火花奇遇记吧 关注:21贴子:183



IP属地:江苏1楼2024-07-09 23:51回复
    Friends and Soon-To-Be-Friends,
    We’ve been working on our big August update (our roadmap is here), but we felt that a few smaller features are already ready to be showed off and added to the game now! These are primarily quality of life features, a little bit of rebalancing, and some bugfixes that weren’t breaking the game.
    It’s a big list for version 0.1.S20573, so we’ve tried to make it a little easier to read. Let’s talk about all of it properly

    IP属地:江苏2楼2024-07-09 23:52
      Trash Slot
      We’ve added a Trash Slot! You can get it by unlocking it from the village monument,it becomes available from Tier 2 . You'll be able to retrieve the last trashed item, in case you accidentally threw away something important, and in general, it tries to keep a single stack of items.
      (Basically, if you throw away 5 logs and then 10 logs, you can actually get all 15 logs back. If you then add 5 stone, all of the logs are gone though.)

      IP属地:江苏3楼2024-07-09 23:56
        Big Slots
        It’s an inventory slot, and it’s BIG.
        Big Slots are a new type of inventory slots that can hold ten stacks of a single item!
        When you get one, it replaces one of your standard inventory slots. You'll get them by unlocking it from
        the monument. For now, you can get three of them and they become available tier 3, tier 5 and tier 7.

        IP属地:江苏4楼2024-07-09 23:58
          New Inventory Shortcuts
          We've added two new inventory shortcuts to go along with Sort, “Move All” and “Transfer Same Type”.
          “Move All” just moves all items from one inventory to another and exists in both your primary inventory and other storage inventories.
          “Transfer Same Type” only exists in other storage inventories, and basically pulls items that already exist in the storage.
          So if you have some wood and some bark in your inventory, and one piece of wood in the storage inventory, you can press “Transfer Same Type” to pull only the wood in your inventory to the storage inventory.

          IP属地:江苏5楼2024-07-10 00:01
            Balancing Changes
            Harvestables Respawn Slower
            Running out of resources is not what the game is about, but clearly, harvestables such as trees, stones, etc have been respawning a little too fast. Harvestables now take 20 minutes before they respawn.
            Enemies will respawn roughly the same as before.
            Shortened Callback Delay
            It’s now a little faster for the callback to change from targeting individual sparks to the bigger spark circle. It should feel a little better when you need to get all of your Sparks back.
            Quest Rebalancing
            So for some quests we require you to manually harvest stuff or require parts from enemies. Sometimes it’s because you’ve just unlocked something new and we want you to use some new tools, sometimes it’s to give you an excuse to explore further, sometimes it’s to get you into the combat part of the game. We’ve gotten the feedback that the overall balancing for this has been too tedious and that’s not our aim, so we tried to change that.
            To that end: We’ve tried to explain and communicate a bit clearer when we’re trying to encourage you to use new tools. We’ve balanced a few of the quests to need less items. We also swapped when two quests unlock - you now unlock Limestone Harvesting first and then Quartz Harvesting, so you don’t need to manually harvest so much.

            IP属地:江苏6楼2024-07-10 00:04
              - 资源耗尽并非游戏目标,但显然树木、石头等重生速度过快。现在资源需要20分钟重生。
              - 敌人重生速度与之前大致相同。
              - 从单个火花到大火花圈的召回速度更快,方便收回所有火花。
              - 任务要求手动收集资源或从敌人处获取零件。由于反馈任务平衡过于繁琐,我们进行了调整:
              - 更清晰地解释使用新工具的意图。
              - 减少部分任务所需物品数量。
              - 任务解锁顺序调整,先解锁石灰石采集,再解锁石英采集,减少手动收集。

              IP属地:江苏7楼2024-07-10 00:04
                1. Bark Harvesting(Tier 3 - 木工)现在要求15个泥土火花,而不是20个泥土火花。
                2. Vertical Logistics - 2(Tier 4 - 军需官)现在要求150根绳子,而不是200根绳子。
                3. Delivery Chests(Tier 5 - 军需官)现在要求15个以太颗粒,而不是20个以太颗粒。
                4. Supply Chest(Tier 5 - 军需官)现在要求10个以太块,而不是20个以太块。
                5. Limestone Harvesting和Quartz Harvesting任务(Tier 5 - 石匠姐妹)已经进行了功能互换 - 石灰石采集现在首先解锁,并要求200块鹅卵石和40块路径砖,而石英采集则要求400块鹅卵石和80块路径砖。
                6. Mountain Spark R&D - 2(Tier 6 - 神圣研究员)现在要求80个搬运火花,而不是120个搬运火花。
                7. Miasma Capture(Tier 6 - 神圣研究员)现在奖励你一个Frowl Sac,以帮助你建造第一个毒雾收集器。
                8. Spark Pen - 2(Tier 6 - 军需官)现在提示使用Boomy Spark和Puffy Spark来帮助你收集珊瑚。

