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昨晚Discord有消息表示因为一些奇奇怪怪的原因所以不会有热修, 而是下周(预计)的5号补丁修复,Steam给了一个测试分支大概可以解决问题,(右键游戏-属性-测试版-下拉菜单选择modfix_temp), 但是也带来明显的问题, 就是不能和默认版本的玩家联机(呵呵)。原文放二楼

IP属地:内蒙古1楼2022-06-04 09:19回复
    For people playing with mods experiencing that installed mods won’t load on start up/at all, We have found the issue and made a fix - woo! - But since we don’t want to risk introducing new bugs on a Friday afternoon it won’t be hotfixed right now - but it will be part of Patch 05 which we hope to have ready sometime next week. So we made a beta branch with a build with the modfix - since next week is quite a long wait for everyone who plays with mods all the time - and we didn't want you to go without for the weekend. You can find said build by right-clicking on DRG in steam - Go to Properties>Betas and selecting “modfix_temp” from the dropdown. Note that like with the Experimental branch run pre-release this branch and the main version of the game do not crossplay. Meaning everyone you play with/invite/friends you can join have to be on the same version. However, unlike the Experimental branch, it does share save with the Main version of DRG, meaning you keep the progress made there (also modfix_temp does not have a cheat terminal like Experimental does). We know it is not an optimal solution - but hopefully better than just not being able to play with mods while waiting for the patch. Thank y’all for your patience while we hunt bugs.

    IP属地:内蒙古2楼2022-06-04 09:20