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The Most Fascinating Song on Taylor Swift's 'Lover' Is Its Strangest and Shortest

1楼2019-08-24 10:22回复

    来自Android客户端2楼2019-08-24 10:22
      There should be no place for a song to hide on one of the most-anticipated albums of the year, but "It's Nice to Have a Friend" still feels like it's huddled up in the farthest, shadowiest corner of Taylor Swift's Lover.
      Peeking its head out at track 17 of 18 on Lover -- right before the affirmative conclusion of "Daylight," and just after a three-song run that includes the album's two advance singles, "You Need to Calm Down" and "ME!" -- "Friend" slinks by unassumingly, like the seventh-grader trying to make themselves invisible so they won't get called on in algebra. At 2:30, it's the shortest song on the album -- it's the shortest song on any Taylor Swift album, in fact. And it's not short the way that "Gucci Gang" or "Sunflower" or any number of other late-'10s pop hits are; it's short the way an album interlude is, notable in its brevity, a song that could say more but chooses not to.

      3楼2019-08-24 10:23
        But despite these aims at inconspicuousness (or more likely, largely because of them), "It's Nice to Have a Friend" is the most captivating song on Lover. It's the rare Swift song that suggests more than it implies, that punctuates with commas and ellipses rather than exclamation marks and hard periods, and its delicate, crystalline beauty is unlike anything we've heard from Swift before. (Even "Delicate.")
        It's also the most unexpected song on the album -- sonically, lyrically and structurally. The production's ghostly combination of choral backing vocals, gently gleaming steel drums and tenderly plucked harps is simultaneously comforting and unsettling, like the final scene of a slasher movie where maybe everything's finally all right, or maybe the knife is coming for the surprise death blow. The short trumpet solo that arrives halfway through feels so out of place on a Taylor Swift album that it's almost comical in its unlikeliness, but it vanishes before its presence becomes flagrant. Most of the songs on Lover end with the sound of Swift's voice, but she bows out of "Friend" with 20 seconds left, letting the harps and spectral ooh-oohs have the last say.

        4楼2019-08-24 10:23
          The song itself is not atypical fare for Swift, telling a love story that starts in grade school classrooms and ends with a weekend in bed together -- a romantic arc from childhood to adulthood that echoes "Mary's Song (Oh My My My)," from her 2006 self-titled debut. But "Friend" shifts "Mary's" perspective from a third-person framing -- just 16 at the time of her debut's release, Taylor has since lived enough life to now present such a narrative as her own -- and dials down both the sentimentality and the direct storytelling, instead telling the tale in such intimate time-spanning snapshots ("Video games, you pass me a note," "Light pink sky, up on the roof") that at first it's not entirely obvious what kind of relationship is being described. Even the song's title -- also the closest thing it has to a chorus -- is a red herring of sorts, suggesting a platonic bond that isn't revealed to be more until the second verse's "Something gave you the nerve to touch my hand," a moment that jolts you like static electricity once it finally arrives.

          5楼2019-08-24 10:23

            IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端6楼2019-08-24 10:23

              来自Android客户端7楼2019-08-24 10:24
                The effect of all of this is to give "Friend" a sense of mystery rarely found in a Taylor Swift love song. Not to say that intrigue doesn't often play a role in her music -- easter-egg hunts and lyrical investigations are a large part of what's bound her fans so closely to her over the years -- but those inquiries have traditionally been into who a song is about, rather than just what it is in the first place. If anything, the one thing that isn't intriguing about "Friend" is who it might be about: Unless she secretly went to middle school with Joe Alwyn or any of her other famous paramours, chances are it's just a song inspired by a flight of fancy, a moment that never quite materialized. Or maybe it's something totally else -- but regardless, it's Taylor's truth to divulge or not, and unlike with most of her love stories over the years, the song doesn't seem to encourage you to find out on your own.

                8楼2019-08-24 10:24

                  IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端9楼2019-08-24 10:24
                    Of course, making this song all the more improbable are the names of the other writer-producers who worked on it: Louis Bell and Frank Dukes, two of the most bulletproof hitmakers in the pop universe right now. To get the guys responsible for "Sucker," "Havana," and countless other late-'10s smashes, and have them work on a song that couldn't have less of a chance of getting on top 40 radio if it had a spoken-word bridge from Andrew Dice Clay, is an unconventional strategy to say the least -- and one the trio don't follow on their other two Lover collabs, the much more conventionally accessible "I Forgot That You Existed" and "Afterglow." But to use such big names to craft such a unique entry in her catalog with "It's Nice to Have a Friend" -- and the production is one of their most spellbinding -- shows that the song is probably one she considers pretty special, even if its positioning on the album would suggest otherwise.
                    And really, showing up as the penultimate track -- after the two big singles, before the closer, basically the equivalent of the SNL 12:50 AM sketch -- might actually be the perfect spot for "It's Nice to Have a Friend." With the hits placed so far down the track order, buried as near-afterthoughts, it'd be natural to assume that the set was already well into wind-down mode by the time you get to this 2:30-long deep cut. Then "Friend" appears like an apparition, otherworldly and out-of-time, making you question everything you thought you knew about the album. It's the hidden treasures that really make record like Lover worth getting so excited for.

