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1719291628Taylor目前乐队: Part I: 萨克斯(+其中一个在SIO的时候被拍屁股) Chad Lefkowitz-Brown & Wayne Tucker & Sylvester Onyejiaka & Raymond Mason Part II:和声 (+蛇精病+翻白眼+神表情) Melanie Nyema & Kamilah Marshall & Clare Turton Derrico & Eliotte Nicole Part III:常驻人员(+自嗨+被你霉拍头) Amos Heller(贝斯+键盘<1989 Era开始>) Pual Sidoti(吉他 & 和声) David Cook(键盘) Mike Meadows(吉他 & 班卓琴Banjo & 键盘) Matt Billingslea(鼓手) 阿姨最爱Paul,Kyle最爱Amos2673关我什么事8320113074102For years, I was never sure if we were friends or not. She would come up to me at the meeting and say something and walk away and I would think, "Are we friends, or did she just kinda bid a simple welcome to me, a stranger in her eyes?" Later, she crossed my line for times. She did something horrible though she'd promised she would never do that again cause I have told her I didn't like it at all. And I was like, "Oh, we're just straight-up enemies." So now I have to avoid her.51622 Things You Learn Hanging Out WithTaylor Swift 和Taylor出去玩所了解到的22件事 From why shedoesn*t take sexy selfies to why she dances at awards shows, here*s what didn*tfit into her third Rolling Stone cover story 从关于为什么她不拍性感自拍照,到为什么她在颁奖礼上跳舞,以下访谈都是她第三次上滚石杂志封面故事的番外篇。 By Josh Eells | September10, 20144综合榜 2015年 第01周 排名 上周 艺术家 专辑 发行 销量 2 NEW 泰勒•史薇芙特 1989 星外星 20190 1白金2http://tieba.baidu.com/p/2782019085?see_lz=11Album 1 - TAYLOR SWIFT Tim McGraw:Can*t Tell Me Nothin Picture To Burn:Date Nice Boys Teardrops On My Guitar:He Will Never Know A Place In This World:I Found It Cold As You:Time To Let Go The Outside:You Are Not Alone Tied Together With A Smile:You Are Loved Stay Beautiful:Shake N Bake Should*ve Said No:Sam Sam Sam Sam Mary*s Song (Oh My My My):Sometimes Love is Forever Our Song:Live N Love Album 2 - FEARLESS (Platinum Edition) Fearless:I Loved You Before I Met You Fifteen:I Cried While Recording This Love Story:Someday I*ll Find This Hey Stephen:Love and Theft White Horse:All I Ever Wanted Wa11Shake it off 一出来时候就好怕,因为和以前相比变化太大。 但自从做了8个outtakes字幕还有几个以sio做bgm死命循环的访谈之后我就对它没那么反感了,3原词: 《Estranged》 When you're talkin' to yourself and nobody's home You can fool yourself You came in this world alone (Alone) So nobody0Reminiscing. 好像以前没有在家外面唱过long live 因为以前去过的k房都没有 高中和舍友唱ls啊ybwm那些k房有的 自己听ll也会脑补大合唱 感觉那是遥远的312月份EW采访 EW:Speaking of next steps, you recently said your next albumis ahead of schedule. Roughly when should that be expected? Taylor:95http://tieba.baidu.com/p/2896663631 嗯嗯 如题 至于HKSRA 虽然自己都估到无hk 但系真正知道冻过水真系失望 唉 财政方面嘅烦恼啦 “钱唔系万能 但系