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1、英文版:Friedrich Max Müller:Critiqueof Pure Reason[1881]
2、J. M. D. Meiklejohn[1890]
[1] Müller 版英文,译文
[2] Meiklejohn 版英文,译文,此译文有时缺,即已经与下面张本译文合并了。
Our reason (Vernunft) has this peculiar fate that, withreference to one class of its knowledge, it is always troubled with questionswhich cannot be ignored, because they spring from the very nature of reason,and which cannot be answered, because they transcend the powers of humanreason.
Human reason,in one sphere of its cognition, is called upon toconsider questions, which it cannot decline, as they are presented by its own nature,but which it cannot answer, as they transcend everyfaculty of the mind.

IP属地:陕西1楼2020-01-27 15:44回复
    Nor is human reason to be blamed for this. It begins withprinciples which, in the course of experience, it must follow, and which are sufficiently confirmed byexperience. With these again, according to the necessities of its nature, itrises higher and higher to more remote conditions. But when it perceives thatin this way its work remains for ever incomplete, because the questions nevercease, it finds itself constrained to take refuge in principles which exceedevery possible experimental application, and nevertheless seem sounobjectionable that even ordinary common sense agrees with them. Thus,however, reason becomes involved in darkness and contradictions, from which, nodoubt, it may conclude that errors must be lurking somewhere, but without beingable to discover them, because the principles which it follows transcend allthe limits of experience and therefore withdraw themselves Edition: current; Page: [xviii] fromall experimental tests. It is the battle-field of these endless controversieswhich is called Metaphysic.
    It falls into this difficulty without any fault of itsown. It begins with principles, whichcannot be dispensed with in the field of experience,and the truth and sufficiency of which are, at the sametime, insured by experience. With these principles itrises, in obedience to the laws of its own nature, to ever higher and more remote conditions. But it quickly discoversthat, in this way, its laboursmust remain ever incomplete, because new questionsnever cease to present themselves; and thus it finds itself compelledto have recourse to principles which transcend the region of experience, while they are regarded by common sense without distrust. It thusfalls into confusion and contradictions, from which itconjectures the presence of latent errors, which, however, it is unable to discover, because the principles it employs,transcending the limits of experience, cannot be testedby that criterion. The arena of these endless contests is called Metaphysic.

    IP属地:陕西2楼2020-01-27 15:45
      At first the rule of Metaphysic, under the dominion of thedogmatists, was despotic. But as the laws still bore the traces of an oldbarbarism, intestine wars and complete anarchy broke out, and the sceptics, akind of nomads, despising all settled culture of the land, broke up from timeto time all civil society. Fortunately their number was small, and they couldnot prevent the old settlers from returning to cultivate the ground afresh,though without any fixed plan or agreement. Not long ago one might havethought, indeed, that all these quarrels were to have been settled and thelegitimacy of her claims decided once for all through a certain physiology ofthe human understanding, the work of the celebrated Locke. But, thoughthe descent of that royal pretender, traced back as it had been to the lowestmob of common experience, ought to have rendered her claims very suspicious,yet, as that genealogy turned out to be in reality a false invention, the oldqueen (Metaphysic) continued to maintain her claims, everything fell back intothe old rotten dogmatism, and the contempt from which metaphysical science wasto have been rescued, remained the same as ever. At present, after everythinghas been tried, so Edition: current;Page: [xix] they say, and tried in vain, there reign in philosophyweariness and complete indifferentism, the mother of chaos and night in allsciences but, at the same time, the spring or, at least, the prelude of theirnear reform and of a new light, after an ill-applied study has rendered themdark, confused, and useless.
