[00:49.01]staggering, a serpentine long way.
[ 00:49.01 ]惊人,蜿蜒的长路。
[ 00:53.74 ] [ ] [ ] [ 01:17.43 01:40.02 02:17.29 ] [ ] [ ] [ 02:39.18 03:09.48 03:34.42 ] [ ] [ ] [ 03:56.95 04:44.72 04:59.83 ]
[00:55.04]When my anguish is becoming bigger;
[ 00:55.04 ]当我的痛苦越来越大;
[01:00.64]only loneliness is my true friend,
[ 01:00.64 ]孤独才是我真正的朋友,
[01:06.86]then the shadows show their tragic figures,
[ 01:06.86 ]然后阴影显示他们的悲剧人物,
[01:12.90]day and night are equal in the end.
[ 01:12.90 ]昼夜到底是平等的。
[01:18.73][02:18.53][03:35.98]Now I see
[ ] [ ] [ 01:18.73 02:18.53 03:35.98 ]现在我看到
[01:24.59][02:24.24][03:41.90]how I am free,
[ ] [ ] [ 01:24.59 02:24.24 03:41.90 ]我多么自由,
[01:30.51][02:30.16][03:47.74]behind in the past
[ ] [ ] [ 01:30.51 02:30.16 03:47.74 ]在过去
[01:33.74][02:33.26][03:50.91]time is running fast
[ 01:33.74 ] [ ] [ ] 02:33.26 03:50.91时间过的很快
[01:35.66][02:35.46][03:52.96]from then to me.
[ 01:35.66 ] [ ] [ ] 02:35.46 03:52.96从我。
[01:54.56]I try, in despair, to find a reason
[ 01:54.56 ]我尝试,在绝望中,找到了一个理由
[02:00.49]when I have collapsed under the rain,
[ 02:00.49 ]当我在雨中倒塌,
[02:06.33]I have better wait on other season
[ 02:06.33 ]我在其他季节最好等
[02:12.44]to be able to stand up again.
[ 02:12.44 ]能够重新站起来。
[02:41.97][03:59.55][04:23.56][05:46.99][06:10.82]I'll never grieve,
[ 02:41.97 ] [ 03:59.55 ] [ ] [ ] [ 04:23.56 05:46.99 06:10.82 ]我永远不会悲伤,
[02:43.40][04:00.99][04:24.87][05:48.55][06:12.49]never wail,
[ 02:43.40 ] [ ] [ ] [ 04:00.99 04:24.87 05:48.55 ] [ 06:12.49 ]不哭,
[02:45.10][04:02.60][04:26.30][05:50.15][06:14.05]never be afraid of tomorrow,
[ 02:45.10 ] [ 04:02.60 ] [ ] [ ] [ 04:26.30 05:50.15 06:14.05 ]不会害怕明天,
[02:47.64][04:05.40][04:29.17][05:53.02][06:16.85]I'll never leave
[ 02:47.64 ] [ 04:05.40 ] [ ] [ ] [ 04:29.17 05:53.02 06:16.85 ]我永远不会离开
[02:49.45][04:07.09][04:30.92][05:54.58][06:18.28]never fail
[ 02:49.45 ] [ 04:07.09 ] [ ] [ ] [ 04:30.92 05:54.58 06:18.28 ]永远不会失败
[02:51.01][04:08.51][04:32.52][05:56.02][06:19.90]nor give up facing my woe,
[ 02:51.01 ] [ ] [ ] [ 04:08.51 04:32.52 05:56.02 ] [ 06:19.90 ]也不放弃面对我的悲哀,
[02:53.62][04:11.13][04:35.08][05:58.69][06:22.70]no crying,
[ 02:53.62 ] [ 04:11.13 ] [ ] [ ] [ 04:35.08 05:58.69 06:22.70 ]没有哭,
[02:55.29][04:12.87][04:36.76][06:00.37][06:24.19]oh, no!,
[ 02:55.29 ] [ 04:12.87 ] [ ] [ ] [ 04:36.76 06:00.37 06:24.19 ]哦,不!,
[02:57.10]but listening to a music in my soul,
[ 02:57.10 ]但听音乐在我的灵魂,
[03:04.20]in my soul.
[ 03:04.20 ]在我的灵魂。
[03:11.96]In the nights of pain my dreams were livid,
[ 03:11.96 ]在痛苦我的梦想夜晚是铁青,
[03:18.07]wax portrayals which escaped with dawn,
[ 03:18.07 ]蜡描绘出来的黎明,
[03:24.04]now, remains a memory so vivid
[ 03:24.04 ]现在,仍然是一个记忆如此生动
[03:30.00]as the rest of me carries on...
[ 03:30.00 ]作为我的其余部分进行…
[04:14.54]but listening to a music in my soul...
[ 04:14.54 ]但听音乐在我的灵魂…
[04:38.56][06:26.06]but listening to a music in my soul.
[ 04:38.56 ] [ 06:26.06 ]但听音乐在我的灵魂。
[04:47.76]I'll never mourn:
[ 04:47.76 ]我永远不会悲伤:
[04:52.44]if I'll die, I was born.
[ 04:52.44 ]如果我将死去,我出世。
[06:02.04]but listening to a music in my soul... Yeah!
[ 06:02.04 ]但听音乐在我的灵魂…是啊
[06:33.71]In my soul... Yeah...
[ 06:33.71 ]在我的灵魂…是啊
[06:39.87]In my soul... Yeeee-yeaaaah...
[ 06:39.87 ]在我的灵魂…yeaaaah yeeee…
[06:54.63]In my soul...
[ 06:54.63 ]在我的灵魂…

1楼2015-08-15 13:16回复

    IP属地:陕西来自Android客户端2楼2015-08-16 23:16