The lawyer's son wanted to follow in his father's footsteps, sohe went to law school and graduated with honors. Then he went home to join hisfather's firm. At the end of his first day at work, he rushed into his father'soffice and said, "Father, father! In one day I broke the Smith case thatyou've been working on for so long!" His father yelled, "You idiot! We've been living on thefunding of that case for ten years!" 律师的儿子打算沿着父亲的人生道路成为一个律师,于是读了法学院,毕业之后,到了父亲的律所工作。 在上班第一天结束的时候,儿子冲到父亲办公室说:“爸爸,我在一天之内就把你一直没解决的史密斯的案件完成了!” 父亲说:“愚蠢之极!我们十年来都靠那一个案子创收!”