      At first, hergovernment, under the administration of the dogmatists, was an absolute despotism. But, as thelegislative continued to show traces of the ancient barbaric rule, her empire gradually broke up, and intestinewars introduced the reign of anarchy; while the sceptics, like nomadictribes, who hate a permanent habitation and settledmode of living, attacked from time to time those whohad organized themselves into civil communities. But their number was, very happily, small; and thus they could not entirely put a stop to the exertions ofthose who persisted in raising new edifices, althoughon no settled or uniform plan. In recent times the hope dawned upon us ofseeing those disputes settled, and the legitimacy ofher claims established by a kind of physiology of the humanunderstanding--that of the celebrated Locke. But it was found that--although itwas affirmed that this so-called queen could not refer her descent to anyhigher source than that of common experience,a circumstance which necessarily brought suspicion on her claims--as this genealogy was incorrect, she persistedin the advancement of her claims to sovereignty. Thus metaphysics necessarily fellback into the antiquated and rotten constitution of dogmatism,and again became obnoxious to the contempt from which efforts had been made tosave it. At present, as all methods, according to the general persuasion, havebeen tried in vain, there reigns nought but weariness andcomplete indifferentism--the mother of chaos and night in the scientific world, but at the same time the source of, or at least the prelude to, the re-creationand reinstallation of a science, when it has
      fallen into confusion,obscurity, and disuse from ill directed effort.

      IP属地:陕西4楼2020-01-28 09:10
        It is in vain to assume a kind of artificial indifferentism inrespect to enquiries the object of which cannot be indifferent to human nature.Nay, those pretended indifferentists (however they may try to disguise themselvesby changing scholastic terminology into popular language), if they think atall, fall back inevitably into those very metaphysical dogmas which theyprofess to despise. Nevertheless this indifferentism, showing itself in thevery midst of the most flourishing state of all sciences, and affecting thosevery sciences the teachings of which, if they could be had, would be the lastto be surrendered, is a phenomenon well worthy of our attention andconsideration. It is clearly the result, not of the carelessness, but of thematured judgment of our age, which will no longer rest satisfied with the mereappearance of knowledge. Edition:current; Page: It is, at the same time, a powerful appeal to reason toundertake anew the most difficult of its duties, namely, self-knowledge, and toinstitute a court of appeal which should protect the just rights of reason, butdismiss all groundless claims, and should do this not by means of irresponsibledecrees, but according to the eternal and unalterable laws of reason. Thiscourt of appeal is no other than the Critique of Pure Reason.
        [*footnote:We often hear complaints against the shallowness ofthought in our own time, and
        the decay of sound knowledge. But I do not see that scienceswhich rest on a solid
        foundation, such as mathematics, physics, etc., deserve thisreproach in the least. On
        the contrary, they maintain their old reputation of solidity,and with regard to physics,
        even surpass it. The same spirit would manifest itself in otherbranches of knowledge,
        if only their principles had first been properly determined.Till that is done,
        indifferentism and doubt, and ultimately severe criticism, arerather signs of honest
        thought. Our age is, in every sense of the word, the age ofcriticism, and everything
        must submit to it. Religion, on the strength of its sanctity,and law, on the strength of
        its majesty, try to withdraw themselves from it; but by sodoing they arouse just
        suspicions, and cannot claim that sincere respect which reasonpays to those only who
        have been able to stand its free and open examination.]
        For it is in reality vain to profess indifference in regard to such inquiries,the object of which cannot be indifferent to humanity. Besides, these pretended indifferentists, however much they may try to disguise themselves by theassumption of a popular style and by changes on the language of the schools, unavoidably fall into metaphysical declarations and propositions, which they profess to regard with so much contempt. At the sametime, this indifference, whichhas arisen in the world of science, and which relatesto that kind of knowledge which we should wish to see destroyed the last, is a phenomenon that well deserves our attention and reflection. Itis plainly not the effect of the levity, but of thematured judgement* of the age,which refuses to be any longer entertained with illusory knowledge, It is, in fact, a callto reason, again to undertake the most laborious of alltasks—that of self-examination, and to establish atribunal, which may secure it in its well-groundedclaims, while it pronounces against all baseless assumptionsand pretensions, not in an arbitrary manner, but according to its own eternal and unchangeable laws. Thistribunal is nothing less than the Critical Investigation of Pure Reason.
