31: Dress – Weekday // Beret – second hand 2: Beret – hatstore // Sailor dress – Miss Patina (Two dresses that I always feel pretty in wh
1为甚么现在进个blogg就这么难 完全没有Elinkan讯息 是不是我家电脑有问题
2Today I’ve been to IKEA with my friend Niilo. Always when I go to IKEA I want to eat swedish meatballs, so of course we did that. They also
2Hi, as you might see the site has been redisigned, and I hope you like it cause I do! The blogs are a bit under construction though, and the
8Some of all of the things that makes me happy 1. Flying. There’s such a nice and exciting feeling about it, and my favourite moment is whe
3The dress is from a shop on etsy and the shoes I got as a gift from my dear neighbour Cecilia in Skåne. Right now I have very bright
2Yesterday I took photos of my friend Julia who recently dyed her hair bubblegum pink. She looks like a pairy/princess/manga character and is
4Got this lovely dress from Miss Patina a couple of weeks ago!
2Now I’m home from Skåne where I spent a week at my parents house! It was so nice meeting them again and being spoiled with home made
2A couple of weeks ago I bought an analog camera. It’s very basic an everything, but I think it’s kind of nice. These are some of my first
2I’m continuing with the gif theme today aswell. Here are some pictures of my new wolf tshirt which my grandmother bought for me in Sk&a
10I got home from Helsinki early in the morning yesterday, just in time for school! Helsinki was wonderful with lots of lovely people and grea
3Yesterday I made (and ate!) waffles with Sissel since it was waffle day. We didn’t eat them with jam and whipped cream though, but with a m
4Some pictures from yesterday. I think it’s kind of amazing what nice effects smoke can make in pictures, and I Johanna looks stunning!
6Today I woke up early and had some porridge for braekfast while the sun was shining brighter than ever outside. Today spring arrived for rea
2today I’m this happy, or maybe even happier!
3this is what I looked like today, like a sailor boy! right now I just want the snow to melt away, and that the temperature gets high enough
9This is what I look like today, but happy of course. It’s just that my smile never looks very natural when I take the pictures myself. The
10Old and new photos that I’m tagged in at Facebook!
3The last few days I’ve tried having my hair separated in the middle, and I actually like it! Also, I got a pair of Dr Martens on the post,
4Our friend Lille is visiting in Stockholm, and we celebrate it by having lots and lots of fun
3Saturday – perfect day for coffee, essay writing and fox shaped earrings.
12Today Iäm wearing a dress is from h&m, a blouse from Bikbok, tights from ICA and Beyond Retro. The beret is my cousin Kalle’s ol
2I want it to be spring as soon as possible so that I can walk around in my new shoes without destroying them! Tonight I’m going to be at ho
1The picture is from saturday when we went dancing! I wore my cat t-shirt which is the best party t-shirt. Today I’ve just been to school an
4Today I met the two lovely ladies Miriam and Linnea! 今天,我遇到了那两个可爱的女士们米利暗、Linnea !
6Our wonderful friend Lille was here visiting in the weekend, and she’s makes the most amazing drawings I’ve ever seen. The pictures are fr
1Today I got this wonderful camera case in the mail, it’s a gift from my father. He’s so sweet, and the best at finding those fun things li
81. A picture of how I looked yesterday. The dress I’ve made myself a long time ago and the belt of my grand mother’s old one. 2. Today it