关注: 6 贴子: 516

  • 目录:
  • 明星
  • 16
    我是湖南省,岳阳市,奇家组的曾尧 QQ348345528 还有谁和我同名的,把地址和QQ写上来
    Minions酸 7-20
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    寻人名曾尧的,重庆市,荣昌县的曾尧 。荣昌初级中学的
    a2240225 5-17
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    我叫曾尧 旁边的是我媳妇。~
    慕_念卿 7-12
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    麻生くんへ 面と向かっては素直に言えなそうだから手纸を书きます。 いつもそばにいてくれて、ありがとう。 励ましてくれて、ありがとう。 自分の梦を见つけて、生き生きと辉いている麻生くんをみると、 私も嬉しくなります。 いろんな事を学んで、いろんな人と出会って、 あなたはこれからもずっとずっと生きていく。 あなたの未来は无限に広がっている。 でも、私は违います。 私に残された未来は、何とかして生きる
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    我在百度上看到你想成为首富的愿望,很佩服你.我知道你可能不认识我,但我会支持你的,加油. Crazy
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    年过完了 希望大家鼠钱鼠到手抽筋
    瑶瑶521 2-28
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    Leehommy 8-9
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    令人振奋 http://www.legsm.name/music.files/f2006.mp3
    lmbwy 7-23
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    除了和电脑每天面对面... 啊..真枯燥啊..
    lmbwy 7-23
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    节奏感超好.... 一起摇摆~~..我最摇摆~~~...' 用百度MP3搜索"死神 彗星"..就能听到..... ..........................................Loading..
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    粉雪舞う季节はいつもすれ违い 一直和满天飞雪的季节擦肩而过。 人混みに纷れても同じ空见てるのに 即使飘过人群也是在同样的一偏天空。 风に吹かれて 似たように冻えるのに 风吹过的话也会感觉同样的寒冷 仆は君の全てなど知ってはいないだろう 我或许不太了解你的一切 それでも一亿人から君を见つけたよ 尽管这样在一亿个人里我看中了你 根拠はないけど本気で思ってるんだ 没有根据的我也这么认真的想过 些细な言い合いも
    lmbwy 6-19
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    http://orange4-4-2.photo.163.com/ 进去了就晓得..... 没事可以Q我 307650850
    lmbwy 3-26
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    lmbwy 3-26
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    http://www.ldts.cn/listen/play/play.asp?id=87267 曲:周杰伦 词:周杰伦 演唱:周杰伦 呵 命有几回合 擂台等着 生死状 赢了什么 冷笑着 天下谁的 第一又如何 止干戈 我辈尚武德 我的 拳脚了得 却奈何 徒增虚名一个 江湖难测 谁是强者 谁争一统武林的资格 小城里岁月流过去 清澈的勇气 洗涤过的回忆 我记得你 骄傲的活下去 霍霍 霍霍霍 霍霍霍 霍家拳的套路招式灵活 活活 活活活 活活活 活着生命就该完整渡过 过过 过过过 过过过 过错软弱从来不属
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    http://www.inedu.cn/stuu/pullulateSpace/info/file/20051027183548783.wma <歌词暂无>
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    http://jayfan.jahee.com/jaycity.net_flx.mp3 《发如雪》 曲:周杰伦 词:方文山 MV导演:周杰伦 狼牙月 伊人憔悴 我举杯 饮尽了风雪 是谁打翻前世柜 惹尘埃是非 缘字诀 几番轮回 你锁眉 哭红颜唤不回 纵然青史已经成灰 我爱不灭 繁华如三千东流水 我只取一瓢爱了解 只恋你化身的蝶 你发如雪 凄美了离别 我焚香感动了谁 邀明月 让回忆皎洁 爱在月光下完美 你发如雪 纷飞了眼泪 我等待苍老了谁 红尘醉 微醺的岁月 我用无悔 刻永世爱你
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    http://www.ldts.cn/listen/play/play.asp?id=84094 一件黑色毛衣 两个人的回忆 雨过之后更难忘记 忘记我还爱你 你不用在意 流泪也只想刚好合意 我早已经待在谷底 我知道不能再留住你 也知道不能没有孤寂 感激你让我拥有缺点的美丽 看着那白色的蜻蜓 在空中忘了前进 还能不能重新编织 脑海中起毛球的记忆 再说我爱你 可能雨也不会停 黑色毛衣 藏在那里 就让回忆永远停在那里 --------------------------- By Lmbwy [忘记密码 T_T]
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    一群嗜血的蚂蚁被腐肉所吸引 我面无表情看孤独的风景 失去你 爱开始分明 失去你 还有什麼事好关心 那鸽子不再象徵和平 我终於被提醒 捆著手我现在是奴隶 我用漂亮的押韵形容被掠夺一空的爱情 啊 应该是这里 夜色不乾净 还给你整夜的回忆 在漫天飞行 送你的白色玫瑰 在纯黑的花季凋零 午夜在树枝上诡异的很安静   倾听 我黑色的大衣 像我的你 衣栉比鳞的鬼 走过的走过的生命 啊四周弥漫雾气 啊我在空
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    翻身农奴把歌唱啊~ 终于解放啦.. 两天的假期~ 不晓的你考得怎样类? By Lmbwy
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    Pic.1: 左三圈~右三圈~脖子扭扭~屁股扭扭~~~
    lmbwy 4-9
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    改自《爷爷泡的茶》。。。暴强的文山把歌词改了一下哦!和 爷爷泡的茶 一样轻快好听。。。Enjoy!~ 先听听 爷爷泡的茶 。。 再来听听 我们在成长 看看吧?。。。 《爷爷泡的茶》 点我听:http://www.yephone.com/music/music_files/837_h.wma 曲长:3分58秒 歌词; 山泉在地表蜿蜒 从很久很久以前 我有一张稚气的脸 泉水渗透进矿层岩 爷爷栽种的樟木树苗上面 犹记得那年 在一个雨天 那七岁的我~躲在屋檐却一直想去荡秋千 爷爷抽着烟 说唐朝陆羽写茶
    lmbwy 3-25
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    lmbwy 3-22
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    lmbwy 3-13
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    点我看: http://img.post.mop.com/picture/200501/23/36/3536/20050123202500113.wmv
    lmbwy 3-13
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    开门见山说分手      I want to break up.         It's over.         Don't call me anymore.           There's someone else.          We're not meant for each other.         旁敲侧击说分手      I need some time alone.           We're better off as friends.           You're too good for me.           You deserve a better man/woman.     