                IP属地:江苏8楼2024-07-10 00:10
                  Better Throughput of Vertical Logistics Tools
                  We buffed the cannon, elevator and zipline, we noticed that you had to build a few too many. Cannons and Ziplines will now bring approximately 60 items per minute instead of 30 and 50 items per minute respectively, and the Elevator will bring approximately 90 items per minute instead of 60.

                  IP属地:江苏9楼2024-07-10 00:11
                    Communication “Bugs”
                    Better Quest Flow
                    We’ve done two changes to the quest flow. Number one, NPCs will let you hand in quests that you are able to complete before they give you a new quest. We’ve seen a few people get distracted because they have to accept a quest before handing in an old one, and it’s clear to us now that this is too disruptive. So now you can always hand in a ready to be completed quest before the game tries to give you a new one.
                    We also have made now made sure that the villagers will always give you “older” quests first - there was a specific instance where your quest log can have a quest that you are technically not able to do, and while the quest is available in the quest giver, but that can be missed. So now, that can’t happen and the villagers will give you the quests they are able to give you in a linear order.
                    另外,我们现在确保村民总是先给你“老旧”的任务 - 曾经有个特定情况,你的任务日志可能会有一个你技术上无法完成的任务,虽然任务在任务提供者那里可用,但可能会被错过。现在这种情况不会发生,村民会按线性顺序给你他们能够给予的任务。

                    IP属地:江苏10楼2024-07-10 00:13
                      Gameplay ClarificationsThere’s a lot of stuff to learn in the game and we missed out on some glossary entries that could’ve had a bit more clearer stuff.
                      We now have an actual clarification on how you equip Sparks. We have a better Hauling Spark explanation. Did you know you can toggle the Aim Mode button instead of the holding the Aim Mode button? We didn’t realise it was so easy to miss, so we added info about the Aim Mode Toggle and Hold in the little popup you get when you first get a Spark.

                      IP属地:江苏11楼2024-07-10 00:14
                        New Save and Quit Button
                        We saw on social media that someone lost their 40 hour save. They completed the early access content in a single save, only using the autosave. They then started achievement hunting in a new world, but of course, since they only used the autosave, their 40 hour save was deleted.
                        We want to prevent that, so we’ve added a “save and quit” button that hopefully encourages people to manually save more often, and also streamlines that process.

                        IP属地:江苏12楼2024-07-10 00:15
                          BugfixesIt’s the lightning round! Here are some bugfixes.
                          Fixed build menu not updating if you’ve unlocked something while the menu is open.
                          Fixed Hauling Spark pick up AI where it would hang around instead of picking up items.
                          Fixed the build menu not remembering what type of path you used last.
                          Fixed “Full Inventory” showing up when it shouldn’t be.
                          Multiplayer BugfixesWe do want to specifically shout out that we've fixed two major desyncs and thank folks who helped us out by playing multiplayer in the Beta branch!

                          IP属地:江苏13楼2024-07-10 00:16
                            New CustomisationPride Flag PatternWe also squeezed in a Pride flag pattern - as a diverse team with queer people, we wanted to add this one in for ourselves and for all the other queer folks out there. Fun fact: In Germany, Christopher Street Day is what we call pride parades, and it happens all throughout summer! We're based in the Cologne area, a historically queer city, and our pride parade is in late July.
                            我们还加入了一款彩虹旗图案 - 作为一个包含酷儿人士的多元团队,我们想为我们自己和所有其他酷儿人士添加这个图案。有趣的事实:在德国,克里斯托弗街日是我们称为骄傲游行的活动,贯穿整个夏季!我们位于科隆地区,这是一个历史悠久的酷儿城市,我们的骄傲游行通常在7月下旬举行。

                            IP属地:江苏14楼2024-07-10 00:18

                              IP属地:江苏15楼2024-07-10 00:19