21夜班医生们正式失业了,因为NBC刚刚取消了夏季医学剧《夜班医生》(The Night Shift)。 据了解,《夜班医生》讲述了一群在圣安东尼奥纪念医院值夜班的急诊医生们的故事。该剧第四季平均有 385 万观众捧场,18-49 岁年龄段收视率 0.7,分别较第三季下跌 30% 和 23%。 " 我们要感谢我们出色的策划人和执行制片人团队,Gabe Sachs 和 Jeff Judah,感谢他们的卓越的工作和奉献精神;感谢首屈一指的演职人员团队;还要感谢新墨西哥州阿尔伯克基市,这座城
39第四季的 音乐插曲,分享云盘和网易歌单,随时更新
10118942S3E1 Still - LUKE SITAL-SINGH Jordan talks with Kelly about Luisa’s situation; TC talks Annie about her job then he tells her about the continuing chill between him and Jordan, she advises to him back off and give her time. 收集在网易歌单里 S3E2 I Of The Storm - OF MONSTERS AND MEN As they jog, TC and Topher discuss Jordan; Jordan gives Shannon advice for work as an intern then Shannon invites Jonah and Sam over, they order shots; Scott bumps into Anne at his AA meeting; Kenny and Gwen come to the conclusion they should break up before Gwen moves to Maryland. 收集在网易歌单里2743一楼~二楼上图213221163链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1c0uCKQs 密码:751z0000第一部分见 http://tieba.baidu.com/p/3634209494 The Choice You Choose - Randy Coleman 很好听!!! 链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1jl4aq 密码:rj9o0第一部分见 http://tieba.baidu.com/p/3675300801 Clifton David Broadbridge Eddie Kramer - Butterfly 链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1gdriOPt 密码:z5d96话说昨天的魔性截屏大家都看到了吧,辣莫,楼主今天翻译实训搞定后没事干就去把视频下载下来了~来来来大家一起看他卖萌~Eoin怀中的狗狗一副皇后娘娘的28Eoin在ins上高兴坏了~92NBC续订《夜班医生 The Night Shift》 来源 http://huo360.com/a/4174011157http://pan.baidu.com/s/1c0GpgT6 密码 8kz2 来源微博 影视资源小生106链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1c0yFa4C 密码:j0d2 来源 美剧插曲妞40I Need A Good Woman -- Elijah Honey暂无 另一首下载在这里 链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1o6Dn0vw 密码:6pbi0259谁有夜班医生片头的那段音乐啊25剧情感觉接不上啊245135201 1.5 202 1.4 203 1.3 204 1.3