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【RIP🙏🙏安息】两届全美双人滑冠军John Coughli


两届全美双人滑冠军John Coughlin在被禁赛后意外死亡。
美金的INS:我们都有自己的真理。 John Coughlin是我的朋友 - 一个很棒的朋友。我们见面时我才9岁,刚学滑冰。多年来我认识他,他激励我,支持我,让我开心。在我最黑暗的日子里,他是一个鼓舞人心的声音,告诉我事情会好起来的。最近我们合作,为新一代选手开展研讨会。我喜欢它的每一分钟。我记得约翰对这项运动及运动员们的热情。John Coughlin给我和许多其他人的生活带来了积极的改变。这就是我所知道的事实。安息吧,我的朋友,我会想你的。

来自Android客户端1楼2019-01-20 13:21回复

    来自Android客户端5楼2019-01-20 16:14

      6楼2019-01-20 16:16

        IP属地:北京来自iPhone客户端7楼2019-01-20 22:33

          来自Android客户端8楼2019-01-20 22:37

            IP属地:中国香港来自iPhone客户端9楼2019-01-21 07:19
              万一他有受害者 美金想过他们的感受吗

              来自iPhone客户端10楼2019-01-21 08:08
                Former U.S. skater John Coughlin was facing reports of sexual misconduct before his death
                CHRISTINE BRENNAN | USA TODAY | 3 hours ago
                John Coughlin, the two-time U.S. pairs figure skating champion who took his life Friday, was facing three reports of sexual misconduct against him, two of them involving minors, according to a person with knowledge of the situation who was not authorized to talk publicly about the matter.
                The reports were filed with the U.S. Center for SafeSport. The first report, which did not come from a minor, led to SafeSport’s decision on Dec. 17 to restrict Coughlin’s eligibility to participate in his sport pending final resolution of the matter. News of that disciplinary action was reported by USA TODAY on Jan. 7.
                The other two reports, both of which involved minors at the time of the alleged sexual misconduct, came to SafeSport within the past few weeks and resulted in its decision to elevate Coughlin’s disciplinary record to an interim suspension Thursday night.
                U.S. Figure Skating is required to enforce SafeSport disciplinary decisions so it immediately suspended the 33-year-old Coughlin as well, which meant he was prohibited from participating “in any capacity, in any activity or competition” authorized or organized by USFS or the U.S. Olympic Committee.
                John Coughlin, shown with Caydee Denney, competed at the 2013 Skate America competition at Joe Louis Arena.
                John Coughlin, shown with Caydee Denney, competed at the 2013 Skate America competition at Joe Louis Arena.
                That included the upcoming national figure skating championships in Detroit next week, U.S. skating’s biggest week of the year. Coughlin normally would have been a very visible presence at the nationals as a coach, TV commentator and a rising star within the hierarchy of USFS.
                Kansas City police said Coughlin died by suicide in his father's home Friday afternoon.
                In a Jan. 7 email to USA TODAY, Coughlin called the allegations against him “unfoun

                IP属地:法国来自iPhone客户端11楼2019-01-21 08:25
                  In a Jan. 7 email to USA TODAY, Coughlin called the allegations against him “unfounded.”
                  “While I wish I could speak freely about the unfounded allegations levied against me, the SafeSport rules prevent me from doing so since the case remains pending,” he wrote. “I note only that the SafeSport notice of allegation itself stated that an allegation in no way constitutes a finding by SafeSport or that there is any merit to the allegation."
                  SafeSport opened in 2017 with the aim to end all forms of abuse in sport. It has exclusive jurisdiction over allegations of sexual misconduct but also looks into other forms of abuse.
                  Coughlin won the U.S. pairs title in 2011 with Caitlin Yankowskas and in 2012 with Caydee Denney. He participated in two world championships, finishing sixth in 2011 and eighth in 2012.

                  IP属地:法国来自iPhone客户端12楼2019-01-21 08:26
                    体育名记Christine Brennan的采访文出来了,John C的受害者包括两名未成年人…sexual disconduct,大家都明白是啥咯…

                    IP属地:法国来自iPhone客户端13楼2019-01-21 08:29
                      该楼层疑似违规已被系统折叠 查看此楼

                      来自iPhone客户端14楼2019-01-21 12:05

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                            IP属地:山东来自Android客户端17楼2019-01-21 14:17