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救助被套的雌狮,Chitwa Chitwa导游2024.9.23发布



IP属地:德国1楼2024-09-24 03:26回复
    Snares, a growing conservation challenge for all.
    The challenge of illegal hunting of animals like antelope for bush meat is a challenge in these protected areas.These bush meat poachers will enter these reserves illegally from the nearby villages and lay snares, which is nothing more than a old piece of wire shaped in a loop, along a well used game path in the hope of catching the wild animals that walk along these paths.
    Unfortunately, the Manyaleti reserve does not always have the resources as what the Sabi Sands have, and these snares are a common problem.
    Most likely, these spoils of bush meat are sold off to the poorer locals in the villages in desperate need of protien, and these poachers know that, therefore, the demand for bush meat is in high demand.
    Unfortunately, snares dont distinguish between certain animals and more endangered wildlife get caught in these snares.
    The result is normally a deep, painful wound that quickly becomes infected and could result in prolonged and excruciating death for the animal involved.
    If we take how many cats from the Northern sabi sands venture into that reserve, the risk is rather high of them getting stuck in a snare. some have been more lucky than others.
    Maribyes, the yound male leopard, if not found by @claytonherb_safari on the day he did, who knows if he would still be with us today, the countless hyenas we have found and desnared, the female Lioness in the reel we found and desnared, these are just some of the more fortunate ones, some have not been so lucky.
    So, to all those viewers and people who follow the guides in these reserves who think we just sit back back and let nature take its cause, think again.
    Without these guides out every day doing what they do best, these animals would never be reported to the amazing wildlife vets that continue to fly out at such short notice, even though they have a area of about 2 million hectares that they monitor and without them who knows how more animals we would have lost.
    陷阱/圈套,对所有人来说都是一个日益严峻的保护挑战。在这些保护区,非法狩猎羚羊等动物以获取野味是一个挑战。这些野味偷猎者会从附近的村庄非法进入这些保护区,沿着一条常用的狩猎路径设置圈套,这些圈套只不过是一条旧的环形铁丝,希望能够捕获沿着这些路径行走的野生动物。不幸的是,Manyaleti 保护区并不总是拥有像 Sabi Sands 那样的资源,而这些圈套是一个常见问题。最有可能的是,这些野味被卖给了村庄里急需蛋白质的贫困当地人,这些偷猎者知道,因此对野味的需求很高。不幸的是,圈套无法区分某些动物,更多濒危野生动物被这些圈套捕获。结果通常是深而痛的伤口,很快就会感染,并可能导致相关动物长期痛苦地死亡。如果我们看看有多少来自北部 Sabi Sands 的猫科动物冒险进入该保护区,它们被困在圈套中的风险相当高。有些比其他的幸运。如果 Maribyes 是那只年轻的雄豹,如果那天它没有被 @claytonherb_safari 发现,谁知道它今天是否还会和我们在一起,我们发现并解开无数被套的鬣狗,我们发现并解开被套的母狮,这些只是一些比较幸运的动物,有些就没那么幸运了。因此,对于所有那些在这些保护区跟随导游的观众和那些认为我们只是坐视不管,让大自然来解决问题的人来说,请再想想。如果没有这些导游每天出去做他们最擅长的事情,这些动物永远不会被报告给那些令人惊叹的野生动物兽医,尽管他们要监测的面积约为 200 万公顷,但他们仍然会在如此短的时间内飞出去,没有他们,谁知道我们会失去多少动物。

    IP属地:德国2楼2024-09-24 04:10

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