        [*Footnote: We very often hear complaints of theshallowness of the present age, and of thedecay of profound science. But I do not think that those which rest upon asecure foundation, such as mathematics, physical science, etc., in the least deserve this reproach, butthat they rather maintain their ancient fame, and inthe latter case, indeed, farsurpass it. The same would be the case with the other kinds of cognition, if their principles were but firmly established. In the absence ofthis security, indifference,doubt, and finally, severe
        criticism are rather signs of a profound habit ofthought. Our age is the age of criticism,to which everything must be subjected. The sacredness of religion, and the authority of legislation, are bymany regarded as grounds of exemption from the examination of this tribunal. But, if they on they are exempted, they becomethe subjects of just suspicion, and cannot lay claim tosincere respect, which reason accords only to thatwhich has stood the test of a free and public examination.]
        ① 人们时常听到抱怨当代思维方式的肤浅和彻底科学研究的沦落。但我看不出那些根基牢固的科学如数学和物理学等等有丝毫值得如此责备的地方,相反,它们维护了彻底性的这种古老的荣誉,而在物理学中甚至超过以往。而现在,正是同一个彻底精神也将在另一些知识类型中表明其作用,只要我们首先留意对它们的原则加以校正。在缺乏这种校正的情况下,冷淡、怀疑,最后是严格的批判,反倒是彻底的思维方式的证据。我们的时代是真正的批判时代,一切都必须经受批判。通常.宗教凭借其神圣性,而立法凭借其权成,想要逃脱批判。但这样一来,它们就激起了对自身的正当的怀疑,并无法要求别人不加伪饰的敬重,理性只会把这种敬重给予那经受得住它的自由公开的检验的事物。——康德

        IP属地:陕西5楼2020-01-28 15:01
          I do not mean by this a criticism of books and systems, but ofthe faculty of reason in general, touching that whole class of knowledge whichit may strive after, unassisted by experience. This must decide the question ofthe possibility or impossibility of metaphysic in general, and thedetermination of its sources, its extent, and its limits — and all thisaccording to fixed principles.
          I do not mean by this a criticism of books and systems, but a critical inquiry into the faculty of reason, with reference to the cognitions to which it strives to attain without the aid of experience; in other words, the solution ofthe question regarding the possibility or impossibility of metaphysics, and the determination of the origin, as wellas of the extent and limits of this science. All this must be done on the basisof principles.

          IP属地:陕西6楼2020-01-29 07:05
            This, the only way that was left, I have followed, and Iflatter myself that I have thus removed all those errors which have hithertobrought reason, whenever it was unassisted by experience, into conflict withitself. I have not evaded its questions by pleading the insufficiency of humanreason, but I have classified them according to principles, and, after showingthe point where reason begins to misunderstand itself, solved themsatisfactorily. It is true that the answer of those questions is not such as adogma-enamoured curiosity might wish for, for such curiosity could not havebeen satisfied except by juggling tricks in which I am no adept. But this wasnot the intention of the natural destiny of our reason, and it became the dutyof philosophy to remove the deception which arose from a false interpretation,even though many a vaunted and cherished dream should vanish at the same time. Inthis work I have chiefly aimed at Edition:current; Page: [xxi] completeness, and I venture to maintain that thereought not to be one single metaphysical problem that has not been solved here,or to the solution of which the key at least has not been supplied. In factPure Reason is so perfect a unity that, if its principle should proveinsufficient to answer any one of the many questions started by its verynature, one might throw it away altogether, as insufficient to answer the otherquestions with perfect certainty.
            This path--the only one now remaining--has been enteredupon by me; and I flatter myself that I have, in this way, discovered the cause of—and consequentlythe mode of removing--all the errors which have hitherto set reason at variancewith itself, in the sphere of non-empirical thought. Ihave not returned an evasive answer to the questions of reason, by alleging the inability and limitation of the faculties of the mind; I have, on the contrary, examined them completely in the light of principles, and, after having discovered the cause ofthe doubts and contradictions into which reason fell,have solved them to its perfect satisfaction. It is true, these questions have not been solved as dogmatism, in its vain fancies and desires, hadexpected; for it can only be satisfied by the exerciseof magical arts, and of these I have no knowledge. Butneither do these come within the compass of our mental powers; and it was the duty of philosophy to destroy the illusions which hadtheir origin in misconceptions, whatever darling hopesand valued expectations may be ruined by its explanations. My chief aim in thiswork has been thoroughness; and I make bold to say thatthere is not a single metaphysical problem that does not find its solution, or at least the key to its solution, here.Pure reason is a perfect unity; and therefore, if the principle presented by it prove to be insufficient for thesolution of even a single one of those questions to which the very nature ofreason gives birth, we must reject it, as we could not be perfectly certain of its sufficiency in the caseof the others.

