傻瓜英语吧 关注:46贴子:266




IP属地:广东1楼2020-06-11 12:09回复
    banana [bəˈnænə]
    n. 香蕉;喜剧演员;
    1. I am a banana, so I am kind.
    2. Shenteng is a top banana.
    3. I eat a banbana everyday.

    IP属地:广东2楼2020-06-11 12:15
      morning [ˈmɔ:rnɪŋ]
      n. 早晨;黎明;初期
      词根:morn + ing (早晨+名词后缀)
      1. I try to crash the alarm clock every morning.
      2. I awake at 6:00 every morning.
      3. Many people like to sleep all morning now.

      IP属地:广东3楼2020-06-11 12:23
        awake [əˈweɪk]
        adj. 醒着的
        v. 觉醒,意识到;使醒来,被唤起,激发起
        a + wake (加强意义+醒着)
        1. Don't awake me. I was trying to have a dream about those days when I still have you.
        2. awake the young people to seek their own life style.
        3. Awake from a horrible dream.
        4. I was awake when the teacher came in.

        IP属地:广东4楼2020-06-11 12:31
          come [kʌm]
          vi. 来;开始;出现;发生;变成;到达
          vt. 做;假装;将满(…岁)
          int. 嗨!
          1. I come here to take you away but you say you want to stay.
          2. Kobe came to China by plane.
          3. The storm is coming up.

          IP属地:广东5楼2020-06-13 18:32
            fridge [frɪdʒ]
            n. 电冰箱
            1. The fridge is stuffed to bursting.
            2. There's nothing much in the fridge.
            3. If there's any food left over, put it in the fridge.

            IP属地:广东6楼2020-06-13 18:37
              n. 橙,柑橘;橙汁,橘汁饮料;橙树,橘树;橙色,橘黄色;橙黄色蝴蝶
              adj. 橙红色的,橘黄色的;奥兰治党或社团的
              orange juice 橘子汁
              orange peel 橙皮;
              sweet orange 甜橙
              navel orange 脐橙
              mandarin orange 橘子;蜜橘
              blood orange 红橙
              1. The better the oranges are, the heavier they will be pressed.
              2. Orange is my lucky color.
              3. Eat an orange.
              4. Orange warning signal.

              IP属地:广东7楼2020-06-13 18:57
                build [ˈbɪldɪŋ]
                n. 建筑;建筑物
                v. 建筑;建立;增加(build的ing形式)
                build + ing (建筑+某种行为的产物)
                1. I shuttle in a city full of buildings, but for me it's a place without you.
                2. The Big Ben is a landmark building.
                3. They are building a wall.
                3. The world's highest building is in Dubai.

                IP属地:广东8楼2020-06-13 19:08
                  dress [dres]
                  n. 连衣裙;(特定种类的)衣服
                  v. (给……)穿衣;穿正式服装;为……提供服装;清理包扎(伤口);装饰;加工,处理(食材、木材等);使排列整齐’;设计(发型)
                  1. Why don't let me buy new clother? The prince only fell in love with Cinderella because she has put on a beautiful dress.
                  2. The little girl can dress herself.
                  3. A light yellow dress and a fluffy hair.
                  4. We were wearing new dresses in the new year.

                  IP属地:广东9楼2020-06-13 21:29
                    cake [keɪk]
                    n. 蛋糕;块状物;利益总额
                    vt. 使结块
                    vi. 结成块状
                    Wedding cake 结婚蛋糕 ; 结婚糕 ; 结婚典礼蛋糕
                    chocolate cake 朱古力蛋糕 ; 浓情朱古力冻饼 ; 朱古力饼
                    1. The cake looks as sweet as you.
                    2. The mouse ate up the whole cake.
                    3. Recutubg words is piece of cake for you.
                    4. The mud on my shoes caked.
                    蛋糕种类 不可数

                    IP属地:广东10楼2020-06-13 21:36
                      need [niːd]
                      v. 必须,需要;(表示应该或不得不做)有必要
                      n. 需要,必须; 特别需要,迫切要求;欲望;(食物、钱或生活来源的)短缺,缺乏;必需品;贫困(或困难)的处境
                      1. Sometimes, all we need is just a hug.
                      2. Do you have anything that you need?
                      3. At play you need to be able to focus.
                      4. Patience is needed to recite words.
                      need 与 want 区别
                      need 指需要
                      want 指想要

                      IP属地:广东11楼2020-06-13 21:43
                        lovely [ˈlʌvli]
                        adj. 可爱的;令人愉快的;爱恋的;秀丽的,优美的
                        n. 美女;可爱的东西
                        love +ly (爱+特征)
                        1. I am a lovely puppy and I will only show my cuteness to you.
                        2. It's a lovely day.
                        3. Cats are lovely animals.
                        4. Angelababy looks very lovely.

                        IP属地:广东12楼2020-06-19 16:34
                          rice [raɪs]
                          n. 稻;米饭
                          vt. 把…捣成米糊状
                          rice wine 黄酒;米酒;料酒;加饭酒
                          glutinous rice 糯米
                          rice bran 米糠
                          brown rice 糙米
                          rice flour 米粉
                          white rice 精白米
                          rice husk 米糠
                          rice cooker 电饭锅,电饭煲
                          fried rice 炒饭
                          rice starch 米粉糊液,米淀粉
                          rice noodle 米线
                          sticky rice n. 糯米
                          1. Eat less please. It is your secound bowl of rice already.
                          2. Eat less rice to lose weight.
                          3. Could you give the rice a stir?
                          4. The vegetables are stirred into the rice while it is hot.

                          IP属地:广东13楼2020-06-19 16:44
                            choose [tʃuːz]
                            vt. 选择,决定
                            vi. 选择,挑选
                            choose from 挑选,从…中选择
                            as you choose 随你的便
                            choose to do 选择去做某事
                            cannot choose but 只得;只好;不得不
                            1. Son, please choose which one you love more. Dad or mom?
                            2. Chosose any fruit you like.
                            3. Choosing right is more important than trying hard.
                            4. Don't ask me to choose. I don't want to go there.

                            IP属地:广东14楼2020-06-19 16:51
                              choice [tʃɔɪs]
                              n. 选择;选择权;精选品
                              adj. 精选的;仔细推敲的
                              Adverse choice 逆向选择 ; 逆选择 ; 反向选择 ; 逆向采用
                              Rational Choice 理性选择 ; 理性抉择 ; 理性选择理论 ; 理性的选择
                              optimal choice 最佳选择 ; 本最佳选择 ; 最优选择
                              Career Choice 职业选择 ; 择业难
                              Lucky choice 不懂女人
                              1. It was his choice, and he lost everything in the end.
                              2. Are there any other combo choices?
                              3. These are eggs of choice in the supermarket.

                              IP属地:广东15楼2020-06-19 16:56