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IP属地:北京1楼2024-05-02 22:38回复

    IP属地:北京3楼2024-05-02 23:04
      Literary men disparage one another it's always been that way. The relation between Fu Yi Oand Ban Gu was nothing less than the relation of a younger brother to an elder brother. Yet Ban Gu belittled him, writing in a letter to his younger brother Ban Chao: "Wu-zhong [Fu Yi] became Imperial Librarian through his facility in composition: whenever he used his writing brush, he couldn't stop himself."
      People are good at [or fond of] making themselves known; but since literature ( 文 *) is not of one form ( 体 *) alone,few can be good at everything. Thus each person disparages that in which he is weak by the criterion of those things in which he is strong. There is a village saying: "The worn-out broom that belongs to my own household is worth a thousad in gold." Such is the ill consequence of a lack of self-awareness.

      IP属地:北京5楼2024-05-05 16:53
        The literary men of this day are Kong Rong, called Wen-ju, of the state of Lu; Chen Lin, called Kong-zhang, of Guang-ling; Wang Can, called zhong-xuan, of Shang-yang; Xu Gan,called Wei-chang, of Bei-hai; Ruan Yu, called Yuan-yu, of Chen-liu; Ying Yang, called De-lian, of Ru-nan; and Liu Zhen, called Gong-gan, of Dong-ping. These seven masters have omitted nothing in their learning, have no borrowed colors in their diction ( 辞 *). Yet they have found it most difficult to all gallop together a thousand leagues, side by side with equal pace of their mighty steeds, and thus to pay one another due respect. A superior person ( 君—子 ) examines himself to measure others; and thus he is able to avoid such entanglements [e.g., envy and blindness to the worth of others]. Thus I have written a discourse on literature.

        IP属地:北京6楼2024-05-05 18:13
          Wang Can excels in poetic expositions ( 赋 ); even though Xu Gan at times shows languid qi*, still he is Wang Can's match. Even Zhang Heng and Cai Yong do not surpass works like Wang Can's "Beginning of the Journey" "Climbing a Tower" "The Locust Tree" or "Thoughts on Travel"; or works like Xu Gan's "The Black Gibbon" "The Syphon" "The Circular Fan" or "The Orange Tree". Yet their other writings are no match for these. In regard to memorials, letters, and records, those of Chen Lin and Ruan Yu are preeminent in the present.

          IP属地:北京7楼2024-05-05 18:58
            Ying Chang is agreeable but lacks vigor. Liu Zhen is vigorous but holds nothing concealed [ 密 ; i.e., in reserve]. Kong Rong's form ( 体 *) and qi* are lofty and subtle, with something in them that surpasses all the others; but he cannot sustain an argument, and the principle ( 理* ) in his work is not up to the diction ( 辞 ), to the point that he mixes his writing with playfulness and spoofing. At his best he rivals Yang Xiong and Ban Gu.

            IP属地:北京8楼2024-05-05 19:11
              Ordinary people value what is far away and feel contempt for what is close at hand. They favor repute ( 声 ) and turn their backs on substance ( 实 *). Moreover, they stuffer the ill consequences of ignorance in self-awareness, claiming to be men of great worth. Literature ( 文 *) is the same at the root ( 本*), but differs in its branches ( 末, a "branch tip", the later stages of a process). Generally speaking, memorials and disquisitions should have dignity ( 雅 *); letters and memorials should be based on natural principle ( 理 );inscriptions and eulogy value the facts ( 实 *); poetry and poetic exposition ( 赋 ) aspire to beauty ( 丽 *). Each of these four categories is different, so that a writer's ability will favor some over others. Only a comprehensive talent ( 通 *—才 *) can achieve the full complement ( 备 ) of these forms ( 体 *).

              IP属地:北京9楼2024-05-05 19:43
                In literature qi* is the dominant factor. Qi* has its normative forms ( 体 *)-clear and murky. It is not be brought by force. Compare it to music: though melodies be equal and though the rhythms follow the rules, when it comes to an inequality in drawing on a reserve of qi*, we have grounds to distinguish skill and clumsiness. Although it may reside in a father, he cannot transfer it to his son; nor can an elder brother transfer it to the younger.

                IP属地:北京10楼2024-05-05 19:52
                  I would say that literary works ( 文 *— 章 *) are the supreme achievement in the business of state, a splendor that does not decay. A time will come when a person's life ends; glory and pleasure go no further than this body. To carry both to eternity, there is nothing to compare with the unending permanence of the literary work.

                  IP属地:北京11楼2024-05-05 20:10
                    So writers of ancient times entrusted their persons to ink and the brush, and let their thoughts be seen in their compositions; depending neither on a good historian nor on momentum from a powerful patron, their reputations were handed down to posterity on their own force.

                    IP属地:北京12楼2024-05-05 20:13
                      The Earl of the West [later made King Wen of the Zhou], when imprisoned, amplified the Book of Changes; the Duke of Zhou, though in his glory, prescribed the Rites. The former did not ignore this [the importance of literary work] in spite of hardship; the latter was not distracted by health and pleasure. From this we can see how the ancients thought nothing of large jade disks [marks of wealth], but valued each moment, fearful lest their time pass them by. Yet people usually do not exert themselves: in poverty and low station they fear the hunger and cold; amid wealth and honor they drift with the distractions of pleasure. They busy themselves with the demands of what lies right before their eyes, and neglect an accomplishment lasting a thousand years. Overhead, the days and months pass away from us; here below, face and body waste away. Suddenly we will move off into transformation with all the other things of the world-this is the greatest pain for a person with high aspirations ( 志 *). Kong Rong and the others have already passed away, and only the discoursed composed by Xu Gan are the fully realized work of an individual writer.

                      IP属地:北京13楼2024-05-05 20:27