00有没有兄弟不玩的 想借号上去看一看 :)5各位兄弟姐妹,各路英雄好汉,各种妖魔鬼怪!一起加入,嗨起来吧!!养老游戏就看她了!!#断裂online#0私我Q,我一个个加10有公会收人吗?我,偶尔打工人一个,最近都有空玩游戏,有缺人的公会吗?4大家好。 我们今天为你准备了一个新的错误修复补丁! 本帖还包括周日发布的热修复补丁的日志,该补丁仅在Discord上披露。13欢迎投稿1131Today’s Patch The main purpose of this patch is to fix an item dupe bug which was reported to us yesterday by a player (thank you!). Sadly, a small group of players decided to exploit it instead of reporting it. The accounts of the culprits, which were most likely doing it for (future) gold selling, have been banned, and all the duped gold has been removed. Adding to the above, we have fixed the following critical bugs: – In-game attribute respecs (from the Character menu) now work correctly and no longer cause players to “lose” attributes. The “last respec” has been reset for all1卡在山脚了1修复了两个主要的错误。 - Terra地图的马,只在强盗营地产生,现在也在丛林中产生(根据设计,只在星球的南/西半部)。 - Aerhen地图上的矿藏,意外地没有包括在第一个世界建设中,又回来了。 其他关键问题,如Terra上玩家城市的市场和农作物不工作(以及更多),将在下一个补丁(19日星期一或20日星期二)中解决。3自昨天 Steam 抢先体验发布以来,我们遇到了游戏服务器使用的两个外部 Web 服务的问题,由于负载,这些服务出现故障,导致了各种问题,详情如下。 我们一直在努力使这些服务按应有的方式“扩展”,并且我们已经取得了重大进展——在一种情况下,我们可能已经完全解决了这些问题。 登录/注销,银行,市场: • 银行不打开或“吃掉”物品。 • 登录失败并需要多次尝试才能成功。 • 注销失败或需要很长时间。 • 市场缓慢或失灵 在补丁发布并18rt,断裂online现已正式在steam上线,如果还不清楚游戏账号如何注册,怎么下载。以及想要汉化游玩的小伙伴,奇游帮你一站式搞定。01开服当天玩的,现在已经过了80000知识点数,昨晚上和朋友在暗影峡谷杀人延迟离谱到定身技能刚放完人就跑了,心态爆炸,有一起转战PVE服的朋友么可以一起。2We have some good news, and some bad ones.The good news is that the improvements to the service that manages Login/Lougout, Banks & Markets have worked perfectly . We have more players logged in than yesterday, and no crashes - actually, there's zero latency there.The bad news is that the improvements to the service that manages Guilds, Parties, Chats & Harbors did very little good. The ones of you who manage to connect to it will experience it all as perfectly functional, the ones who do not will have guilds etc completely non-functional. We will keep working on the latter through011steam丢失GlyphClient.exe文件已经修复6留you箱发5天加 速体验卡给大家~00怎么都开始购买了一点热度都没呀48012文件缺失0游戏今晚开放了,然后STEAM上除了第一个基本的以外,后面3个礼包里面分别是什么内容??01通知:#有做今日开服#转新游戏的# 断裂OL的朋友 出货 请加群244155462明日晚上10点 断裂OL 全球开服。坐标:Steam 类型:新世界+方舟模式大型沙盘类游戏金币需求:前期不大,中期开始大量需求,后期金币需求特别高收费机制:买断或者会员制(例如阿尔比恩)游戏公司:德国米果(上古世纪也是他们的)5011亲爱的各位吧友:欢迎来到断裂online