            IP属地:陕西7楼2020-01-29 11:26
              While I am saying this I fancy I observe in the face of myreaders an expression of indignation, mixed with contempt, at pretensionsapparently so self-glorious and extravagant; and yet they are in reality farmore moderate than those made by the writer of the commonest essay professingto prove the simple nature of the soul or the necessity of a first beginning ofthe world. For, while he pretends to extend human knowledge beyond the limitsof all possible experience, I confess most humbly that this is entirely beyondmy power. I mean only to treat of reason and its pure thinking, a knowledge ofwhich is not very far to seek, considering that it is to be found withinmyself. Common logic gives an instance how all the simple acts of reason can beenumerated completely and systematically. Only between the common logic and mywork there is this difference, that my question is, — what can we hope toachieve with reason, when all the material and assistance of experience istaken away?
              While I say this,I think I see upon the countenance of the reader signs of dissatisfactionmingled with contempt, when he hears declarations whichsound so boastful and extravagant; and yet they arebeyond comparison more moderate than those advanced by the commonest author of thecommonest philosophical programme, in which thedogmatist professes to demonstrate the simple nature of the soul, or the necessity of a primal being. Such a dogmatist promises toextend human knowledge beyond the limits of possible experience; while I humbly confess that this is completely beyond my power.Instead of any such attempt, I confine myself to theexamination of reason alone and its pure thought; and Ido not need to seek far for the sum-total of its cognition, because it has its seat in my own mind. Besides, common logic presents me with a complete and systematic catalogueof all the simple operations of reason; and it is mytask to answer the question how far reason can go, withoutthe material presented and the aid furnished by experience.

              IP属地:陕西8楼2020-01-29 14:53
                So much with regard to the completeness in our laying hold ofevery single object, and the thoroughness in our laying hold of all objects, asthe material of our critical enquiries — a completeness and thoroughnessdetermined, not by a casual idea, but by the nature of our knowledge itself.
                Besides this, certainty and clearness with regard to form aretwo essential demands that may very properly be addressed to an author whoventures on so slippery an undertaking.
                So much for the completeness and thoroughness necessary inthe execution of the present task. The aims set before us are not arbitrarilyproposed, but are imposed upon us by the nature of cognition itself.
                The above remarks relate to the matter of ourcritical inquiry. As regards the form, there are two indispensable conditions ,which any onewho undertakes so difficult a task as that of a critique of pure reason, isbound to fulfil. These conditions are certitude and clearness.

                IP属地:陕西9楼2020-01-29 16:56
                  Secondly, as to clearness, the reader has a right to demand notonly what may be called logical or discursive clearness, which is based onconcepts, but also what may be called æsthetic or intuitive clearness producedby intuitions, i.e. by examples and concrete illustrations. With regard to theformer I have made ample provision. That Edition: current; Page: [xxiv] arose from the very nature of mypurpose, but it became at the same time the reason why I could not fullysatisfy the latter, if not absolute, yet very just claim. Nearly through thewhole of my work I have felt doubtful what to do. Examples and illustrationsseemed always to be necessary, and therefore found their way into the firstsketch of my work. But I soon perceived the magnitude of my task and the numberof objects I should have to treat; and, when I saw that even in their driestscholastic form they would considerably swell my book, I did not consider itexpedient to extend it still further through examples and illustrationsrequired for popular purposes only. This work can never satisfy the populartaste, and the few who know, do not require that help which, though it isalways welcome, yet might here have defeated its very purpose. The AbbéTerrasson1writes indeed that, if we measured the greatness of a book, not by the numberof its pages, but by the time we require for mastering it, many a book might besaid to be much shorter, if it were not so short. But, on the other hand, if weask how a complicated, yet in principle coherent whole of speculative thoughtcan best be rendered intelligible, we might be equally justified in saying thatmany a book would have been more intelligible, if it had not tried to be sovery intelligible. For the helps to clearness, though they may be missed2with regard to details, often distract with regard to the whole. The readerdoes not arrive quickly enough at a survey of the whole, because the bright coloursEdition: current; Page: [xxv] ofillustrations hide and distort the articulation and concatenation of the wholesystem, which, after all, if we want to judge of its unity and sufficiency, aremore important than anything else.
