34684510123114240236594624各位马迷,有没有当初加入Mbiri狮群的那只 Koppies母狮的照片(就是得牛结核死的那只?)8549511441320124513附上原文: Some pics of the 6 Matimba males when they were spending their younger years in Manyeleti, they were growing beautifully during this time, this is also around the time they took over the Mbiri pride and the Talamati pride and began making incurssions into northern Sabi Sands, attracted by the Nkuhuma females. 翻译: 这是 6 只 Matimba 雄象在 Manyeleti 度过年轻时光时的一些照片,它们在这段时间里成长得非常好,这也是它们接管 Mbiri 狮群和 Talamati 狮群并开始入侵萨比沙北部的时候,它们受到 Nkuhuma 雌狮的吸引84846有的说可能都是马特的422632011