    lmbwy 3-13
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    A Lost Chapter of Genesis So God asked Adam, "What is wrong with you?" Adam said he didn't have anyone to talk to. God said that He was going to make Adam a companion and that it would be a woman. He said, "This person will gather food for you, cook for you, and when you discover clothing she'll wash it for you. She will always agree with every decision you make. She will bear your children and never ask you to get up in the middle of the night to take care of them. She will not nag you and will always be the first to admit she was wrong when you've had a disagreement. She will
    lmbwy 3-13
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    嘿嘿!!!我又有一些问题要问了。 做什么事情才算是浪漫呢?大家来给我点意见吧!! 我要学会这个的哦。 谢谢哦~
    lmbwy 3-13
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    Men, summed up: The nice men are ugly. The handsome men are not nice. The handsome and nice men are gay. The handsome, nice and heterosexual men are married. The men who are not so handsome, but are nice men, have no money. The men who are not so handsome, but are nice men with money think we are only after their money. The handsome men without money are after our money. The handsome men, who are not so nice and somewhat heterosexual, don't think we are beautiful enough. The men who think we are beautiful, that are heterosexual, somewhat nice and have money,
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    A Heavy Sleeper   The preacher was vexed because a certain member of his congregation always fell asleep during the sermon.   As the man was snoring in the front row one Sunday, the preacher determined he would teach him not to sleep during the sermon. So, in a whisper, he asked the congregation. "All who want to go to heaven,please rise." Everyone got up except the snorer. After whispering "Be seated", the minister shouted at the top of his voiced, "All those who want to be with the devil, please rise."   Awaking with a start, the sleepy-head jumped to his feet and s
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    点我: http://booso.com/archives/000907.html 吧主曰:看一下这个图。。晓得什么意思了吧?。。。。这也行啊。。 ^( OO )^
    lmbwy 3-13
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    一)蝴蝶邮票 蝶类邮票可分为纯蝶邮票和准蝶邮票.纯蝶邮票是指用写实的手法,准确地描绘蝴蝶的生态及习性.准蝶邮票是用不写实的手法描写,邮票图案不
    lmbwy 1-31
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    陶喆两年没出专辑咯!这次的新专辑以<太平盛世>为名称,大概是对现世的一些期待与自己事业的祝福咯!~呵呵.. 这首<Susan说>听起来怪舒服
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    Morning I love to wake to each new day, And brush my dreams Of night away, And look out through my window wide To see what wea
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    " Bad Day" There was a guy in a bar, just looking at his drink. He stayed like that for half an hour. Then, this big trouble-making tru
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    You Never Know Until You Try, and you never try unless you really try. You give it your best shot, You do the be
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    在去年(2004年)11月发片的“火星人”林冠吟,立刻得到如潮的好评,获得“女周杰伦”的称号~ 和杰伦一样,冠吟包囊了新专辑的几乎所有词曲创作!~才
    lmbwy 1-13
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    LeeHom新专辑的同名歌曲,才华的再次展现— 个人的观点是:开始那段很耐听。。到了高潮那段倒不怎么样了丫~呵呵。。 听:http://189.cn8.cn:10
    lmbwy 1-8
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    堆石头到了这个境界的话......那。。。。~~ 啊!!!好强啊!
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    废话不说啦!瞅准了这个。。好听~没错的 听:http://download.xaonline.com/music/Sunyz/Stefanie/stefanie07.wma 曲长:3分32秒 歌词: 雨后
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    圣诞节就是明天啦!雨还在下个不停喔。不过这不会影响俺们的心情咯!呵呵。。 圣诞节快乐丫!
    lmbwy 12-24

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