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17.06.24 小河—希望你长命百岁福寿绵长,但…… 97P



1楼2017-06-24 21:13回复
    他的名字是River,是小河的意思。小河是绵绵不断的,爸爸妈妈也希望小河是这样的。但是……在2014年,小河被查出来患有神经 母 细胞 瘤,就是那个死亡率很高的癌症。从此,小河和他的爸爸妈妈踏上了漫漫求医路。

    3楼2017-06-24 21:15

      4楼2017-06-24 21:16
        On November 23, 2014 our son River was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma, this is is story of treatment and his road to remission. (这是妈妈写的简介)

        5楼2017-06-24 21:16

          6楼2017-06-24 21:17

            7楼2017-06-24 21:18

              8楼2017-06-24 21:18

                9楼2017-06-24 21:19

                  10楼2017-06-24 21:20

                    I can't seem to go to bed until I make this post, but I'm not sure I'll sleep well even doing so. We've prepared for almost a year, for the death of River. We prolonged his life, sometimes not agreeing on how we did that. We made the best decisions we could, with information we had.
                    我不能去睡觉,直到我写出了这篇文章。就算这样做我也不确定我会睡得很好.。我们已经准备了将近一年, 为小河的死亡。 我们延长了他的生命, 有时我们也不同意我们这么做. 我们做了我们可以做到的最好的决定依靠我们有的信息。
                    At the end of the day, medicine could not heal River's body. While not the "official" time, at 9:07am, our nurse told me he was gone. The hours leading up to it were not as peaceful as I'd have hoped, but he drew his last breath while in my arms. My sweet boy's body fought hard, and so much longer than any of us expected. We got more time with him, he was surrounded in love, and he got his final wish of seeing Pete again.
                    在一天结束的时候, 医学不能治愈小河的身体。虽然不是"官方"的时间,在上午9:07时,我们的护士告诉我, 他已经走了。之前的几个小时并不像我希望的那样平静,但他在我的怀里咽下了他最后的一口气 ,我的小男孩的身体很辛苦,离开的时间比我们想象的要长得多。我们得到了更多的时间和他在一起, 他被爱包围着,他也实现了再次见到皮特的愿望
                    River is no longer in pain. He's no longer suffering. He's no longer trapped in a failing body.
                    小河不会再疼了 他不会再受苦了 他再也不会被困在一个病体里了
                    Yesterday he had a far off look, so I asked him what he was thinking. "Trucker. I haven't seen him a few days". I don't know if he meant actual days, or his perception of days. Because it's been a year since he's actually SEEN Trucker. I told him he'd see him soon, but I never imagined it would be 12 hours later.
                    昨天他有一个很远的地方, 所以我问他他在想什么. "卡车司机,我最近还没有见过他。". 我不知道他是不是指实际的日子, 或者他的看法. 因为他已经一年没见到卡车司机了。我告诉他, 他很快会看到他,但我从来没有想到它会是12小时后。
                    I'm incredibly grateful for his/our fire family. We had planned on Converse taking him to the funeral home via ambulance. We wanted him surrounded by love and friends. We got that plus a police escort and Kirby FD and UCFD joined in. River did not leave this world alone, and he did not leave us alone. He has his fire family every step of the way.
                    我非常感谢他—我们的消防家庭. 我们本来打算用救护车把他送回殡仪馆 我们想让他被爱和朋友包围 我们得到了一个警察护送和kirby fd和ucfd加入进来。小河并没有离开这个世界,他并没有离开我们,他每一步都有他的火。
                    On bad days he'd tell me he didn't want to be a firefighter anymore, but I know his heart still wanted it. And I no one will ever take that from him.
                    River Bexar, my heart is broken in ways I couldn't have imagined. I have no idea how I'll go on without you, but I look at Sparrow and I know I have to. You were such a strong boy, such a fighter, all the way to the end. I love you to the moon and back.
                    River Bexar,我的心破碎以我无法想象的方式。我不知道没有你我将继续,但我看着麻雀,我知道我必须好好活下去。你是这样一个坚强的男孩,就像是一个战士,一直到最后。

