影史经典吧 关注:7贴子:30
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IP属地:加拿大1楼2016-09-04 22:47回复
    The women who both attracted and frightened him and an Italy dominated in his youth by Mussolini and Pope Pius XII - inspired the dreams that Fellini started recording in notebooks in the 1960s. Life and dreams were raw material for his films. His native Rimini and characters like Saraghina (the devil herself said the priests who ran his school) - and the Gambettola farmhouse of his paternal grandmother would be remembered in several films. His traveling salesman father Urbano Fellini showed up in La dolce vita(1960) and 8½ (1963). His mother Ida Barbiani was from Rome and accompanied him there in 1939.

    IP属地:加拿大5楼2016-09-04 22:49
      The young Fellini loved vaudeville and was befriended in 1940 by leading comedian Aldo Fabrizi. Roberto Rossellini wanted Fabrizi to play Don Pietro in Roma città aperta (1945) and made the contact through Fellini. Fellini worked on that film's script and is on the credits for Rosselini's Paisà(1946). On that film he wandered into the editing room, started observing how Italian films were made (a lot like the old silent films with an emphasis on visual effects, dialogue dubbed in later). Fellini in his mid-20s had found his life's work.
      - IMDb Mini Biography By: Dale O'Connor

      IP属地:加拿大7楼2016-09-04 22:50
        The son of an affluent architect, Eisenstein attended the Institute of Civil Engineering in Petrograd as a young man. With the fall of the tsar in 1917, he worked as an engineer for the Red Army. In the following years, Eisenstein joined up with the Moscow Proletkult Theater as a set designer and then director.

        IP属地:加拿大8楼2016-09-04 22:51
          Though he made only seven films in his career, he and his theoretical writings demonstrated how film could move beyond its nineteenth-century predecessor--Victorian theatre-- to create abstract concepts with concrete images.
          - IMDb Mini Biography By: Michael Kaminsky <kaminsky@ucsee.eecs.berkeley.edu>

          IP属地:加拿大11楼2016-09-04 22:52
            Critics never give away an ending to a mystery; there is such a thing as ethics. It isn’t fair because complete enjoyment depends on the big surprise at the conclusion. But Mr. Hitchcock gives out several clues and if you are sharp you can figure it out.

            IP属地:加拿大14楼2016-09-04 22:54
              The obvious thing to say is that Hitch has done it again; that the suspense of his picture builds up slowly but surely to an almost unbearable pitch of excitement. “Psycho” is a murder mystery. It isn’t Hitchcock’s usual terrifier, a shocker of the nervous system; it’s a mind-teaser.

              IP属地:加拿大15楼2016-09-04 22:54
                From the novel by Robert Bloch, the story concerns the search for two people who disappear completely: a young woman running away from something, a man who is following her. That’s about all I can say and not give too much away.

                IP属地:加拿大16楼2016-09-04 22:54

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