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【歌词】TIME TO GO歌词


[00:00.05]Time To Go - 石川由依&Canaria Utara
[00:01.45]Someone calling you
[00:04.74]Someone calling you
[00:07.94]Can't you hear the voice?
[00:14.69]Now it's time to go
[00:17.94]Can't you hear the voice?
[00:21.42]Now it's time to go
[00:24.69]Show your bravery
[00:31.44]Now it's time to go
[00:34.68]Now it's time to go
[00:38.15]Fly to beyond the sky
[00:41.47]Show your bravery
[00:44.76]Don't be hesitate
[00:48.05]Yes,I believe in you
[00:51.40]Don't be hesitate
[00:54.66]Go on sparkling in the night
[01:24.19]sparkling night
[01:37.32]Show you you you【秀呦……】
[01:51.40]Now it's time to go
[01:57.98]Now it's time to go
[02:04.77]Now it's time to go
[02:08.13]Now it's time to go
[02:11.49]Fly to beyond the sky
[02:14.78]Show your bravery
[02:18.16]Don't be hesitate
[02:21.36]Yes,I believe in you
[02:24.77]Don't be hesitate
[02:28.10]Go on sparkling in the night
[02:44.85]Someone calling you
[02:48.15]Someone calling you
[02:51.54]Can't you hear the voice?
[02:58.12]Don't be hesitate
[03:01.31]Yes,I believe in you
[03:04.62]Don't be hesitate
[03:07.99]Go on sparkling in the night

IP属地:山东1楼2016-09-28 17:25回复
    [00:00.02]作曲:岩崎琢/词作:佐藤纯子/歌者:石川由依&Canaria Utara
    [00:00.08]TIME TO GO
    [00:01.45]Someone calling you【它在呼唤着你】
    [00:04.74]Someone calling you【它在呼唤着你】
    [00:07.94]Can't you hear the voice?【难道你没听到吗?】
    [00:14.69]Now it's time to go【现在,该启程了】
    [00:17.94]Can't you hear the voice?【难道你听不到吗?】
    [00:21.42]Now it's time to go【我们将全力以赴】
    [00:24.69]Show your bravery【重拾你勇气】
    [00:31.44]Now it's time to go【就是现在】
    [00:34.68]Now it's time to go【我们将全力以赴】
    [00:38.15]Fly to beyond the sky【翻越天空的高墙】
    [00:41.47]Show your bravery【去秀出你勇气】
    [00:44.76]Don't be hesitate【别再迟疑了】
    [00:48.05]Yes,I believe in you【是的,请相信我】
    [00:51.40]Don't be hesitate 【别再犹豫了】
    [00:54.66]Go on sparkling in the night 【来吧,夜幕中最璀璨的光】
    [01:24.19]sparkling night【栩栩生辉】
    [01:37.32]Show you you you【秀呦……】
    [01:51.40]Now it's time to go【现在正是时候】
    [01:57.98]Now it's time to go【现在正是时候】
    [02:04.77]Now it's time to go【现在正是时候】
    [02:08.13]Now it's time to go【我们将全力以赴】
    [02:11.49]Fly to beyond the sky【翻越天空的高墙】
    [02:14.78]Show your bravery【去秀出你勇气】
    [02:18.16]Don't be hesitate 【别再犹豫了】
    [02:21.36]Yes,I believe in you【是的,请相信我】
    [02:24.77]Don't be hesitate 【别再迟疑了】
    [02:28.10]Go on sparkling in the night【来吧,夜幕中最璀璨的光】
    [02:44.85]Someone calling you【它在召唤着你】
    [02:48.15]Someone calling you【它在召唤着你】
    [02:51.54]Can't you hear the voice?【难道你没注意到吗?】
    [02:58.12]Don't be hesitate【别再迟疑了】
    [03:01.31]Yes,I believe in you【是的,请相信我】
    [03:04.62]Don't be hesitate 【别再犹豫了】
    [03:07.99]Go on sparkling in the night 【来吧,撕裂夜空的光——】

    IP属地:山东2楼2016-11-20 21:34

      IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端8楼2016-12-31 10:27