                    11楼2017-06-24 21:35

                      for our current hospitalization:
                      Last night was filled with a fever that wouldn't break and vomiting that wouldn't subside. It wasn't until around 9 this morning that his fever finally dropped below 100 and we got a break from the vomiting which was at a painful frequency, 12 times over the last twelve hours.
                      We've been told that the vomiting was due to the severity of his urinary...
                      昨晚充满了发烧, 不会打破和呕吐, 不会消退. 直到今天早上9点左右他的发烧终于降到100岁了我们得到了一个突破, 这是一个痛苦的频率, 12倍在过去的12小时.
                      我们被告知, 呕吐是由于他的泌尿感染的严重性, 我们最初的担心是因为, 虽然我们一直在处理不断的不断感染, 但他们从来没有得到足够的不足以引起我昨晚看到的呕吐. -是的
                      一直以来一直在跟踪我们的东西是我们即将前往纽约河的下一轮疫苗 起初我们计划在星期一早上飞, 但这计划在我们进入的时候走出了窗外. 因此, 现在我们有一个有点举行的模式, 因为在这种情况下, 我们有合理的顾虑, 以及从我们的当地医院转移到纽约的地方. 我们希望明天建立一个计划.
                      今天与的谈话后, 我们也在处理水合和钾的问题. 当他连续24小时通过他的tubie, 他正在失去地面通过发烧, 呕吐和bm, 这又得到了一点水. 可怜的孩子, 所有的夜晚和今天他口渴, 想喝, 但满足这一要求真的不会让我们很远, 因为他在他的呕吐会上, 在他的呕吐物中最多, 而他们的频率下降, 仍然存在. 他的发烧每6-8小时还有一次, 但幸运的是泰勒诺, 它正在下降, 他得到了一个突破.
                      今天我们已经很放松了, 一个很大的午睡早就应该从昨晚回来了, 但即使我喜欢这个, 我听到他再次咳嗽, 最近的温度显示它在上升.

                      12楼2017-06-24 21:36

                        The posts are getting harder, and finding an honest photo what won't leave you crying mess is even harder. Last week, when the Cal's were in town was perfect. As perfect as a trip like this could be, given the situations.
                        I struggle with everyone seeing what River has become, because it's heartbreaking. I want him to be seen as our old River, I think it's part of my own mourning. I also want it to be seen, because it's honest, and I've always tried to show what this journey has done.
                        Good and bad.
                        River is steadily declining, and although he's still eating, he either vomits it or it's vented through his PEG tube. We increased his fluids last week, and did get a little bit of an improvement, now we're seeing him retain too much, so we have to come back down on them. His body just can't handle the fluids, even at such a low rate.
                        We aren't focusing on the time we're losing, or how much we do or don't have left. We're focused on spending time with him, loving him and getting him pretty much anything he wants! We appreciate all the gift cards, and the encouraging words. There is no right thing to say, and no way to make it better. But knowing support is out there is enough.
                        ?? MamaBexar
                        帖子越来越难, 找到一张诚实的照片, 不会让你哭得更难. 上周, 当卡尔在镇上是完美的. 就像这次旅行一样完美
                        我和每一个看到河流的人一起奋斗因为这是令人心碎的 我希望他被视为我们的老河, 我认为这是我自己的哀悼的一部分. 我也希望看到它, 因为它是诚实的, 而且我一直试图表明这一旅程已经做了什么.
                        河在不断下降, 虽然他还在吃, 他要么呕吐, 要么通过他的peg管. 我们上周增加了他的液体, 并得到了一点点的改善, 现在我们看到他留下太多, 所以我们必须回到他们的背上. 他的身体不能处理液体, 即使在这么低的速度.
                        我们不集中在我们失去的时间, 或我们做的或没有离开. 我们专注于花时间和他在一起, 爱他并得到他的一切他想要的东西! 我们感谢所有的礼品卡和令人鼓舞的话语. 没有正确的事情说, 没有办法使它更好. 但知道的支持是足够的.

                        13楼2017-06-24 21:36

                          IP属地:贵州来自iPhone客户端14楼2017-06-24 23:33

                            IP属地:北京来自iPhone客户端16楼2017-06-24 23:42