瑟兰迪尔吧 关注:50,770贴子:880,643



IP属地:北京1楼2018-10-11 16:15回复

    IP属地:北京2楼2018-10-11 16:15
      Now those drakes and worms are theevillest creatures that Melko has made, and the most uncouth, yet of all arethey the most powerful, save it be the Balrogs only. A great cunning and wisdomhave they, so that it has been long said amongst Men that whosoever might tastethe heart of a dragon would know all tongues of Gods or Men, of birds orbeasts, and his ears would catch whispers of the Valar or of Melko such asnever had he heard before. Few have there been that ever achieved a deed ofsuch prowess as the slaying of a drake, nor might any even of such doughty onestaste their blood and live, for it is as a poison of fires that slays all savethe most godlike in strength. How so that may be, even as their lord these foulbeasts love lies and lust after gold and precious things with a greatfierceness of desire, albeit they may not use nor enjoy them.

      IP属地:北京5楼2018-10-11 16:17
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        IP属地:北京6楼2018-10-11 16:30

          IP属地:重庆来自Android客户端7楼2018-10-12 00:33
            But the Elves of Kôr have told, and they know, that at last Úrin and Mavwin fared toMandos, and Nienori was not there nor Turin their son. Turambar indeed hadfollowed Nienori along the black pathways to the doors of Fui, but Fui wouldnot open to them, neither would Vefántur. Yetnow the prayers of Úrin and Mavwin came even to Manwe, and the Gods had mercyon their unhappy fate, so that those twain Turin and Nienori entered intoFos'Almir, the bath of flame, even as Urwendi and her maidens had done in ages pastbefore the first rising of the Sun, and so were all their sorrows and stainswashed away, and they dwelt as shining Valar among the blessed ones, and nowthe love of that brother and sister is very fair; but Turambar indeed shallstand beside Fionwë in the Great Wrack, and Melko and his drakes shall cursethe sword of Mormakil.'
            然而科尔的精灵们说,他们知道,最终Úrin和墨玟来到了曼督斯的殿堂,Nienori和他们的儿子图林都不在这里。图伦拔确实紧跟Nienori沿着黑暗的路径来到了Fui(译注:死神)的大门前,但Fui不肯给他们开门,Vefántur(译注:即曼督斯)也不肯。然而如今Úrin和墨玟的祈求甚至惊动了曼威,众神怜悯他们不幸的命运,于是,正如Urwendi(译注:Mistress of the Sun,太阳的女性主宰)和她的侍女们在太阳第一次升起之前的数个纪元里曾经做过的那样,图林与Nienori二人走进了Fôs'Almir——火浴,就这样,他们所有的悲伤与污秽都被洗去,两人如同闪光的维拉般生活在蒙福者中间,兄妹之间的爱非常纯美:但图伦拔在“大毁灭”时无疑会站在Fionwë身旁,米尔寇与他的恶龙会诅咒Mormakil(译注:黑剑)的宝剑。

            IP属地:北京8楼2018-10-12 14:49
              Morgoth is thrust through the Door of Night into the outer dark beyond the Walls of the World, and a guard set for ever on that Door. The lies that he sowed in the hearts of Men and Elves do not die and cannot all be slain by the Gods, but live on andbring much evil even to this day. Some say also that secretly Morgoth or his black shadow and spirit in spite of the Valar creeps back over the Walls of the World in the North and East and visits the world, others that this is Thû his great chief whoescaped the Last Battle and dwells still in dark places, and perverts Men to his dreadful worship. When the world is much older, and the Gods weary, Morgoth will come back through the Door, and the last battle of all will be fought. Fionwë will fight Morgoth on the plain of Valinor, and the spirit of Turin shall be beside him; it shall be Túrin who with his black sword will slay Morgoth, and thus the children of Húrin shall be avenged.
              In those days the Silmarils shall be recovered from sea and earth and air, and Maidros shall break them and Belaurin with their fire rekindle the Two Trees, and the great light shall come forth again, and the Mountains of Valinor shall be levelled so that it goes outover the world, and Gods and Elves and Men' shall grow young again, and all their deadawake.'

