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Note: This is a slightly edited version of a talk I gave yesterday at Broome Community College in Binghamton, New York. It’s a simple list of 10 things I wish I’d heard when I was in college.
【注:这是我在纽约Binghamton的Broome Community College所做的演讲,略有修改。所列10项内容,是我希望自己当年在大学能学到的。】
All advice is autobiographical.
It’s one of my theories that when people give you advice, they’re really just talking to themselves in the past. This list is me talking to a previous version of myself.
Your mileage may vary.

1楼2015-08-21 22:10回复
    4. Use your hands.
    4. 运用你的双手。
    My favorite cartoonist, Lynda Barry, she has this saying: “In the digital age, don’t forget to use your digits! Your hands are the original digital devices.”
    我最喜欢的漫画家是Lynda Barry,她说过这样的话:“在数字时代,别忘了使用你的手!它们是原始的数字工具。”
    When I was in creative writing workshops in college, all manuscripts had to be in double-spaced, Times New Roman font. And my stuff was just terrible. It wasn’t until I started making writing with my hands that writing became fun and my work started to improve.
    当年我在大学的创意写作班时,所有的手稿都必须是两倍行距和Times New Roman字体。我写的东西一塌糊涂。直到我开始用双手写作以后,写作才变得有趣,我的作品才开始进步。
    The more I stay away from the computer, the better my ideas get. Microsoft Word is my enemy. I use it all the time at work. I try to stay away from it the rest of my life.
    I think the more that writing is made into a physical process, the better it is. You can feel the ink on paper. You can spread writing all over your desk and sort through it. You can lay it all out where you can look at it.
    People ask me why I don’t develop an iPhone or iPad Newspaper Blackout app, and I tell them because I think there is magic in feeling the newsprint in your hand and the words disappearing under that marker line. A lot of your senses are engaged–even the smell of the fumes add to the experience.
    Art that only comes from the head isn’t any good. Watch any good musician and you’ll see what I mean.
    When I’m making the poems, it doesn’t feel like work. It feels like play.
    So my advice is to find a way to bring your body into your work. Draw on the walls. Stand up when you’re working. Spread things around the table.
    Use your hands.

    本楼含有高级字体5楼2015-08-21 22:18
      10. Creativity is subtraction.
      10. 创造力是做减法。
      It’s often what an artist chooses to leave out that makes the art interesting. What isn’t shown vs. what is.
      In this age of information overload and abundance, those who get ahead will be the folks who figure out what to leave out, so they can concentrate on what’s important to them.
      Devoting yourself to something means shutting out other things.
      What makes you interesting isn’t just what you’ve experienced, but also what you haven’t experienced.
      The same is true when you make art: you must embrace your limitations and keep moving.
      Creativity isn’t just the things we chose to put in, it’s also the things we chose to leave out. Or black out.
      And that’s all I think I have.
      Thanks, y’all.

      本楼含有高级字体11楼2015-08-21 22:28

        IP属地:吉林来自Android客户端12楼2015-08-22 18:54