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v1.0.37335 更新说明 及 AI 翻译


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AI 翻译
机会攻击 - 基础伤害从最强属性的100%降低到75%。
(状态)发烧 - 现在最多可以叠加10次。
(状态)狂怒 - 现在最多可叠加10次。
(状态)对抗 - 伤害减免从+50%降低到+30%。现在伤害也增加了+30%
(基础武器技能)斩击 - 伤害从80%-100%提升至90%-100%
(专长技能)防御姿态 - 重新设计:现在,每当该单位受到技能伤害时,都会自动获得+1点英勇值。(每个技能只能触发一次,而非每次攻击。该效果不会因环境伤害、机会攻击或状态效果而触发)
(专长技能)最后防线 - 当该单位护甲值低于50%(提升100%)时,它将获得“残暴”效果,而非护甲值为0时。
(专长技能)防御姿态 - 重做:现在是一个被动技能,每当该单位受到技能伤害时,都会获得+1点英勇值。(每个技能只能触发一次,而不是每次攻击都触发。它不会因环境伤害、机会攻击或状态效果而触发)
(专长技能)投机取巧 - 效果范围从6米增加到8米
(专长技能)防御姿态 - 重做:现在是一个被动技能,每当该单位受到技能伤害时,都会获得+1点英勇值。(每个技能只能触发一次,而不是每次攻击都触发。它不会因环境伤害、机会攻击或状态效果而触发)
(专长技能)Ovation - 现在使用该技能的单位也会获得反击效果,且该单位及其在效果范围内的盟友均无需参与战斗。
(专长技能)霸凌打击 - 伤害从40%-60%提升至50%-70%
(状态)诅咒 - 现在,受影响单位的伤害承受值增加30%。当受影响单位阵亡时,所有盟友获得激励效果
(专长技能)毒药瓶 - 效果范围从3米增加到4米,射程从6米增加到8米。
(专长技能)致命契约 - 重做:现在,在战斗开始时,会对最近的敌人施加脆弱效果。当敌人死亡时,该减益效果会转移到最近的敌人身上(改进后:2个敌人会受到脆弱减益效果)。
(专长技能)低击 - 效果范围从2米增加到4米(提升后为6米)。
弓箭手2级技能 - “英勇无畏”已被“英勇连击”所取代
(专长技能)后坐射击 - 重新设计:该技能现在是一个线状范围效果(7米),对所有被击中的敌人造成65%的伤害,并将他们击退2米(提升后为3米)。对第一个被击中的单位施加减速效果,持续1回合(提升后为2回合)。
(专长技能)轻松猎物 - 额外伤害从+15%提升至+30%
(基础武器技能)双拳 - 每次攻击的伤害从35%降低到30%
(专长技能)快速攻击 - 每次攻击的伤害从40%-50%降低到30%-40%
姿态知识 - 对首领怪造成的额外伤害从最大生命值的2%降低到最大生命值的1%。
(专长技能)切换!- 在攻击姿态下,现在会对与盟友交战的敌人执行一次机会攻击,而不是获得反击。
摔跤手职业 - 现在敏捷加成范围为5-33,而非之前的4-23,以与其他中等护甲职业保持一致。
修复了“Pits battles”中的几处崩溃问题
Hello Mercenaries!
It is now time for the fourth Wartales Community Update.
On top of adding a new Champion and a new place of interest, we worked hard to bring you the option of joining and leaving a coop game.
We also spent quite some time rebalancing the classes as well as certain skills to ensure a more diverse array of options when starting a fight.
We will keep close attention to your feedback on those changes, so feel free to let us know what you think in the comments or on our Social Media channels.
Now let’s have a closer look at this update in details below:
New champion and place of interest
Arthes has been expanded to the south. A new place of interest, a secret passage and a champion have been added in the new area.
It seems a monster has moved into the mountains in the south of the County. The farmers are offering a reward to anyone who can slay it.
Drop-in/Drop-out Coop
You can now join a singleplayer game and convert it into multiplayer. You also have the option to start in multiplayer and continue in singleplayer, switching seamlessly between the two modes to suit your preferences.
To Join a Singleplayer Game in Multiplayer Mode
Navigate to the Multiplayer menu and select "Load Singleplayer Game."
In the lobby, add player slots and invite friends to join.
Once everything is set up, launch the game. It will automatically convert your save into a multiplayer session on the next save.
To Continue a Multiplayer Game as Singleplayer
Load your multiplayer game to open the lobby.
Remove other players from the save.
Launch the game to continue in singleplayer.
We've balanced numerous skills to make less popular options more appealing, while maintaining the core mechanics to preserve your established strategies. Certain elements, particularly the Pugilist, were slightly reduced in efficiency, with adjustments limited to minor tweaks in values.
Opportunity attack - Base damage reduced from 100% to 75% of strongest attribute.
(status) Fever - Now can stack up to a maximum of 10 times.
(status) Rage - Now can stack up to a maximum of 10 times.
(status) Rivalry - Damage reduction decreased from +50% to +30%. Now also increase Damage by +30%
(strategy skill) Support - Supported damage reduction increased from +10% to +20%
