考研吧 关注:5,513,873贴子:40,956,550




来自Android客户端1楼2020-05-16 08:53回复
    中 文:老师们上午/下午好,非常荣幸能够站在这里参加考研复试面试。我叫**,我来自**(家乡),本科就读于**大学,专业是**,今年六月即将毕业。(基本情况,往届生可以不用说今年毕业。)我是一个果断的人,并且一旦决定要做的事情一定会尽最大努力做好。平时我有很多爱好,我喜欢无聊的时候画画,也喜欢拍照和旅行,很享受在旅途中拍照记录自己和朋友们生活的感觉。(性格爱好)我大学期间担任过班级团支书并成功地组织了很多班级活动,同时积极参加志愿者活动,另外,闲暇时间我会兼职和实习,在这期间,我认识了很多优秀的管理者,我发现管理是一种很有意思的艺术,我希望能够通过读研开拓视野,拥有更广泛的知识,更加专业。(本科经历,如果没有就简单说一下认真学习啥的然后联系一下报考专业)我打算研究生期间准信学习和研究,我希望通过在同济学习,自己能对管理有一个系统的认识并为未来的职业生涯打好基础。(考研目的)如果有机会能够在同济经管读研,我会感到非常荣幸,我的自我介绍完毕,谢谢。(结束语)

    来自Android客户端3楼2020-05-16 08:56

      来自Android客户端4楼2020-05-16 08:57
        英 文:Good morning/afternoon, dear professors. It's a great honor for me to sit here and introduce myself. I am ****, my English name is****. I come from **. I major in ** at** University and will graduate this coming June.I am a person who is veryserious about work so I always try my best to accomplish my work.In my spare time, I got some hobbies likedrawing, travelling and taking photos, I enjoy taking photos with my good friends on the trip.During my years in college, I worked hard and eventually achieved a scholarship. Besides, I served as a class League branch secretary and organized the class activities with greet success. In addition, I took actively part in volunteer activities. Last but not least, I often took part-time jobs and internships in my spare time, so I was fortunate to meet many excellent managers. Because of that, I foundmanagementis an interesting art and I hope pursue further study to broaden my horizon and extend my knowledge profession.I plan to concentrate on study and research in this field in my graduate time. I hope I can form a systematic view ofmanagementand make a solid foundation for future profession.I would be very honored if you could give me the opportunity to study in this university. That's all about my self introduction, thank you!

        来自Android客户端6楼2020-05-16 08:58
          (Your CET-4 score is good, but why didn't pass the CET-6(six level)?)

          来自Android客户端13楼2020-05-16 09:05
            (I am sorry that during my college, I pay more attention to the academic and research, which make me Neglect [nɪˈglekt] the sixth level exam. But now I am trying my best to improve my English ability. I also believe that I will pass the sixth level exam next time.)

            来自Android客户端14楼2020-05-16 09:05
              问:为什么想读研究生?(Why do you want to be a graduate student?( Master degree candidate Life))

              来自Android客户端15楼2020-05-16 09:05
                答:我非常喜欢这个的专业,我也有两年多的科研经验。 它强烈的科研氛围是我渴望的。此外,我之前已经对药物靶向与基因研究方向进行了初步了解,这也是我感兴趣的方向,所以我也想继续深造,我也希望以后能够纯粹致力于学术研究工作。

                来自Android客户端16楼2020-05-16 09:06
                  (I love this major very much, and I also have two years of research experience. its strong research atmosphere is what I yearn for. In addition, I have already had a preliminary understanding of the direction of drug targeting and genetic research. I am interested in the direction, so I also want to continue my studies and hope that I will be purely devoted to academic research in the future.)

                  来自Android客户端17楼2020-05-16 09:06

                    来自Android客户端19楼2020-05-16 09:07
                      (I have broad interests in many aspects and grasp the essential knowledge of the major, but I think at present, I can do many things in a superficial level, but not be competent to do things professionally owing to lack of ample knowledge and ability. So I think further study is still urgent for me to realize self-value. On the other hand, I think I can do a deeper research in my favorite area and communicate with high level teachers and students through the postgraduate study. And all these can improve my professional literacy.)

                      来自Android客户端20楼2020-05-16 09:07
                        问:我看你参加了很多创业比赛,那么为什么你不去创业呢?(I see that you have participated in many entrepreneurial competitions, so why don't you start a business?)

                        来自Android客户端21楼2020-05-16 09:12
                          (Compared with starting a business, I pay more attention to the academic research. In the entrepreneurial competition, I am responsible for technical issues.it is closely to scientific research, In addition, I love the fluid direction very much, so I want to continue my studies.)

                          来自Android客户端22楼2020-05-16 09:12

                            来自Android客户端23楼2020-05-16 09:13
                              答:①确定课题的研究方向 ②通过查阅文献了解研究课题的背景(如国内外的研究现状),意义,价值 ③对比已有的研究成果明确课题研究的创新点及优势 ④参考文献制定实验方案及搭建实验平台 ⑤进行预实验并初步对数据进行分析 ⑥分析存在的问题并提出对策 ⑦通过实验或理论推理验证对策的可行性以得到理想数据 ⑧数据的进一步分析及总结 ⑨进行成果的转换(论文或专利)

                              来自Android客户端24楼2020-05-16 09:13