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I just had a Words-PK competition on XXXXXX app with a girl. In the beginning, we were well equally matched in the first stage; however, I got to fall behind gradually in next parts. I didn't make any wrong answer at all. I just spent a little bit more time than her to make a choice. Finally, she won the game by only a narrow 3 points.

1楼2018-04-19 13:24回复
    语法来说没什么问题 就spend那里 但是从语感来说 有些句子看得我不是那么舒服 比如第一句 with作为"对抗"去用 最后一句 她以微小赢得比赛 by跟to密切相关 所以从语感来说 就是这样了

    IP属地:广东来自Android客户端3楼2018-04-19 15:23
      作为一个工人不敢说给你改一改,我只是说,若是我的话有些句子我是不会那么说的。我会说" I just spent a little bit more time making a choice than she did ."不知这样表达会不会错。

      IP属地:辽宁来自手机贴吧4楼2018-04-19 15:46
        I just finshed a Words-PK competition on XXXXXX app with a girl. We were well equally matched in the first stage, but soon I got fallen behind gradually the following parts, even without making any wrong answer, for I spent a little bit more time than she did on choices. Finally, she won the game by only a narrow 3 points.

        IP属地:广东5楼2018-04-19 16:22
          I just had a word game on XXX with a girl. It was a stalemate in the very beginning but I lost more and more points thereafter. It was not that I gave wrong answers but that it took me more time making a choice than her. At last she won, only narrowly by 3 points.

          来自iPhone客户端6楼2018-04-19 16:50
            I just had a Words-PK competition on XXXXXX app with a girl. In the beginning, we were well equally matched in the first stage; however, I got to fall behind gradually in the FOLLOWING parts. Although I didn't make any wrong answer and spent just a little bit more time than her to make a choice, I still lagged behind. Finally, she won the game by only a narrow three-point ahead (仅以领先3分的微弱优势取胜).

            7楼2018-04-19 18:01
              【revision 3】
              I just had a Words-PK competition on XXXXXX app with a girl. In the beginning, we were well equally matched in the first stage; however, I got to fall behind gradually in the FOLLOWING parts. Although I didn't make any wrong answer and spent just a little bit more time to make a choice than she did, I still lagged behind. Finally, she won the game by only a narrow three-point ahead (仅以领先3分的微弱优势取胜).

              8楼2018-04-19 18:43
                【revision 3】
                I just had a Words-PK competition on XXXXXX app with a girl. In the beginning, we were well equally matched in the first stage; however, I got to fall behind gradually in the FOLLOWING parts. Although I didn't make any wrong answer and spent just a little bit more time than her to make a choice, I still lagged behind. Finally, she won the game by only a narrow three-point ahead (仅以领先3分的微弱优势取胜).

                9楼2018-04-19 20:18
                  To win the game by a narrow lead of three points.

                  10楼2018-04-19 22:55

                    IP属地:山西来自Android客户端11楼2018-04-20 13:58