                  As regards clearness, the reader has a right to demand, in the first place, discursive or logicalclearness, that is, on thebasis of conceptions, and,secondly, intuitive or aesthetic clearness, by means of intuitions, that is, by examples or other modes of illustration in concreto. I have donewhat I could for the first kind of intelligibility. This was essential to mypurpose; and it thus became the accidental cause of myinability to do complete justice to the second requirement. I have been almostalways at a loss, during the progress of this work, how to settle this question. Examples and illustrations alwaysappeared to me necessary, and,in the first sketch of the Critique, naturally fellinto their proper places. But I very soon became aware of the magnitude of mytask, and the numerous problems with which I should beengaged; and, as I perceivedthat this critical investigation would, even ifdelivered in the driest scholastic manner, be far frombeing brief, I found it unadvisable to enlarge it stillmore with examples and explanations, which arenecessary only from a popular point of view. I was induced to take this course fromthe consideration also that the present work is not intended for popular use, that those devoted to science do not require such helps, although they are always acceptable, andthat they would have materially interfered with my present purpose. AbbeTerrasson remarks with great justice that, if we estimatethe size of a work, not from the number of its pages, but from the time which we require to make ourselves master of it, it may be said of many a book --that it would be much shorter,if it were not so short. On theother hand, as regards the comprehensibility ofa system of speculative cognition, connected under asingle principle, we may say with equal justice: many abook would have been much clearer, if it had not beenintended to be so very clear. For explanations and examples, and other helps to intelligibility, aid usin the comprehension of parts, but they distract the attention, dissipate the mental power of the reader,and stand in the way of his forming a clear conception of the whole;as he cannot attain soon enough to a survey of the system, and the colouring and embellishments bestowed upon it prevent his observingits articulation or organization--which is the most important considerationwith him, when he comes to judge of its unity and stability.
                  最后,谈到清晰性,那么读者有权首先要求有凭惜概念的那种 推理的(逻辑的)清晰性,但然后也可以要求有凭借观照的直觉的感性的)清晰性.即凭借实例或其他具体说明的清晰性。对于前者我己给予了充分的注意。这涉及到我的意图的本质,但它也是种偶然的原因,使得我未能考虑这第二个虽然不是那么严格但毕竟是合理的要求。我在自己的工作进程中对于应如何处理这个问题几乎一直都是犹豫不决的。实例和说明在我看来总是必要的,因而实际上在最初构思时也附带给予了它们以适当的地位。但我马上看出我将要处理的那些课题之巨大和对象之繁多,并觉得这一切单是以枯燥的、纯粹经院的方式来陈述就已经会使这本书够庞大的了,所以我感到用那些仅仅是为了通俗化的目的而必要的实例和说明来使这本书变得更加膨胀是不可取的,尤其是,这本书决不会适合于大众的使用,而真正的科学内行又并不那么迫切需要这样一种方便,尽管这种方便总是令人舒服的,但在这里甚至可能引出某种与目的相连背的结果来。虽然修道院院长特拉松尝云①:如果对一本书的篇幅不是按页数、而是按人们理解它所需要的时间来衡量的话,那么对有些书我们就可以说,如果它不是这么短的话,它将会更加短得多。②但另一方面,如果我们把目的放在对宽泛但却结合于一条原则中的那个思辨知识总体的可理解性之上,那么我们就会有同样的正当理由说:有些书,如果它并不想说得如此明晰的话,它就会更加明晰得多。这是因为清晰性的辅助手段虽然在部分中有效③,但在整体中往往分散了,这样它们就不能足够快地让读者达到对整体的综观,倒是用它们所有那些明亮的色彩贴在体系的结合部或骨架上,使它们面目垒非了,而为了能对这个体系的统一性和杰出之处下判断,最关键的却是这种骨架。
                  ① 康德引证的是特拉松院长的《哲学,按其对精神与道德的一切对象的一般影响来看》一书(1 754年),1762年德文版第117而。——据英译本
                  ② 意为:如果篇幅长一点,就更容易理解一些。——译者
