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求助 限制ai使用mod科技的词条放在哪个位置?


should_ai_use = no 我试了好几个位置都没效果啊

IP属地:浙江1楼2022-12-25 23:51回复
    # Miniaturized Arc Emitter
    weapon_component_template = {
    size = large
    entity = "large_laser_gun_entity"
    type = instant
    icon = "GFX_ship_part_miniaturized_arc_emitter_1"
    icon_frame = 1
    prerequisites = { "tech_miniaturized_arc_emitter_1" }
    component_set = "MINIATURIZED_ARC_EMITTER_1_SET"
    projectile_gfx = "arc_emitter"
    tags = { weapon_type_energy }
    ai_tags = { weapon_role_artillery }
    ai_tag_weight = -1
    resources = {
    category = ship_components
    cost = {
    alloys = @l_t5_cost
    rare_crystals = @l_t5_rare
    upkeep = {
    energy = @l_t5_upkeep_energy
    alloys = @l_t5_upkeep_alloys
    #Cost, power & damage are scaled in the same way as kinetic artillery vs mega/giga cannon
    #cost = 120
    power = -70
    damage = { min = 1 max = 293 }
    #Additional damage & penetration copied from the XL weapons (ie. full penetration, no bonus damage)
    #NB: In case this is used for other weapons, XXX_damage = 1.5 means +50% in-game.
    hull_damage = 1
    armor_damage = 1
    shield_damage = 1
    shield_penetration = 1
    armor_penetration = 1
    #Windup copied from cloud lightning (which is very slightly better than kinetic artillery - I think the techs would be able to do at least this well in late-game)
    windup = { min = 1 max = 19 }
    #Cooldown is scaled in the same way as kinetic artillery vs mega/giga cannon
    #NB: 'cooldown' in the CSV is 'total_fire_time' here.
    total_fire_time = 44
    #Range is scaled in the same way as kinetic artillery vs mega/giga cannon
    range = 120
    #100% accuracy, as per the XL weapon
    accuracy = 1
    #30% tracking, as per cloud lightning
    tracking = 0.3
    #There's a load of stuff relating to missiles in the CSV, which I've omitted because it's clearly irrelevant.

    IP属地:浙江2楼2022-12-25 23:51

      IP属地:浙江来自Android客户端3楼2022-12-26 20:06