(strategy skill) Flanking - Surrounded damage increase increased from +10% to +20%
(base weapon skill) Slice - Damage increased from 80%-100% to 90%-100%
(base weapon skill) Cleave - Damage increased from 90% to 95%
(specialized skill) Defensive Stance - Reworked: Now is a passive ability granting + 1 valor point any time this unit suffers damage from a skill. ( once per skill not once per attack. It doesn’t trigger on environmental damage, opportunity attacks nor statuses)
(specialized skill) Encouragement - Area of effect size increased from 10 to 12 meters
(specialized skill) Counter-Attack - The first time this unit engages during the turn, also gains Fury
(specialized skill) Last Stand - This unit gains Brutality while it has less than 50%(100% improved) armor instead of 0.
(specialized skill) Hand to Hand Combat - Now Apply Weakening to Champions
(specialized skill) Defensive Stance - Reworked: Now is a passive ability granting + 1 valor point any time this unit suffers damage from a skill. ( once per skill not once per attack. It doesn’t trigger on environmental damage, opportunity attacks nor statuses)
(specialized skill) Thunderous Blow - Damage improved from 20-40% to 40-60% and now engages the unit with its target.
(specialized skill) Headbash - Now deal increased damage when improved
(specialized skill) Opportunism - Area of effect increased from 6 to 8 meters
(specialized skill) Temperance - Attacks suffered required to gain Deflection reduced from 2 to 1
(Bravery skill) Deafening Roar - Now deals 30% damage to enemies and area of effect size increased from 4 to 6 meters
(specialized skill) Defensive Stance - Reworked: Now is a passive ability granting + 1 valor point any time this unit suffers damage from a skill. ( once per skill not once per attack. It doesn’t trigger on environmental damage, opportunity attacks nor statuses)
(specialized skill) Ovation - Now the unit using the skill also receives Riposte and neither this unit or its allies in the Area of Effect need to be engaged.
(specialized skill) Overbearing Strike - Damage increased from 40%-60% to 50%-70%
(specialized skill) Madness - Bonus damage triggered on enemies with less than 50% (75% when improved) Health instead of 35%.
(specialized skill) Fanaticism - Now the unit also loses 10% of their Maximum HP at the end of their turn even if the skill is improved.
(specialized skill) Battle Cry - Area of effect increased from 6 to 12 meters and the improved version now also grants +2 Rage to this unit and all its allies in the area.
(specialized skill) Challenging Shout - Area of effect increased from 3 to 4 meters. Applies Weakening instead of Fragility to enemies who were disengaged that way.
(specialized skill) Alacrity - Chance to dodge ranged and area of effect attacks decreased from 35% to 25%. The unit now has a 25% chance to dodge melee attacks too.
(specialized skill) Rallying Cry - Fury is now also applied to the unit using the skill, and the area of effect has been increased from 6 to 12 meters.
(status) Condemn - Now increase the damage the affected unit takes by 30%. When the affected unit dies, all allies gain galvanisation
(specialized skill) Poison Vial - Area of effect increased from 3 to 4 meters and range increased from 6 to 8 meters.
(specialized skill) Poisoned Weapon - When improved, the number of Poison applications when attacking from behind increased from 2 to 3.
(specialized skill) Deadly Contract - Reworked: Now applies Fragility to the nearest enemy at the start of the fight. The debuff is transferred to the nearest enemy when they die (improved: 2 enemies get the Fragility debuff).