              IP属地:北京9楼2018-10-12 14:50
                Thus spake the prophecy of Mandos, which he declared in Valmar at the judgement of the Gods, andthe rumour of it was whispered among all the Elves of the West: when the world is old and the Powers grow weary, then Morgoth shall come back through the Door out of the Timeless Night; and he shall destroy the Sun and the Moon, but Eärendel shall come upon him as a white flame and drive him from the airs. Then shall the last battle be gathered on the fields of Valinor. In that day Tulkas shall strive with Melko, and on his right shall stand Fionwë and on his left Túrin Turambar, son of Húrin, Conqueror of Fate, and it shall be the black sword of Túrinthat deals unto Melko his death and final end; and so shall the children of Húrin and all Men be avenged.
                Thereafter shall the Silmarils' be recovered out of sea and earth and air; for Eärendel shall descend and yield up that flame that he hath had in keeping. Then Fëanor shall bear the Three and yield them unto Yavanna Palúrien; and she will break them and with their fire rekindle the Two Trees, and a great light shall come forth; and the Mountains of Valinor shall be levelled, so that the light goes out all over the world. In that light the Gods will again grow young, and the Elves awake and all their dead arise, and the purpose of Ilúvatar be fulfilled concerning them. But of Men in that day the prophecy speaks not, save of Turin only, and him it names among the Gods.'
                在此之后,三颗精灵宝钻将从海洋、大地与空中寻回,因为埃雅仁迪尔会从空中降落,交出他所保管的火焰。费艾诺携三颗宝石前来,将其交给Yavanna Palúrien,她会打破宝石,它们的火焰将重新点燃双树,奇异的光芒再次闪现;维林诺的山脉化为平地,于是这光芒遍及整个世间。沐浴着光芒的诸神会重获青春,所有的精灵醒来,死者重生,伊露维塔对他们的意图得以实现。但预言没有谈及那个时候的人类,只有图林除外,他已名列诸神之中。

                IP属地:北京10楼2018-10-12 14:55

                  IP属地:陕西来自Android客户端11楼2018-10-13 11:53
                    A has no title. In B as typed the titlewas The Golden Dragon, but this was emended to Túrin Son of Húrin &Glórund the Dragon.
                    Lo! the golden dragon of the God ofHell,
                    the gloom of the woods of the world nowgone,
                    the woes of Men, and weeping of Elves
                    fading faintly down forest pathways,
                    is now to tell, and the name mosttearful
                    of Niniel the sorrowful, and the namemost sad
                    of Thalion's son Túrin o'erthrown by fate.

                    IP属地:北京12楼2018-10-16 12:40
                      155. Morgoth unlooses his might, and seeks to break into Beleriand. The Battle begins on a sudden on a night of mid-winter and falls first most heavily on the sons of Finrod and their folk. This is the Battle of Sudden Fire. Rivers of fire flow from Thangorodrim. Glómund the golden, Father of Dragons, appears. The plains of Bladorion are turned into a great desert without green, and called after Dor-na-Fauglith, Land of GaspingThirst.

                      IP属地:北京13楼2018-10-16 12:40
                        LOK- great serpent, dragon. Q lóke (-ī) dragon; angulóke dragon[ANGWA],rámalóke winged dragon[RAM], urulóke fire-dragon [UR],fealóke spark-dragon [PHAY], lingwilóke fish-dragon,sea-serpent [LIW]. Cf. N lhûg, amlug, lhimlug
                        LOK-巨型蜥蜴,龙。昆雅语“lóke”(-ī):龙;angulóke:龙[词根ANGWA],rámalóke:有翼的龙[词根RAM],urulóke:火龙[词根UR],fealóke:发光的龙 [词根PHAY],lingwilóke:鱼龙,海蜥蜴[词根LIW]。参见诺多语的lhûg, amlug, lhimlug。

                        IP属地:北京14楼2018-10-16 12:42
                          $306. 'But Glaurung was aware of all that they did': where NE (p. 117) says of Glaurung that his eyes 'outreached the far sight of the Elves' a rejected formof the passage has the notable statement: 'Indeed further reached the sight of his fell eyesthan even the eyes of the Elves (whichthrice surpass those of Men).' Also, where it is said in NE that Glaurung 'went swiftly, for he was a mighty Worm, and yet lithe', there followed in the manuscript, but placed in brackets later, 'and he could go as speedily as a man could run, and tire not in a hundred leagues.'
                          $306. “但是格劳龙察觉到了他们所有的行动”:“纳恩胡林”(117页)说到格劳龙的眼睛“胜过精灵的遥远视力”这一段,该段被放弃的稿件里有值得注意的设定:“实际上它凶恶的双眼,其视线所及的范围甚至远远超过精灵们的眼睛(精灵目力所及的距离是人类的三倍)。”“纳恩胡林”的这个地方还说到了格劳龙“走得很快,因为他这条大虫强大但又柔韧”,下面的内容紧跟在手稿后面,但后期被括到了括弧里面,“一个人能跑多快他的爬行速度就有多快,爬上一百里格都不会感到疲倦。”

                          IP属地:北京15楼2018-10-17 16:02
                            Not for communication at a distance, for the Dwarves were short-sighted, but forsecrecy and the exclusion of strangers.
                            In Bilbo's time there was a language very widely used all over the West (the Western parts of the Great Lands of those days). It was a sort of lingua-franca, made up of all sorts of languages, but the Elvish language (of the North West) for the most part. It was called the Western language or Common Speech; and in Bilbo's time had already passed eastward over the Misty Mountains and reached Lake Town, and Beorn, and even Smaug (dragons were ready linguists in allages)....

                            IP属地:北京16楼2018-10-17 16:03

                              IP属地:北京17楼2018-10-17 16:03