                    10楼2019-08-24 10:24

                      IP属地:广东来自Android客户端11楼2019-08-24 10:24

                        IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端12楼2019-08-24 10:26
                          顺带一提好朋友在Billboard编辑评选的Lover tracks rating中排在第四

                          13楼2019-08-24 10:26
                            - 安德鲁·Unterberger
                            应该有一首歌曲隐藏在今年,预计大部分的一张专辑没有地位,但“这是不错的朋友”仍然感觉像在最远的,shadowiest角落缩成一团,泰勒·斯威夫特的 情人。
                            在“ 情人节 ”的肯定结论之前,在18岁的17号音乐中 崭露头角,并且在一首三首歌之后,包括专辑的两首单曲,“你需要冷静下来”和“我! “ - “朋友”谦逊地眨着眼睛,就像七年级学生试图让自己隐形一样,所以他们不会在代数中被召唤。在2:30,它是在专辑中的歌曲最短的-它是在最短的歌曲 任何 Taylor Swift的专辑,其实。而且,“Gucci Gang”或“Sunflower”或其他任何其他10年代流行歌曲的流行方式并不简短; 这是一张专辑插曲的简短方式,以其简洁而着称,这首歌可以说更多,但却选择不这样。
                            但是尽管这些目标是不显眼的(或者更可能是因为它们),“有一个朋友很高兴”是情人最迷人的歌曲 。这是一首罕见的斯威夫特歌曲,暗示着它的暗示,用逗号和椭圆形而不是感叹号和艰难时期,它的细腻,结晶的美丽不同于我们之前从斯威夫特那里听到的任何东西。(甚至“精致”。)
                            这也是专辑中最意想不到的歌曲 - 声音,抒情和结构。制作的幽灵般的合唱伴奏声,轻轻闪闪发光的钢鼓和温柔的弹奏竖琴同时令人安慰和不安,就像一部电影的最后一幕,也许一切都终于好了,或者刀可能会出现惊人的死亡打击。在泰勒斯威夫特的一张专辑中,短暂的小号独奏感觉如此不合适,它的不可思议几乎是滑稽的,但它在它的存在变得明目张胆之前消失了。Lover上的大部分歌曲都以 Swift的声音结束,但是她还剩下20秒后从“朋友”中鞠躬。
                            这首歌本身并不是斯威夫特的非典型票价,讲述了一个从小学的教室开始的爱情故事,最后在床上一起度过了一个周末 - 从童年到成年的浪漫弧线,回荡着“玛丽的歌(噢,我的我的)”,从她2006年的同名首演。但是“朋友”将“玛丽”的观点从第三人称框架转移 - 在她首次发行时只有16岁时,泰勒已经过上了足够的生活,现在呈现出她自己的这样一个故事 - 并且既低落又感性多愁善感和直接讲故事,而是在如此亲密的时间跨度快照中讲述故事(“视频游戏,你给我传递一个音符”,“浅粉红色的天空,在屋顶上”),起初并不完全明显是什么样的关系正在描述。即使是歌曲'
                            所有这一切的效果是让“朋友”在泰勒斯威夫特的情歌中很少见到神秘感。并不是说阴谋在她的音乐中经常发挥作用 - 复活节彩蛋和抒情调查是她多年来与她的粉丝如此密切联系的重要部分 - 但这些询问传统上都是谁一首歌是关于,而不仅仅是它首先是什么。如果有的话,那不是一回事关于“朋友”的有趣之处在于它可能是什么:除非她与Joe Alwyn或她的任何其他着名的情人秘密上中学,否则很可能只是一首灵感来自幻想的歌曲,这一时刻从未完全实现过。或者这可能完全不同 - 但无论如何,这是泰勒泄露与否的真相,与多年来她的大多数爱情故事不同,这首歌似乎并不鼓励你自己找出来。
                            当然,让这首歌更加不可能是谁在它的工作的其他作家生产者的名称:路易贝尔和弗兰克·公爵,两人在弹出宇宙中最防弹hitmakers的现在。为了让这些家伙对“Sucker”,“Havana”和其他无数其他10年代晚期的粉碎人员负责,并让他们制作一首歌,如果有说话的话就不会有更少的机会获得前40名收音机来自Andrew Dice Clay的剑桥,至少可以说是一种非传统的策略 - 三人不会跟随另外两个 情人折叠,更常规的“我忘了你存在”和“余辉”。但是要使用这样一个大名鼎鼎的作品在她的目录中制作这样一个独特的条目,其中包括“很高兴有一个朋友” - 制作是他们最引人入胜的作品之一 - 表明这首歌可能是她认为非常特别的歌曲,甚至如果它在专辑上的定位会暗示其他情况。
                            真的,显示为倒数第二轨道-两大单打后,越接近,基本上相当于之前的 SNL 上午12时50草图 -实际上可能是完美的现场为“这是不错的朋友。” 由于击球顺序远远落后于赛道顺序,被埋设为接近后,因此当你进入这个2:30长的深度切割时,很自然地认为该组已经很好地进入了降落模式。然后,“朋友”看起来像一个幻影,超凡脱俗,让你质疑你认为对这张专辑有所了解的一切。正是这些隐藏的宝藏才能真正让 爱人 变得如此兴奋。

                            14楼2019-08-24 10:31

                              来自iPhone客户端15楼2019-08-24 10:32