(specialized skill) Explosive Gas - Now the base version of the skill leaves a zone of poison afterward. When improved, the area of effect is increased from 3 to 4 meters and the range from 6 to 8 meters.
(specialized skill) Low Blow - Area of effect increased from 2 to 4 meters (6 when improved).
(Bravery skill) Decisive Manoeuvre - The unit using this skill now doesn’t need to be the first unit to be activated this round.
Archers lvl 2 - Valorous Audacity has been replaced by Valorous Chain
(specialized skill) Recoil Shot - Reworked: This skill is now a line area of effect (7meters), dealing 65% damage to all enemies hit and pushes them back 2 meters (3 when improved). Applies Slowdown to the first unit hit for 1 round (2 when improved).
(specialized skill) Aimed Shot - Damage increased from 70% to 90%. Range increased from 8 to 10 meters.
(specialized skill) Taming Arrow - Also applies 2 rage to the targeted animal. While improved, also grant Riposte.
(specialized skill) Easy Prey - Bonus Damage increased from +15% to +30%
(Bravery skill) Suppressive Fire - Damage increased from 30% to 40% and now only targets enemies.
(base weapon skill) Double Punch - Damage decreased for each hit from 35% to 30%
(specialized skill) Skullbreaker - Damage of each hit reduced from 40%-50% to 30-40%
(specialized skill) Arterial Precision - Damage of each hit reduced from 40%-50% to 30-40%
(specialized skill) Quick Attacks - Damage of each hit reduced from 40%-50% to 30-40%
Stance Knowledge - Bonus damage reduced from 2% of MaxHP to 1% of MaxHP against bosses.
(specialized skill) Changeover! - In attack stance, now executes an attack of opportunity to the enemy its ally was engaged with instead of gaining Riposte.
(weapon skill) Opportunistic Burst - In defense stance, there is now a maximum amount of 5 bonus attacks the unit can execute.
(weapon skill) Brutal Bravado - In attack stance, there is now a maximum amount of 5 bonus attacks the unit can execute.
(weapon skill) Hysterical Pummelling - In attack stance, there is now a maximum amount of 6 bonus attacks the unit can execute.
(specialized skill) Adaptation - Each time the unit changes their stance, their first attack grants 1 Rage (2 when improved).
Wrestler class - Now has a dexterity gain of 5-33 instead of 4-23, to align it with other medium-armor specializations.
Bug Fixes
Base Game
Fixed Grinmeer main quest
Fixed “Workers Union” quest
Fixed Well-Earned rest Fishery NPC, you may now talk with him
Fixed “Nyctalope” trait that was working in fog. It’s now only working in darkness as intended
Fixed NPC and animals that didn’t flee in some battles
Pirates of Belerion
Fixed crash on ship battles after “Attack!” skill was used by foes
Fixed a crash in Belerion final battle
The Pits
Fixed several crashes in Pits battles
Vertruse pit
Ludern pit
Fixed a crash after talking to Tiltren’s pit referee
Once again, we would like to thank all of you for your continued support in Wartales and we hope to have effectively addressed some of the most requested changes in this update. Now, feel free to let us know what you would like to see next!
We also wanted to let you know that the team has been working on the next content update and that we cannot wait to tell you more about it. We have taken good note of your recent feedback and are fairly confident that you should appreciate what is coming to Wartales.
Stay tuned on our social channels!
Shiro Games

IP属地:浙江1楼2024-10-05 11:25回复
    堪比牙膏厂 挤牙膏啊
    PS 这一点更新内容还不足以吸引我回归

    IP属地:浙江2楼2024-10-05 11:26

      IP属地:马来西亚3楼2024-10-05 17:35

        IP属地:河北来自Android客户端4楼2024-10-05 18:05