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IP属地:浙江来自iPhone客户端1楼2017-03-18 06:44回复
    Secrets of the Sun

    IP属地:浙江来自iPhone客户端2楼2017-03-18 06:45
      Generate 380 billion billion megawatts of power

      IP属地:浙江来自iPhone客户端3楼2017-03-18 06:46
        This dwarfs anything on the human scale

        IP属地:浙江来自iPhone客户端4楼2017-03-18 06:47
          Generate= churns out

          IP属地:浙江来自iPhone客户端5楼2017-03-18 06:48
            This dwarfs anything on the human scale
            Generate= churns out = create
            In the blink of an eye
            Puzzle = question
            Harness = control or 掌控
            Nuclear fusion
            Smash= crack??
            Literally 正确地,逐个地
            Cauldron for nuclear fusion
            Swelter= the hot people cannot bear
            Immense = large extremely
            Cosmos = universe
            It is so central to life that we don't often give it a second thought
            Glowing traveller = photon
            A long winding road like Dante journeying through the levels of Hell
            Chaotic zigzag = 混乱的
            Small blip in time
            The simple perfect disc of a sunset, belies the long, violent history of our star.
            Kickstarted 坍塌?
            Coalesced = combined
            Forge = 熔
            Hoard= contain
            It's a sort of like Goldylocks and the Three Bears, not too hot, not too cold, it's just right.
            Unleash= release
            When they quickly transfer their energy, like a cue ball striking the rack in the game of billiards.
            Ripples on a pot 涟漪
            A matter of hours几小时
            Just like waves breaking around the bow of a boat
            Emanate, origin but 射
            The trigger for / reason
            Inflicted 造成
            With great danger also comes astonishing beauty. Solar storms generate majestic planetary lightshows. The shimmering court aims of color called the Aurora. Auroras work like neon signs, on an enormous scale.
            Flows= 发光
            O2 = red/ green N2= pinks, blue and violets
            It's likely that our modern technologies would be battered{damaged}, like beachfront houses during a hurricane.
            The failure of power grids cascaded(一连串,小溪) whole regions into darkness for hours or weeks.
            It goes crazy, ferocious and it's like the 4th of July with fireworks all the time
            Ramp down, ramp= incline
            Someone/ something be in for a wild ride (走上疯狂之路)
            Wreak= cause
            Rock you= shock you
            Tremendously = extremely
            We're also lucky that the Moon, although it's 400 times smaller than the Sun, it also 400 times closer to us. This cosmic coincidence means that the two objects just happen to be the same apparent size in our sky,which allows for one to completely block out the other. This magnificent cosmic event only happens when the path of the Moon intersects the line between the Earth and the Sun. The Moon's orbit is tilted slightly about 5 degrees. If it wasn't we would have an eclipse every month.
            For now, humanity basks in the glow of a Sun in the prime of its life. Science has uncovered many of the secrets of our nearest star, but we remain awed by its beauty, and ever more wary of its wrath.

            IP属地:浙江来自iPhone客户端6楼2017-03-18 08:39