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Jane Austen的Persuation里,为何Sir Walter Elliot和他的律师Shepherd要用he来指代自己?(具体见图标出位置)

IP属地:浙江来自Android客户端1楼2022-08-05 11:15回复

    IP属地:湖南来自Android客户端2楼2022-08-14 08:47
      我读的是《The Annotated Emma》,其中有一条注释写道“This is a summary of what Mr. Woodhouse said rather than direct speech, since it is not in first person. Jane Austen uses this technique occasionally.”

      IP属地:上海3楼2022-09-21 16:32

        IP属地:湖南来自Android客户端4楼2022-10-09 22:08
          Emma第3卷,第6章。下面的He是Emma的父亲Mr. Woodhouse。简奥斯汀为了简化他的话(比较唠叨),采用了第三人称。
          He was invited on good faith. No lurking horrors were to upbraid him for his easy credulity. He did consent. He had not been at Donwell for two years. “Some very fine morning, he, and Emma, and Harriet, could go very well; and he could sit still with Mrs. Weston, while the dear girls walked about the gardens. He did not suppose they could be damp now, in the middle of the day. He should like to see the old house again exceedingly, and should be very happy to meet Mr. and Mrs. Elton, and any other of his neighbours.—He could not see any objection at all to his, and Emma’s, and Harriet’s, going there some very fine morning. He thought it very well done of Mr. Knightley to invite them—very kind and sensible—much cleverer than dining out.—He was not fond of dining out.”

          IP属地:上海5楼2022-10-20 10:10

            IP属地:上海6楼2022-10-20 10:19