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《白光》(《White Light》)部分描述收集


IP属地:山东来自iPhone客户端1楼2024-03-07 12:10回复
    老乐细致、海景房光队长、魔少z. . . 被楼主禁言,将不能再进行回复

    IP属地:山东来自iPhone客户端2楼2024-03-07 12:10
      Desperately I prayed. “Dear Jesus Christ, please save my worthless ass.” I reached out with that central spot of my mind which could sometimes touch God. “Dear sweet Jesus, get me out of this.”
      The Devil released his hold on me and strode over to the crack. “In here, Felix,” he said gently. “Let’s go. Jesus isn’t going to answer you.”
      I kept on praying, more and more merged, less and less there. I put my whole attention on that central spot, the flaw, the source, the singularity, the lurking fear, the scream, the knot, the egg I never saw… I put my energy there and pushed. Everything got white and in the afterimage Jesus was talking to me.
      “I’m here, Felix,” Jesus said, “I’ll take care of you.”
      I opened my eyes. The Devil was standing by the crack he’d opened up, looking angry but uncomfortable. Jesus was next to me. Like the Devil, He had appeared in the form I had always imagined. He had long hair, a beard, sandals and brown robes. I couldn’t meet His eyes.

      IP属地:山东3楼2024-03-29 11:25
        I woke up in Dreamland sometime during the night. I was a red ball of light, moving through the familiar continuum of possible visions. Urged by some inner bidding, I picked one, and found myself back in the Temple Hill graveyard with Jesus and Satan. A bad dream.
        Satan is holding a shrink-wrapped package with a styrofoam tray. A supermarket meat package. There is something green in the package. A featherless seagull. Kathy.
        He shows his teeth when he sees me. “It’s you or her, Rayman. What do you say?” His voice is like rusty iron dragged across concrete.
        I look at Jesus for help. There’s a crack in the ground like before. He and I are on one side, Kathy and Satan on the other.
        Jesus gives off an even, golden light. His eyes are deep…black holes. He smiles a little and holds out one of His hands. There’s a ragged hole at the wrist, with blood scabbed on it.

        IP属地:山东4楼2024-03-29 18:58

          IP属地:湖南来自Android客户端5楼2024-03-31 23:56