                  ③ “有效( helfer)”原文为“缺乏(fehlen)”,含义不明,茁据罗森克朗茨(Rosenkranz)校改。——据德文编者

                  IP属地:陕西12楼2020-01-31 06:55
                    Such a system of pure (speculative) reason I hope myself toproduce under the title of ‘Metaphysic of Nature.’ It will not be half solarge, yet infinitely richer than this Critique of Pure Reason, which has,first of all, to discover its source, nay, the conditions of its possibility, Edition: current; Page: [xxvi] infact, to clear and level a soil quite overgrown with weeds. Here I expect frommy readers the patience and impartiality of a judge, there the goodwill and aidof a fellow-worker. For however completely all the principles of the systemhave been propounded in my Critique, the completeness of the whole systemrequires also that no derivative concepts should be omitted, such as cannot befound out by an estimate a priori, but have to be discovered step bystep. There the synthesis of concepts has been exhausted, here it will berequisite to do the same for their analysis, a task which is easy and anamusement rather than a labour.
                    I have only a few words to add with respect to the printing ofmy book. As the beginning had been delayed, I was not able to see the cleansheets of more than about half of it. I now find some misprints, though they donot spoil the sense, except on p. 379, line 4 from below, where specificshould be used instead of sceptic. The antinomy of pure reason from p.425 to p. 461 has been arranged in a tabular form, so that all that belongs tothe thesis stands on the left, what belongs to the antithesis on the rightside. I did this in order that thesis and antithesis might be more easilycompared.
                    Such a system of pure speculative reason I hope to beable to publish under the title of Metaphysic ofNature*. The content of this work (whichwill not be half so long) will be very much richer than that of the presentCritique, which has to discover the sourcesof this cognition and expose the conditions of its possibility, and at the same time to clear and level a fit foundation for thescientific edifice. In the present work, I look for thepatient hearing and the impartiality of a judge; in the other, for the good-will and assistance of a co-labourer. For, however complete the list ofprinciples for this system may be in the Critique, thecorrectness of the system requires that no deduced conceptions should be absent.These cannot be presented a priori,but must be gradually discovered; and, while the synthesis of conceptions has been fully exhausted in the Critique, it is necessary that, in theproposed work, the same should be the case with their analysis. But thiswill be rather an amusement than a labour.
                    [*Footnote: In contradistinction to the Metaphysic of Ethics. This work was never published.]
                    我希望这样一种纯粹的(思辨的)理性的体系在自然的形而上学这个标题下被提供出来,这个体系比起这里的批判来虽然篇幅还不及一半,但却具有无可比拟地更为丰富的内容。这个批判必须首先摆明形而上学之可能性的源泉和条件,并清理和平整全 部杂草丛生的地基。在这里我期待读者的是一位法官的耐心和不偏不倚,但在那里则是一位帮手的襄助②和支持;因为,若是把该体系的所有原则也都完全在批判中陈述出来,属于该体系本身的详尽性的毕竟还有:不要缺乏任何派生出来的概念,这些概念不能先天地凭跳跃产生出来,而必须逐步逐步地去探寻,同样,由于在那里概念的垒部综台已被穷尽了,所以在这里就额外要求在分析方面也做到这样,这一切将是轻松的,与其说是工作,还不如说是消遣。
                    ① 指第一版页码。——德文编者

                    IP属地:陕西14楼2020-01-31 14:25