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IP属地:广东来自Android客户端1楼2016-01-07 00:33回复
    IP属地:广东来自Android客户端2楼2016-01-07 19:30
      IP属地:广东来自Android客户端3楼2016-01-07 19:31
        "I have come to kill you for the sake of honor. And though you possess none, still you die."
        The most feared duelist in all Valoran, Fiora is as renowned for her brusque manner and cunning mind as she is for the speed of her bluesteel rapier. Born to House Laurent in the Kingdom of Demacia, Fiora took control of the family from her father in the wake of a scandal that nearly destroyed them. House Laurent's reputation was sundered, but Fiora bends her every effort to restore her family's honor and return them to their rightful place among the great and good of Demacia.

        来自Android客户端4楼2016-01-15 05:06
          "I have come to kill you for the sake of honor. And though you possess none, still you die."
          The most feared duelist in all Valoran, Fiora is as renowned for her brusque manner and cunning mind as she is for the speed of her bluesteel rapier. Born to House Laurent in the Kingdom of Demacia, Fiora took control of the family from her father in the wake of a scandal that nearly destroyed them. House Laurent's reputation was sundered, but Fiora bends her every effort to restore her family's honor and return them to their rightful place among the great and good of Demacia.

          来自Android客户端5楼2016-01-15 05:06
            "I have come to kill you for the sake of honor. And though you possess none, still you die."
            The most feared duelist in all Valoran, Fiora is as renowned for her brusque manner and cunning mind as she is for the speed of her bluesteel rapier. Born to House Laurent in the Kingdom of Demacia, Fiora took control of the family from her father in the wake of a scandal that nearly destroyed them. House Laurent's reputation was sundered, but Fiora bends her every effort to restore her family's honor and return them to their rightful place among the great and good of Demacia.

            来自Android客户端6楼2016-01-15 05:07

              IP属地:天津来自Android客户端7楼2016-02-21 12:53

                来自Android客户端8楼2016-03-06 00:42