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Huang Yi, Forefather of Xuanhuan/Chinese Fantasy, Passes Aw


It is with an extremely heavy heart that I announce to you all that Huang Yi, author of ‘A Step Into the Past’ and one of the forefathers and pioneers of Chinese wuxia and fantasy novels, passed away yesterday from a stroke. He was just 65.
Huang Yi (real name Huang Zuqiang) is a name which many readers might not know about, but which many of us translators assuredly do, especially the old-school ones who cut our teeth on the traditional Wuxia classics written by Jinyong (Louis Cha) and Gulong (Xiong Yaohua). However, he’s a pioneer of the entire genre of Chinese fantasy which all of you enjoy reading so much, and I think it is incredibly important for those of us at Wuxiaworld to bow our heads in homage and appreciation for this man who has brought us so much.
Huang Yi was not the first person to write novels that are considered ‘xuanhuan’ (ie, occult fantasy/Chinese fantasy), but he was the first to actually coin the term ‘xuanhuan’ and one of the absolute pioneers of this field who paved the way for future Chinese webnovelists. His 1988 work [破碎虚空] (Shattering the Void) was considered one of the precursors to Immortal cultivation works, with the very term ‘shattering the Void’ coming to mean a cultivator succeeding in his cultivation and being able to reach a brand new world and horizon. His 1996 book [寻秦记] (The Search for Qin, aka A Step Into the Past, translated on SPCNET), a story about a modern day Chinese spec-ops soldier who was sent back to the era of the Warring States period in China, set the stage for all the ‘reincarnated’ and ‘time travel’ novels that have come since. To this very day, he was still writing extremely popular ‘traditional’ Wuxia as well.
The Chinese fiction-writing world, especially the webnovel world, is in mourning this week. The author I’ve translated the most, I Eat Tomatoes, had this to say:
“Huang Yi? When I was a kid I read a book by someone else called ‘The Search for the Dragon’. Only later did I find out that the original work it was based off was the ‘Search for Qin’. I sought out a yellow-backed copy of the ‘Search for Qin’ and I read it over and over again. Only after I read the ‘Twin Dragons of the Great Tang 1 did I realize that Wuxia novels could ‘shatter the Void’. Huang Yi was our forefather and guide, and he founded ‘xuanhuan’ novels… and now, he himself has ‘shattered the Void’. Safe journeys, Grandmaster!”
This is a name many of you have never heard before and might never hear again, but I hope that today at least, all of you can join me in a moment of silence for this Patriarch. May the Yama-Kings treat him well once he reaches the Yellow Springs, and may Granny Meng bless him as his soul is sent out to be reborn into the Three Realms anew.
Safe journeys indeed, Grandmaster.

IP属地:上海1楼2017-04-10 16:09回复

    IP属地:上海来自iPhone客户端2楼2017-04-10 16:15

      IP属地:上海3楼2017-04-10 16:32

        IP属地:云南来自WindowsPhone客户端4楼2017-04-10 16:42

          IP属地:上海6楼2017-04-10 17:14
            so what?

            7楼2017-04-10 18:42

              IP属地:北京来自iPhone客户端8楼2017-04-10 18:56
                我向大家宣布,《寻秦记》的作者,中国武侠和幻想小说的祖先和先驱之一黄易昨天去世了。 他只有65岁。
                黄易(真名黄祖强)是许多读者可能不了解的名字,但是我们中的许多翻译者一定了解,特别是那些在金庸(路查良镛)和古龙(熊耀华)写的传统武侠经典中。 不过,他是很多人喜欢的中国玄幻的所有类型的先驱,我觉得对于我们这些在武侠世界的人来说,我们应该向他鞠躬感谢他带给我们这么多。
                黄易不是第一个被认为是写玄幻(即隐秘幻想/中国幻想)小说的人,但他是第一个真正创作玄幻这个术语并且是中国后来网络小说的先驱。 1988年的《破碎虚空》被认为是不朽种植(猜测是修仙?应该是这个网站翻译玄幻小说的术语)作品的前身之一,其术语“破碎虚空”意味着一个耕种者成功栽培,并能够达到一个全新的世界和境界。 他1996年出版的《寻秦记》,介绍了中国现代战争士兵被送回中国战国时期的故事, 为所有“转世”和“时差旅行”小说奠定了基础。 到目前为止,他还在写非常受欢迎的”传统“武侠。
                中国小说写作世界,特别是网络世界,本周正在哀悼。 我翻译过最多的作者,我吃西红柿,这样说:
                这是你们很多人以前从未听过的名字,可能永远不会再听到,但我希望今天至少,所有的人都可以为这个鼻祖默哀一下。 可以让他到了黄泉之后,亚玛王(百度了一波好像是一个佛教形象)对他好点。可能孟婆会保佑他,当他的灵魂被送出去在三界重生的时候。

                IP属地:北京10楼2017-04-10 19:39